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Dr. Albert J. Bernstein, bestselling author and Emotional Vampire-slayer, reveals the secrets that will protect you from these creatures of darkness. Detailing a whole range of disordered personality types, Bernstein shows you how to spot the Vampires in your life and equips you with a range of toon meer defense strategies that are guaranteed to keep the blood-suckers from draining you dry. Albert J. Bernstein, Ph.D., is the bestselling author of Dinosaur Brains Neanderthals at Work, and Sacred Bull. He is a clinical psychologist, speaker, columnist, and business consultant. toon minder

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{W}hen people are driving themselves crazy, they have neuroses or psychoses. When they drive other people crazy, they have personality disorders.

In this book, psychologist Bernstein describes the five personality disorders that most often drain (i.e. the “vampire” of the title) people’s emotional energy: antisocial, histrionic, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive and paranoid. It’s very interesting and applicable but I’m left feeling muddled; his organization of the material and his repetition among the various disorders did not enhance clarity.… (meer)
DetailMuse | 6 andere besprekingen | Jan 31, 2017 |
I found this book at a time when I really needed it. I was dealing with a psychopath at work, a man who left behind him decades of human wreckage. Ruined careers, wounded souls, emptier wallets, and incredibly anger were his legacy. Yet he maintained a veneer of cordiality, the very picture of a gentleman.

I accepted the task of mastering him. The company needed a software project completed in spite of this man, and they were willing to pay top dollar to the person willing and able to take him on... and win. I had met his type before, but hardly knew anyone so miserable as he seemed to be.

Other books and life experiences gave me a good framework for understanding power in relationships. This book gave me key insights into what went on inside the minds of the "stuffed suit" guys who had serious personality disorders.
… (meer)
Ponygroom | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 17, 2016 |
Les vampires affectifs excellent à vous faire croire qu'ils sont des gens tout à fait ordinaires. Ils sont partout, au bureau, dans votre famille, parmi vos amis et peut-être même dans votre lit. Intelligents, talentueux et charismatiques, ils gagnent votre confiance et votre cœur pour mieux s'emparer de votre énergie vitale. Mais, rassurez-vous, tout n'est pas perdu : plus vous apprendrez à connaître ces vampires et moins ils auront d'emprise sur vous. Explorant une vaste gamme de personnalités et de réactions humaines, Albert J. Bernstein vous enseigne comme reconnaître les narcissique nombrilistes, les antisociaux hédonistes et les paranoïaques épuisants. A l'aide de judicieux conseils psychologiques et beaucoup d'humour, il vous propose des stratégies pour éloigner de vous ces créatures de l'ombre. Grâce à cet ouvrage, vous reconnaîtrez à coup sûr les vampires affectifs et acquerrez la confiance nécessaire pour affronter les êtres les plus épuisants de votre vie en vous en tirant sans la moindre égratignure.… (meer)
paoloboselli | Apr 30, 2016 |
I am surrounded by them, they suck the energy right out of my day and I am left feeling drained and exhausted from exchanges with them. �Haven't you ever spent time with someone that left you feeling empty ? They are Vampires, emotional vampires. I know they are real and they are not afraid of the light.�
This books shows you ways to spot them and how to deal with their energy draining ways. It is light, funny and yet very serious. It amazed my that many vampiric types have serious mental disorders. Many easy to read patterns.�The Antisocial vampire, the histrionic vampire, narcissistic vampire, obsessive compulsive vampire, and my personal favorite the paranoid vampire. Yes, they do mix it up and combine life draining ways to mess with you. Don't worry there is a lot of help offered here for you. You can deal with them without getting turned yourself.
What if you find that you are an emotional vampire �? �Oh no, don't get squeamish now. There are cures for that, you will be able to walk in the sun. �Your eyes will be opened and you can recover you humanity. Yes, readers I found some flaws in myself that need some work. I will file those fangs down in the future.
I loved this book, LOVED IT. It was the best book I've read in years on dealing with difficult people. It was so entertaining and light hearted, and even had me laughing many times. I wish I had read this years ago the knowledge here is fabulous.
… (meer)
TheYodamom | Jan 29, 2016 |


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