Afbeelding auteur

Mildred Carter (–2005)

Auteur van Lichaamsreflexologie genezen van top tot teen

6 Werken 432 Leden 10 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Mildred Carter is a professional reflexologist Tammy Weber is a licensed reflexologist

Bevat de naam: Carter Mildred

Werken van Mildred Carter


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What this book can do for ur
1 How reflexology works
Healing forces released through reflexology
Reflexology usable by anyone
2 Guide to reflexology charts for the body
Explanation of chart 1, 2, 3, 4
Summary of charts
3 The benefitsof reflex massage
Electrical nature of reflexes
Why early man was healthier
Author's husband struck with heart atttack
How author reclaimed youthfulnes
Limitless applications of reflexology-Kidneys, ovaries, and hemorrhoids healed; Epileptic seizures; From heart weakness to rejuvenation; Reflexology benefits for older people; Cataracts of the eyes; Female disorders; Reflexology for pets
4 Effective reflex massage techniques
The ideal envionment
Length of reflexology treatment
Location of reflexes
How to locate reflexes
Palm reflexes
Reflex remote control
Basic points to bear in mind
European methods vs. reflexology massage-Scars as a source of body disturbance
5 Reflex massage of the toes
Finding the pituitary reflex-Pineal gland; Further techniques with the big toe
Throat and tonsil reflexes-Case of sore throat healed
Headaches and eye weakness
Reflexes of the eyes
Ear reflexes
Sinus reflexes
6 Reflex techniques for the spine
Relief of back tensions or pain
Reflexes for full length of spine
Case histories of spinal healings-The author's experience
Unlimited massage time for the back-Case history of a serious back situation and its healing
7 Massage of thyroid gland reflexes
The importance of the thyroid
Reflexes of the parathyroids
8 Reflexes to lungs and bronchial tubes
9 How to handle stomach reflexes
Stomach reflex techniques
How to cope with ulcers-Reported reflexology healings of ulcers
10 Reflexes to adrenal glands andkidneys
A special technique
How the kidneys affect various body parts
11 Reflexes to pancreas and spleen
A special reflex technique
Warning for diabetics
Reflex for the speen-Anemic conditions
Cause of anemia
12 How to handle reflexes for the liver
Warnings about a sluggish liver
How to cope with gallbladder conditions
Case history of chronic fatigue overcome
13 Conditioning reflexes for the heart
Relaxation with reflexology
Some causes of death from heart trouble
Cases of recoveries from heart trouble-Case history of heart and stress conditions eased
14 Solar plexus reflexes
Special technique
Massaging the diaphragm reflex
15 Reflexing the appendix and ileocecal valve
Proper reflex techniques
Reported recoveries from appendicitis
The important ileocecal valve
A case of food allergy healed
Case history of a sinus condition healed
16 Reflexes in the small intestine
Special reflex techniques
17 Reflexes to the colon
How the colon works
Colon reflex techniques-Varicose veins
18 Reflex to the bladder
Techniques for bladder reflex
Bladder disorders helped-Case history of bladder trouble healed
19 Reflexes to sex glands and organs
Special techniques-reflexes on both feet; Sex organ reflex techniques
Sex gland functions
20 Reflex es to prostrate gland
Functions of the prostate gland
Benefits of prostate reflex condioning
Special prostate reflex technique
Prostate trouble gives no advance publicity
Cases of prostate healing-How a stubborn case of "prostate" was healed
21 Reflex relief for hemorrhoids
Reflex techniques-Massaging the cord
22 Reflex to the sciatic nerve
Reflex techniques
Sciatic nerve pointers
Working up to the knee area
An additional reflex from the back
Reflex area back of ankle
A case of sciatic heaing
23 Reflex to condition the lymph glands
What lymph glnds do
24 How to condition reflexes for general rejuvenation
Male and female hormones
How to make reflexology your rejuvenator
A case of "hot flashes" healed-How the reflexes worked to rejvenate; A case of senility helped
25 How reflexology helps healthof al glands
?The glnads as watchdogsof th body-What tirednessindicates
The seven endocrine gland watchdogs
The rewards of harmonizing yur gland acitvities-Pituitary gland; Pineal gland; Thyroid gland; Parathyroid glands; Thymus gland; Adrenal glands; Gonads
Case histories of arthritis healed
26 Reflex tonics for ovecoming fatigue
The busy house-The pituitary; The adrenals; Sex glands; Conditioning the spleen
Final brushups
Consider the family-restoring the bread winner's energies
What to do for exhausing shopping trips
A case history of overcoming shopping exhaustion
Quick energy pickup for travel exhaustion
Reflexology tips when traveling with the family
Reflexology for campers-Heart attacks while out in the field
Reflexology for leg cramps
Hot weather fatigue
27 How to have more "go power" with reflexology
How to get started for the day
Reflexology, the natural primer
Why the whole body must be reflexed
How reflexology revitalizes all of you
28 How mental health can be improved with reflexology
The rule of relaxation for mental health
Reflex massage for mental benefits
How to improve your dispositon
Reflexology break vs. coffee break-The disposition of the male
Extreme mental cases helped
A case of cerebral palsy helped
Overcoming mental depression-A case of depression healed
… (meer)
AikiBib | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 14, 2022 |
Now a perfect health and freedom form pain are as close as yur fingertips!

