Diamond (verduidelijking)

"Diamond" is samengesteld uit ten minste 7 verschillende auteurs, onderscheiden door hun werken.


Diamond (2)

Titels zijn toegeschreven aan Callum Brines.

Rome Travel Guide (1998) 4 exemplaren

Diamond (8)

Titels zijn toegeschreven aan Dan Diamond.

Algemene kennis

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1. Diamond, author of A Stripper's Tail
2. Callum Brines is the author of Rome, a travel guide published by Diamond Books
8. Dan Diamond and Associates, publishers of Toronto Blue Jays Guide
9. Eileen Diamond, author of Everyday Songbook
10. Diamond Books, publishers of Super Horoscope series, originally published by Grosset & Dunlap. Also published by Wolfe of London and Arrow Books of London.
12. ダイヤモンド社 (Daiyamondosha) of Tokyo, publishers of 組織能力の経営論
14. Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.

Sadly, someone has removed the entries for several authors here.

Seven authors, seven divisions.