Afbeelding auteur

John Brindley

Auteur van The Rule of Claw

15 Werken 167 Leden 5 Besprekingen


Werken van John Brindley

The Rule of Claw (2009) 57 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
City of Screams (2008) 27 exemplaren
Changing Emma (2002) 16 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Starry-eyed and Screaming (2003) 15 exemplaren
Living the Dream (2004) 11 exemplaren
Legend (2009) 9 exemplaren
Rhino Boy (2000) 8 exemplaren
Beyond the Stars (2005) 7 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Blood Crime (2010) 5 exemplaren
The Terrible Quin (1998) 2 exemplaren
Out of Control (2006) 2 exemplaren
Wings For The World 2 exemplaren
Turning to Stone (1999) 1 exemplaar
Court In The Act 1 exemplaar


Algemene kennis

20th Century



Posted to my Livejournal in January 2009:

This science fiction novel is part survival story, part dystopia, and part slightly annoying treatise on the perils of genetic manipulation and environmental ignorance. Ash barely remembers a time before the ASP camp, where she and other kids have taken refuge on the beach after tumultuous events none of them remember. The adults disappeared long ago into the jungle, never to return. All that's left of them is the wire fences marked Admittance Strictly Prohibited and a set of commandments to follow. The fences protect them from dangerous mutant plants and insects on the other side, and it is strongly hinted even in the beginning that some of the horrible creatures on the other side of the fence were once the adults. A series of events -- including the death of one camp member -- brings this little camp to the attention of the Raptors, a race of clawed bird-people, who kidnap Ash because they want to use her in their war (the blue raptors and the yellow raptors are having a war based on mutual ignorance of each other). Ash discovers other races living on the island and tries to bring them all together peacefully, and in the process she learns the truth behind their island camp and what's become of humanity. (Hint: it's pretty bad. Oh, and adults are evil.). The book has tons of fast-paced action, clipped sentences, and short, short chapters, making it a very quick read. It has an awesome cover, too, and so I think it'd be a good pick for reluctant readers. It gets didactic, especially when the evil adults show up at the end, but I didn't really care, because a lot of the adventure was awesome. If I had to try to think of a cool tag line, I would say this is kind of like Lost meets Jurassic Park.… (meer)
Crowinator | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 23, 2013 |
Review available on goodreads!

2.5/5 stars

This book was...weird. Nothing like I expected. It took me a good 200 pages to actually get into the book, and even then I struggled to keep reading. I had no idea what was going on for most of the book, but I think that's the point. You know as much as the teenagers, the Agles, do. You find out what's going on as Ash does. Usually, I enjoy that in a book. It makes you keep reading to figure out what's going on. But here it was so unclear that it backfired. It didn't help that the language was choppy, to mimic the Agle's way of speech, until the Rodents came in. It was really interesting to see the different species try to communicate and it was a great way to show modern day language barriers and how different cultures have different ways of living and speaking and it can start wars. Like how the yellow raptors think nodding your head is an insult and shaking your head is friendly, but the blue raptors think the opposite.

I really don't know what to think of this book. In some ways, it was brilliant. A way of showing us how messing with genes can be dangerous, much like in Jurassic Park. The imagery was beautiful, with so many different colors and carnivorous plants and bugs in the jungle. But the characters were boring. I think I felt most for Little Three the Raptor, and you barely see her at all. She doesn't play too big of a part in the story, at least not until the very end. Most of the characters are jerks. I really wanted to punch Jon and most of the kids from the ASP camp and the members of the Ark. No one listened. I guess that's how people really are, especially when emotionally unstable and with access to guns and flame throwers, but it just seemed so exaggerated that it was more annoying than believable.

There wasn't a whole lot explained, but I guess that's because there's a sequel, which I will not be reading. I mean, we know a bit of what happened and of Helix's plans and what he has done to the world, but what about why Tori has suddenly gained this new power and what does that mean. How did these two kids not know what getting pregnant meant but knew how to get pregnant? It's the little things that are bothering me. I don't know if it's because I just don't know what to feel about this book or what, but I just had a hard time truly enjoying this book.
… (meer)
Ravencrantz | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 8, 2013 |
I wasn't sure I was going to like this book. And at first, I didn't. The way the children spoke really put me off as a reader. It was very hard for me to keep my attention going, and I found myself re-reading things to get what was being said. However, as the story progressed towards the middle that eased a bit, and I was glad I stuck with it. It turned out to be a very exciting journey. One I look forward to continuing.
justablondemoment | 2 andere besprekingen | Oct 27, 2010 |
Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck.

A decent idea, maybe. A teenage girl, who used to be on the outside, more concerned about school than fashion, changes completely when her father wins the lottery. Unfortunately, Brindley couldn't write a decent sentence if it crawled into his head and hit him repeatedly around the brain.

They're short. And snappy. And make it very hard to get a complete picture of anything.

On top of the, the characters are completely over the top and often act without any motivation whatsoever. If I ever have to open this book again, I think I might kill myself.… (meer)
1 stem
melwil_2006 | May 10, 2006 |

Misschien vindt je deze ook leuk



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