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The main effect of this collection of L.M. Montgomery's scrapbook is to tantalizingly remind the reader of how lovely her novels and stories are. These scrapbook pages have me yearning to go pick up an Emily book or a short story collection after many years away from them.
The scrapbook pages are beautifully reproduced, although in the digital version of the book they did not enlarge very clearly, and it was therefore impossible to actually enjoy reading the news clippings or handwritten notes. Perhaps the finished product will be better. Most remarkable is the brilliant colors on many of the pages. Cut-outs of flowers blaze with vivid and attractive colors that she loved.

Each page is paired with a little bit of commentary about what Montgomery was memorializing or what symbols had meaning for her at different points in her life. Not all of them are very interesting to the casual reader, but I imagine it would be really satisfying to have these scrapbook pages at hand while reading Montgomery's journals.

Thanks to NetGalley and Nimbus Publishing for this digital review copy!
Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |