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A really excellent book explaining the fundamentals of Buddhism in a clear and concise way. One to reread and refer to. It is written in a question and answer format. The audible version is read particularly well. Definitely a book I would recommend to another Beginner. It touches on some of the supernatural stuff too, being reborn etc, so it’s interesting to read about what Buddhists believe as well as what they have worked out as a philosophy of life.
jvgravy | 5 andere besprekingen | Mar 19, 2022 |
> Babelio :

> Comment pratiquer le bouddhisme au quotidien ? Une nonne américaine, à l’aide d’un langage adapté à la pensée occidentale, nous en fournit les bases.

> COEUR OUVERT, ESPRIT CLAIR, La pratique du bouddhisme tibétain au quotidien, de Thubten Chodron : (La Vénérable Thubten). — Malgré la popularité grandissante du bouddhisme, et parmi la quantité de livres excellents sur le sujet, il est toujours difficile pour le néophyte occidental de base de trouver celui qui serait suffisamment facile à comprendre pour expliquer les points clefs des enseignements du Bouddha, tout en tenant compte de la vie moderne en cette fin de XXe siècle. Il est vrai que le décalage culturel peut parfois rebuter : de la division des véhicules aux trois Tours du Dharma, entre tantra, mantras et Pradîpoddyotanananâmatikâ, le disciple européen remercie souvent l’aspirine avant d’atteindre les bienfaits nirvanesque de la méditation !
Coeur ouvert, esprit clair vise à combler ce manque. L’auteur, la Vénérable Thubten Chôdron, est une nonne américaine ordonnée depuis plus de vingt ans dans la tradition Guélougpa du bouddhisme tibétain. De par son autorité et sa clarté, c’est une enseignante du Dharma très appréciée tant en Occident qu’en Orient Écrit dans un langage simple avec le moins de termes techniques et étrangers que possible, son livre propose d’expliquer clairement les thèmes qui suscitent le plus d’intérêt ou de questions auprès des débutants. Thubten Chôdron consacre un chapitre pour chaque thème essentiel du bouddhisme : travail sur les émotions, perspectives du karma et de la renaissance, notre nature de bouddha et son potentiel de croissance, le chemin vers l’Eveil et les Quatre Nobles Vérités, histoire et traditions et, finalement, la compassion en action… Ce livre permettra au lecteur d’accéder à l’essence des enseignements du Bouddha, mais aussi d’éprouver de nouveaux points de vue ainsi que des techniques pratiques pour améliorer sa vie au quotidien. Bien entendu, il ne prétend pas non plus apporter toutes les réponses et risque même de susciter de nouvelles questions, car c’est en cherchant des réponses à nos questions que nous progressons. Éd. Dangles, Collection « Grand angle / Spiritualités »
Carnets du Yoga, (200), Août/septembre 1999, (pp. 22-29 et 38)
Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 19, 2022 |
Daily dharma teachings on compassion, wisdom, mindfulness, and joy--ideal for creating moments of peace and reflection in our chaotic world.

Awaken Every Day shares a quick dose of everyday wisdom, encouraging us to understand the true causes of our suffering and the paths to freedom. These insightful reflections help us understand our minds, our connections to our communities, and how to become the people we aspire to be.
Langri_Tangpa_Centre | Jul 12, 2019 |
> Babelio :

> LIVRE TRÈS PRATIQUE, EN COURS DE RÉIMPRESSION. — La colère, nous sommes légions à la connaître! . Nous générons des émotions négatives et du stress que nous le voulions ou non, nous les accumulons sans pouvoir développer de nouveaux espaces internes pour pouvoir les garder sous contrôle, les enfouir ou s'en départir, c'est alors que nos systèmes organiques et nerveux deviennent obstrués avec des déchets internes qui polluent notre corps-esprit. La seule solution est de recycler ces déchets internes comme nous essayons de transformer les vidanges en écologie.
Recycler ces énergies émotives négatives permet de transformer, conserver et augmenter son énergie vitale, sans importuner son voisin ou sans se surcharger. C'est une méthode préventive, basée sur la méditation taoïste qui aide à conserver la santé et l'énergie en transformant le négatif à l'intérieur plutôt que de perdre cette énergie en la rejetant à l'extérieur ou en obstruant l'intérieur.
—Par marina4738, Sur (5/5)
Joop-le-philosophe | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 6, 2019 |
Interesting overview for someone who knows nothing about Buddhism.