Here, in an eye-opening new guide, internationally known health expert Mildred Carter reveals her new system of total Body Refelxology, which she claims can bring aid to your worst illnesses in minutes.

Like her widely acclaimed systems of hand and foot reflexology, body reflexology uses special reflex massage technques that send healing flows of energy to afflicted areas. But now, with this new method, you also see how to use certain reflex 'buttons' in your head, arms, legs-and other areas of the body-to gain more relief from more problems than ever before, says Mrs. Carter.

Your body, she explains, is controlled by an electrical system that is connected to every organ, gland and nerve. When these life lines shut down, glands, organs and muscles malfunction, and illness may strike.

But now, through this indispensable guide, she shows you exaclty what reflex 'buttons' you should massage to open up these lines, and help speed up your body's own natural healing agents.

The quick, easy, proven way to relieve 34 major illnesses!

Without expensive equipment or special training, you can enjoy immediate relief from 34 common illnesses, says Mrs. Carter. Fully explained with dozens of step-by-step, illustrative pictures and diagrams, her methods can, she claims, rid your body of:

Headaches; Toothaches; Constipation; Earaches; Sore throats; Stomach problems; Shortness of breath; Arthritis; backaches; Flu symptoms; Hemorrhoids; Heart pains; Hiccups; Sciatica; Childbirth pains; Kidney problems; Liver problems; Colon problems; Gallstones; Wrinkles; Cold symptoms; Asthma; Ulcers; Painful knees; Sneezing; Age lines

...and much, much more.

In addition, she continues you see how easy-to-learn reflex massage can stimualte the growth of thick, rich hair, help overcome male and female impotency, and even give you a complete at-home face lift for unsurpassed vitality and youthfulness.

Thousands of documented cases prove it works!

According to Mrs. Carter the simple art of body reflexology has givennew life to thousands of people suffering from painfull illnesses. Just open the book, and you find doxens of documented case histories that prove its effectiveness.

One man, for example, used body reflexology to ease his nagging back pain in minutes! A woman passed a stone after only ten minutes of massage! And a minister now enjoys a full head of hair after ten years of baldness!-all as a result of body reflexology, she says.

Here, in short, is the best, most effective and easy-to-use way to strat living the kind of healthy, happy life you deserve. Simply follow these tested technques and complete step-by-step instructions, Mildred Carter says, and you too can enjoy complete freedom form pain and illness faster than you ever thought possible!

Here, at last, is a system of reflexology for the whole body. According to reflexology expert Mildred Carter, you can use this system in minutes to relieve the pain and discomfort of 34 different illnesses. Completely safe and easy to use, these methods help send healing bursts of energy to ailing glands, organs and muscles, says Mrs. Carter, and promote renewed health, vigor and youthfulness.

Mildred Carter, a professional reflexologist for over 20 years, is the author of Healing Yourself with Foot Reflexology and Hand reflexology: Key to Perfect Health. Through these two landmark volumes she has established herself as one of the world's leading health experts, and has cured many thousands of people, in many countries, of dozens of illnesses.


