Afbeelding van de auteur.

Wynne Channing

Auteur van What Kills Me (What Kills Me, #1)

3 Werken 141 Leden 28 Besprekingen Favoriet van 1 leden

Over de Auteur


Werken van Wynne Channing


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Gangbare naam
Channing, Wynne
Korte biografie
Wynne Channing is a national newspaper reporter and young adult novelist.

Wynne loves telling stories and as a journalist, she has interviewed everyone from Daniel Radcliffe and Hugh Jackman to the president of the Maldives and Duchess Sarah Ferguson. The closest she has come to interviewing a vampire is sitting down with True Blood's Alexander Skarsgard (he didn't bite).

She briefly considered calling her debut novel "Well" so then everyone would say: "Well written by Wynne Channing."



You have got to read this book, OMG!

It has been a long time since I have read such an awesome vampire story. And vampire books are my favorite genre. But by far this is the best book about vampires that I have read in years. Please don't pass this book by, put it on your to read list, you will be glad you did trust me.
JKJ94 | 26 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2023 |
What Kills Me encompasses everything we loved about vampire books in the mid-2000s, and everything we are now super embarrassed about. Is it enjoyable? Sure, if you’re here for the instalove and a protagonist of incredible power that never wanted this to begin with. What Kills Me is all tropes and no substance. It’s good for a certain kind of read, but it’s not a book you’re going to remember after you’re done reading.

I know that sounds a bit harsh, but it’s the genre. Teenage vampire love story in the style of Stephanie Meyer – you can only expect a certain amount of greatness. It fills that hole where you want something ridiculous but tempting and exciting, I guess. As a reader, I have a very difficult time with books that completely bypass any attempt to remain realistic in favor of creating what the author considers an exciting story. So, for me, What Kills Me was not a great read.

If I’m being honest, the title is even frustrating me as I’m trying to write this review. I just want to keep saying “what kills me about this book“, but that’s the actual title. What kills me about What Kills Me is that there’s no substance to it, the characters are flat as pancakes, and just for once can we try to do a well-rounded vampire story that’s not all about falling madly in love and being converted, not necessarily in that order? If you enjoy the style of book, in the rush of Twilight wannabes from a decade ago, then you’ll like What Kills Me just fine. It entertains enough for lovers of the genre.

Three things that I can’t get past: Axelia, Lucas, and the author’s research. Let’s start with our protagonist. Axelia’s journey is one too many coincidences. The way her progression is set up is so uncomfortably regimented that she feels less like a character in this world, and more like a puppet at the author’s fingertips. The magic of a good book is that we can’t tell the characters are puppets – they feel so real. Her demeanor really irked me as well. Call me jaded, but I have pretty limited tolerance for a “chosen one” protagonist who gets all of the breaks and none of the struggles. If anything, I start to root against them.

Now let’s talk about Lucas. It would’ve been awfully nice for Channing to have given the love interest just a little bit of personality. It’s a bit like watching those old Disney animated films, where Prince Charming comes in to save the day, but he has about as much personality as an old sock. Disney’s princes got better, and I expect the same from my books, thank you very much. The progression of his relationship with Axelia makes absolutely no sense, as everything that happens between them should really drive them apart instead of together. Once again, an instance of fitting a genre rather than writing a good book.

Finally, the research.

Listen, I know if you’re trying just to write a semi-decent paranormal romance, you’re probably not thinking about researching your setting too much. Still, I’ve never even been to Italy, and even I could tell some of the details were completely invented. This may be a bit unfair, but all of the settings in the book felt like they were plucked from sappy romance films or romcoms. Distances didn’t make any sense, food choices didn’t fit in with the setting, behavior of strangers and people around the protagonist wasn’t culturally accurate… it’s a classic silhouette of an author who goes “I have a great idea, I’m going to write a book” and then sits down to write out the entire book without using any frame of reference outside their own imagination. I know it’s the historian me that gets agitated by this, but it really bothers me to find this sort of situation when I read a book.

I have to give Channing a little bit of credit though. As much as I think What Kills Me is not a quality read, nor was it something that I couldn’t get through. Believe me, if the writing was too unpolished to read, I would’ve DNF’d it. At a very technical level, the writing is fine. I hate to say this, but that’s not something you always find in self-published books, so it was nice to see.

I also have to be honest and say that the paranormal vampire romances have never really been my jam. I can see where in 2004, this would’ve been a great read for folks impatient between Twilight and whatever the next book is. Eclipse? Sarah, if you are reading this, I’m sorry for not knowing these things. What I’m saying is: some people really love this kind of story, and others don’t understand the hype. I’m one of the latter.

Nostalgic for a quick, completely unrealistic teenage vampire love story where danger lurks around every corner? Sure, give What Kills Me a try. Personally, I am all set with this trilogy.
… (meer)
Morteana | 26 andere besprekingen | Feb 25, 2022 |
I am a Super Vampire. So, why am I locked up with Lucas in an empty room, while the Empress and her cronies decide our fate?

They can’t kill me or they all die.


Spoiler Alert: I Am Forever is the sequel to What Kills Me. I will do my best to give little or nothing away, because I feel this book is even better than the first and I would like you to experience it for yourself.

The covers for Wynne’s books are beautiful. I love the colors and the effect of shattered glass. It’s an indication of what is to come as Axelia continues her battle to stay alive and retain her freedom.

Wynne writes in such vivid detail, I can breathe in the heavy scent of the botanical garden through the thick humid air. I can feel the moisture beading on my skin and dripping down my back. It is easy to relate to the excellent description, when you live in a Gulf state, as I do.

Her description of the doctor looking like Ernie from Sesame Street had me laughing out loud.

Wynne describes how vampires date by comparing it to Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti. I bet that is a visual that will take you a while to erase from your mind.

Ever since the accident that made her a vampire, the Sacriva’s prophecy has ruled her life:

A human girl will be reborn a vampire. She will shed the blood of all those who walk in darkness. She will be the first. She will mean the death of all Vampires.

Axelia – not only was she super powerful, she was also immune to the sun. She didn’t need to breathe, but her senses were heightened and she would do it just to enjoy the smells. She had been a seventeen year old high school student, until two weeks ago. Now she is a God, but she would give her life for Lucas.

Lucas – incredibly brave. He made Axelia feel safe, having saved her life more than once. He stuck to her like glue and would die for her.

Wynne keeps me on the fence about Uther. Is he good? Is he bad? Is he trustworthy and naive or just evil? You will have to read for yourself to find out.

But the Empress, I know what she is. My question is – does Axelia?

I was disappointed in Axelia’s actions with the Empress, but I kept saying to myself, “She is seventeen years old and has only been a Vampire for two weeks.” How would I react? Or you?

Axelia’s story kept getting better. Wynne manages to have me laughing, even as heads are flying – I mean that literally. The war continues in I Am Forever and I stand by Axelia as I try to tell her to watch out for……..She only wants to have a life and I want that for her.

I received the ARC of I Am Forever from Wynne Channing, in return for an honest and unbiased review.
… (meer)
sherry69 | Jan 25, 2016 |



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