Thanks again to Audible for Prime - an interesting opportunity to get an overview of Buddhism.
In many ways it's an extended FAQ about Buddhism - many questions answered (ones I'd never thought of) in a simple matter-of-fact manner. This isn't my faith, but it was an interesting introduction to give an outsider a good idea of the scope of Buddhism.
mrklingon | 5 andere besprekingen | Apr 22, 2019 |
atman2019 | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 19, 2019 |
This practical introduction to Buddhism focuses on the application of Buddhist psychology to modern life. Thubten Chodron, an American Buddhist nun, presents the basic points of this path for understanding ourselves and improving the quality of our lives. In a straightforward style and with warmth and humor, Chodron gives us the fundamental points of the Buddha's teaching on transforming habitual attitudes and realizing our full human potential.
Langri_Tangpa_Centre | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 21, 2018 |
This practical introduction to Buddhism focuses on the application of Buddhist psychology to modern life. Thubten Chodron, an American Buddhist nun, presents the basic points of this path for understanding ourselves and improving the quality of our lives. In a straightforward style and with warmth and humor, Chodron gives us the fundamental points of the Buddha's teaching on transforming habitual attitudes and realizing our full human potential.
Langri_Tangpa_Centre | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 21, 2018 |
Ok I'm jaded with this book because it really doesn't help me at all for my personal situation. This book was meant to help people who have extremely mild cases of anger in their lives. This book is DEFINITELY NOT for someone who deals with anger as an attachment or biproduct of mental illness. This book also focuses on Buddhist teachings relating to anger management which can be either good or bad depending on where you stand there. All things considered, it's an easy book to read and follow. Would recommend this to anyone dealing with MILD anger issues.
SumisBooks | 1 andere bespreking | Nov 26, 2017 |
Exactly what I was wanting/needing to read; This book explains core Buddhist teachings and beliefs in a clear & simple way that is very accessible to a Western audience! His Holiness the Dalai Lama was correct in saying, "[This book] will be of much benefit to its readers."
dewbertb | 5 andere besprekingen | Jan 21, 2016 |
The book is written in question/answer format. It's not what people typically think of as a book - a very long FAQ pamphlet might be a better label. That said, I love the book. When I'm irritated or have a mind in chaos that can't otherwise focus (especially not long enough to read a book) I can open this book anywhere, start read anything and be reminded of where I want to be. It helps gently realign to a "Buddhist" mindset (at least what that means to me, no god or holy book required) so I can try again to be who I want be.
daemonkity | 5 andere besprekingen | May 21, 2015 |
Too much reincarnation for me.
beckydj | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 30, 2013 |
Excellent book for people curious about Buddhism. Written without technical language.
matthewskj | 5 andere besprekingen | Jun 18, 2011 |
Despite the somewhat simplistic title, this is a very interesting book for someone who knows next to nothing about Buddhism. It's written in a question-and-answer format, and attempts to give a bare-bones rundown of what Buddhism is all about. Questions/answers range from practice to beliefs to philosophy to lifestyle choices, and the answers are written in an accessable, friendly style.
tdfangirl | 5 andere besprekingen | Mar 26, 2010 |
One of several books on Buddhist women's ordination by the redoubtable pioneer Ven. Thubten Chodron (an American woman who became a fully ordained Tibetan Buddhist nun some 20 years ago).
chamekke | Jan 4, 2008 |
The full title of this booklet is Preparing for Ordination : Reflections for Westerners Considering Monastic Ordination in the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition. It may be read online at Ven. Thubten Chodron's website. Includes articles and essays by H.H. the Dalai Lama, Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, Bhiksuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, and Ven. Thubten Chodron, among others. Appendices include the sramanera/sramanerika precepts and a summary of the precept-taking ceremony.
chamekke | Jan 22, 2006 |
Toon 16 van 16