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April Cassidy is a wife, mother of two, part-time pharmacist, and blogger in Columbia, South Carolina. She grew up in the Southern Baptist church and graduated from the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy. April started both The Peaceful Wife and The Peaceful Single Girl blogs in 2012. toon meer Visit her website at toon minder

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Monday, February 8, 2016
The Peaceful Wife: Living in Submission to Christ as Lord by April Cassidy, © 2016

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

"I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea." (Isaiah 48:17-18)

April Cassidy brings an insight into being the woman God intends for you to be ~ wholly dependent upon Him for all avenues of our life.

Book Releases Today - Celebrate With Me!
"I am a wife who loves God wholeheartedly and who wants to relate my personal, life-changing experience with Jesus Christ and the Bible." ~ April Cassidy

April's contacts:
The Peaceful Wife, Peaceful Single Girl, Twitter, Facebook: Peaceful Wife Blog

My Review:
What is missing in my want-to and my doing? How many times have I said or done something that was not my intent to come across that way; even I am surprised? My tone of voice, my impatient humph or eye-rolling? Am I listening?

I begin reading, and... there it is! Do all as onto the Lord. Of course, I know that ~ am I too comfortable at home? Do I treat others better and those next to me poorly? Not all the time, but I do ~ am I preoccupied, doing what "I" do? One example is bringing my husband to a celebration meal during the holidays with people he did not know well. Getting home and mentioning a conversation, he did not know it was directed to him and had not heard until about mid-way in the conversation. May I be more attentive and inclusive, more aware to all I am missing and not seeing. To be more observant.

Communication is key. To share your hearts, your relationship with Christ will come through your actions. I liked how April shows both sides ~ love for the wife and respect for the husband, in the Lord's design. She begins by sharing her early perception of her marriage and how it was misunderstood. Her husband worked long hours ~ his job, sending out his resumé for work related to his training, and remodeling their older home. April had injured her back and was unable to do what she had fully been doing. She took his exhaustion as ignoring, while he felt he was caring for her, providing and accomplishments for them, being careful of her physical state.

April talks of unmet expectations ~ unspoken how she thought it would be. Responsibility changed their focal from their dating days. I would say this book is like a friend sharing common feelings and how to apply God's Word in misconceptions and to relearn God's principles of freedom and peace that come by following His Word. Through examples, the outlook of her husband's response to respect and her filling from identifying and receiving being loved are expressed.

Not dwelling on changing the other person, but focusing on our following the Lord changes us resulting in a difference in how we treat the other person. The focus is off ourselves, and pleasing in submission to the Lord and His guidance. Value beyond "my way."

Here is what is covered in the chapter contents: 1. Our Story; 2. Finding the Missing Piece of the Puzzle; 3. Let's Be Honest; 4. The Absolute Lordship of Christ; 5. God's Beautiful Design; 6. Recognizing Disrespect; 7. Acknowledging Our Sin; 8. My Husband Shares His Heart; 9. Learning the Language of Respect; 10. A Smorgasbord of Respect; 11. Communicating Our Desires Respectfully; 12. Respecting Our Husbands During Conflict; 13. Sharing the Journey. Appendix: Reaching a Husband Who Doesn't Know Christ; Notes; For Further Study; About the Author.

Gratitude for not having to seek out our own path! God's wisdom far outreaches ours. I looked forward to reading April's book. She was given permission to share the outlook from other women from interaction on her online blog. No matter your age or length of marriage, God desires His design for our lives. An engaged couple would benefit from this book. These subjects might not be brought up during excitement of marrying each other and expecting your relationship not to change from your dating experience together.

author April Cassidy: "I write about being a surrendered wife, Christian marriages, Godly submission, femininity, helpmeet, and modesty."

***Thank you to Kregel Tour for inviting me to be part of reviewing The Peaceful Wife and sending me a print copy of the book. This review was written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***
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lanehillhouse | 2 andere besprekingen | Feb 9, 2016 |
I am so glad that I was chosen to read and review this book. I wish that I had it 23 years ago when I met my husband. Although we had gone through pre marital counseling through the church it still didn't prepare us enough. Every bride is focused on the wedding and her fairytale but we really need to be focused on God and how he is number one. This book was eye opening. I know after reading this book that I have the most patient loving husband in the world. I was shocked to realize just like the author that I had been doing everything wrong when it came to being the godly wife we are all to be. It was very easy for me to relate to the author. As a RN I was in charge at work and at home not realizing this was not the way it was supposed to be in God's eyes. This book puts everything into perspective. We need to have God first and things will work out the way he has planned for us not what we have planned. I loved how to says " silence doesn't always mean agreement". She recommends that we all start a journal. She states that at first it can be painful to put into words how disrespectful we have been to our husbands. We may not even realize we are hurting them. When we marry we become one and need to work together. Loved the reference to pairs figure skating and how the man does the lifts and the women is graceful and elegant. If things were reversed it would be a disaster! "Equal value Equal importance" Another powerful quote that will have you reading over and over again is found on page 97. " I can respectfully share my desires, ideas, needs, emotions, concerns, and wisdom with my husband: then I have the freedom and the power to trust God to work through my husband's leadership to do what is ultimately best for me, our family and God's Kingdom".
Another very important part of this book warns women about dangerous situations and how to seek help. We are not doormats or punching bags! This book distinguishes the two and how to get help if needed. Thank you so much for this book April Cassidy I know it will help and save many marriages.
I recieved this book from The BookClub Network for an honest opinion.
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Penny_Burns_Marks | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 25, 2016 |
I wonder where this book was when I got married thirty-two years ago? Would I have actually read it and applied it to my marriage? Could I have given up my strong-willed I am in charge attitude? I know the answers to these questions and I'm thankful that I have a husband who is patient and loves me unconditionally . I was so focused on being in charge and pointing out things my husband was doing wrong, I forgot to focus on what God had designed a wife to be.

As I read this book, I kept thinking that this book is all about me once upon a time. We can sometimes get so focused on what our spouse is or is not doing, that we become the leader in the marriage and soon that causes big problems. We are to helpmates; not take on the man's role. God has specific roles for each of us, but when we step out of our roles, strife and a struggle for control ensues.

I loved the honesty and transparency the author wrote about her struggles and how she overcame them. We all sin, but the good news is that God forgives us. He wants and desires for us to have a Godly marriage. She talks about some of the causes of MARITAL POWER STRUGGLE . I could relate to each one and know I still need work in some of the areas . I was encouraged as I read the book and know that I will continue to go back through the book to reflect on His wisdom and unconditional love. "My level of respect and biblical submission toward my husband is a direct indication of my level of reverence for and submission to Jesus Christ." When I read that sentence, I stopped for a minute to really let that soak in. It is nothing to do with our husband, but rather what our character is.

"You will get the most out of this book if you can chew in it slowly and think deeply about yourself and what God is speaking to your heart , allowing Him time and freedom to highlight certain areas for you." Thank you for a book that encourages us and helps us become the wife God designed us to be. "My goal is not ultimately to please my husband ..... My goal is to bring great joy to my Lord Jesus."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.
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Harley0326 | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 27, 2015 |


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