A word from the author
1 How reflexolgy works to help the body heal itself
How reflexology orks; Treat the slightest twinge of pain; Scientific evidence that reflexology works; Science explains why reflexology works; Many have been helped
2 How to use certain exercises to stimulate the reflexes on the head
Technique for massaging the reflexes in the head; Adjustment of the skull; The all-important medulla oblongata; Special body warmer reflexes
3 Techniques for massaging reflexes all over the body
Body reflexes; How to massage body reflexes for the most effective results
4 How to use reflexology on the ears
The ear and its acupoints; Stimulating reflexes on the ears; How to help tinnitus; The reflex buttons that help hearing
5 How to use reflex massage on the tongue
The importance of the reflexes in the tongue; Checking corresponding reflexes; The value of tongue pulling; Tongue brushing
6 How teeth can be helped with reflexology
An effective toothpaste; How I make my tooth cleaner; Stopping a toothache
7 How to use reflexology on the eyes for better eyesight
My tapes for blind people; Stimulating the kidneys; Massaging eye reflexes for better eyesight; An all-natural eye wash; Palming to help the eyes; Eye exercise
(Photo section is on pages 65-94)
8 Diet, vitamins, and reflexology
Brewer's yeast: Wonder food; The value of blackstrap molasses; Weat germ, a wonder food; The wonder of yogurt; The importnace of liquid golden oils for sustained energy and smaller waistlines; Powered milk, also a wonder food; The wonder food called lecithin; The importance of vitamin A; Vitamen C, the miracle vitamin; Garlic, a miracle food: the value of herbs; Dangers of too much protein; electrical vibrations from live food affect your health
9 How to conquer arthritis with reflexology
Children can give treatmens; viamin C, bacteria, and arthritis; Never accept defeat; How to use deep muscle therapy for arthritis; Muscles, not nerves, cause cripping; How deep muscle massage helps arthritis; the importance of the endocrine system; How to stimualte natural cortisone; Special reflexes for hip and sciatica; Reflexology for the knees; How to massage knee reflexes
10 How reflexology stimulates the endocrine glands
the importance of the endocrine glands; The pituitary; The pineal gland; The thyroid gland; The parathyroids; The thymus gland; Testing for positive life energy; The adrenal glands; The gonads-the sex glands
11 How reflexology can strengthen an ailing heart and blood circulation
Reflex points to help the hrart and circulatin; Deep muscle therapy for the heart; How diet helps the heart and prevents strokes; Nature's stimulator; Reflexology in cases of emergency; Reflexology test for possible heart problems
12 How reflexology can help the stomach and digestion
Reflexes to the stomach; Relief from ulcers with reflexology
13 How reflexology can help the colon
Fatal illness can begin in the colon; Troubles of the colon; Using reflex massage for the colon; Other remedies for the colon; Sauerkrat-a healing agent; enemas for problems in the colon
14 How to use reflex massage to relieve back pain
Low back pain is the largest single medical complaint in the United States; How to massage the tender buttons; Why other treatments sometimes fail; Low back pain is caused by tight muscles in the hamstrings
15 How reflexology can strengthen the liver
Hand and foot massage; How the liver resists; Liver reflexes also help the gallbladder; Head reflexes to the liver
16 How reflexology can help the pancreas and spleen
Helping the pancreas; Helping the spleen
17 Reflexology to help ailing kidneys and bladder
Helping the kidneys; Help for a bladder; Protein related to kidney stones
18 Reflexology and he sex glands (gonads)
Sex is important to beauty; The importance of love; Body reflexes to stimualte sex glands for men and women; Massage of the arms and legs; The back; Using reflex tongue probe; Overcoming impotencey in men; Your voice affects your masculine vitality; Reflexology to build healthy sex organs in the male; How to help a stubborn case of prostate trouble; How to be a great lover; How to convert sex energy into finer forces; How to use reflexology for painless childbirth
19 How to cure hemorrhoids with reflexology
Using foot reflexes; Using hand reflexes; Reflexes of the heel pad
20 How to use reflexology to relieve asthma
Using body relflexes for asthma; Reflexes to the adrenal gland; An additional help for asthmatics; Refelxology helps emphysema; Music helps the breath
21 Treating caughs and colds with body reflexology
Using hand reflexes; Exploring the tongue; Help for other symptoms
22 How reflexology can cure a headach
Using hand reflexes; Using foot reflexes; Dealing with frequent headaches; Other methods for headaches; How to cure a migraine headache; Fainting or dizzy spells
23 How to use special reflexology devices to relieve pain
eflex foot massager; Reflex roller massager; Reflex hand probe; Magic reflex massager; Tongue cleaner; Palm massager; Reflex comb; Reflex clamps; Tongue depressor or probe; Wire brush stimulates reflexes; the miracle of the miniature trampoline; Bed raisers
24 Reflexology's sensational way to beauty
The importance of being beautiful; An aid to skin beauty; A di-it-iyourself face ift at home; A touch for beauty; Help for acne
25 How to use reflexology for beautiful and halthy hair
Energizing hair roots; How to massage reflexes to the hair; stimualting hair follicles
26 How to take care of and develop beautiful breasts
Massaging the breasts; Massaging reflexes; Reversing massage
Conclusion: Heal thyself and thy neighbor
… (meer)
AikiBib | 3 andere besprekingen | May 29, 2022 |
According to reflexology expert Mildred Carter, you can use this system in minutes to relieve the pain and discomfort og 34 different illnesses. Completely safe and easy to use, these methods help send healing healing bursts of energy to ailing glands, organs and muscles, and promote renewed health, vigor and youthfulness.
CenterPointMN | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2018 |
According to reflexology expert Mildred Carter, you can use this system in minutes to relieve the pain and discomfort og 34 different illnesses. Completely safe and easy to use, these methods help send healing healing bursts of energy to ailing glands, organs and muscles, and promote renewed health, vigor and youthfulness.
CenterPointMN | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2018 |

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