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Werken van Phillip Freedenberg


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United States of America



What are we trying to achieve in a distant and fundamentally unknowable world? We may know the reason for being drawn to a particular book. At other times, the same reasoning escapes us. What happens when you stumble upon the right book, a book inside of which you are found alive, a captured perfect moment, a perfect alignment in which you become yourself, we become ourselves, and for any of the moments spent inside the book, extended or brief, we can assuredly state: We have finally returned home.

This book is home. This book has the answers. Imagine a book which helps you navigate through the complexity of our lives. How about a book which assists with navigation of the seemingly insurmountable vastness of our world? Helps you claw your way back toward whatever we actually are in the grand, unknown, impossible scheme of things.

This book can show the way. A way back to ourselves. A way back to recapture our humanity on which we have turned our backs. A guiding hand to help us get away from the precipice into the abyss.

We have forgotten. This book is a reminder. Before history becomes forever unchangeable. This book is not just another book. The book is a possible world.

And in this possible world, you have to explore tens of thousands of words in the underground word tunnels, witness Phillip Freedenberg write tens of thousands of words in his America and the Cult of the Cactus Boots, and only then will you stand within the fourth dimension tesseract, physically quivering in awe at the fifty-story glass fractal cactus rise before you as the monolith of the Unified Field, and it will unify the ascended minds of the reader as one, creating a new America.

You will become one inseparably vast reading mind. Become total consciousness. Setting free the imprisoned minds of humanity. Inhale, hold, exhale… Welcome dear reader. This is a possible world. Where you can enter the Unified Field. Become the ascended observer. Unlocking hidden truths, higher purpose and meaning.

Find the path to your true self. Bring down the walled fortification. A new crusade has begun. An absolute manifest expression pattern of the artistry of the human mind. An indescribably, incomparable quest. A psychedelic, absurdist, hyperbolic, complex, unconventional, experimental, reinventing, perplexing, inventive, delirious, esoteric, exotic, satirical self-referential metaphysical adventure. A creative renaissance. An impossible to stop stream of words. The definition of the creativity of the human mind.

Join the rebellion, the fight against mental and social control and enslavement, by which local political and religious institutions so vigorously monopolize. Cultivate control of the human mind, so that it does not wander unchaperoned into the far creative reaches of the deep unknown.

Meet Slimey Bear Foot, a textbook hamadryad wood nymph and a prophetic pamphleteer, a blackjack dealer named Olive Elizabeth Rendering and her fantastical storytelling acumen, meet Horus Divination Walton the 3rd, who relies on an eccentric methodological weather forecasting codex aka a correlation between the movement and position of his mustache, and that day’s weather pattern. Or read the Hive Mind Gazette, which keeps America unified and informed while President Ralph wages war against the written word.

A war on words. A war on humanity. When the world stops reading, and we finally murder the word, it will be then and only then that we may signal toward the decay of our brilliance.

All part of the current psycho-temporal mind space of America. A vapid, driveling soup kit of burrowed bog, annexed from a waste-wasteland, an outpost orbiting pure socio-cultural insanity. Roots of American idealism, dominant values strongly bound to genocide, slavery, war, power, control domination, oppression, subjugation, and an imperial hegemonic hunger for Empire that would lay a new foundation of power in America, that would be cultivated for by the American pyramidal power structures for another 500 years. All culminating in the selection of President Ralph, resulting in his totalitarian reign, and a devilish development of an all consciousness replacement program, a path to complete pure obedience. A forfeiture of each individualistic consciousness for government approved uninterrupted dopamine-releasing pleasure imagery.

Leaving it in the hands of FREEDENBERG/WALTON/HARSCH, the elevated threefold divine harmony, the ego, the self, and the soul. The trio that must un-map the world. Break the system with an explosion of information designed within the expanding fractal structures of the text. Bring forth a revolution. A new beginning. An exodus to a newly imagined, much less morose America. A new science. A pataphysical experiment in new ideas. So begins a new solution. So begins the Book.

I think it’s impossible not to use terms like prophetic and brilliantly observed when discussing this book. A book that looks at the price we have had to pay for our accelerated development and serves as a field guide to preventative measures. A way to avoid soon-to-be-mass extinction. Have we not been warned before of this? A hijacked consciousness. A plan for total control of the human mind. But have they ever shown us the way? A way to undo, strip away, return to the very beginning or before the beginning as we know it, and begin anew.

Phillip Freedenberg has created profound original art. Art that requires a daringly profound creative audience. A book which will inspire any bright-minded reader. A voyeuristic look at US, what we have become. Behind the satire lies true horror. But this book is also a tool. Let us chisel with our Stone Age implements and start over. Let us enter the word tunnels. This is absurdist theater where the audience finds themselves isolated participants in a sensory deprivation float tank experiencing a heightened hallucinatory psychedelic state. This is LSD. This is a new original art. This is a book to end all books so that new books could be created. This is Higgs boson.


It was prophesied that one day Phillip Freedenberg with the assistance of visual virtuoso Jeff Walton and messages from publisher Rick Harsch would reconnect a dying species in the final stages of its dying world, to reconnect with the books, and reconnect with the words to manifest what they called the dawn of the Cult of the New Cosmos.

“I know the world will one day end, and these words will be its fossils, but you will set the Book down now, and try to go to sleep, but the sound of these words will never leave your head, as I dance around in the eternal barn fires of your imagination. Now I will say good night.”

Can you hear the words, dear reader? Can you hear Phillip Freedenberg’s voice? The fires are lit. Your imagination is set ablaze. A virtually unstoppable firestorm. You have been chosen. Initiated. Now go forth and spread the word. Remember, dear reader, this novel is capable of a perceptual shift which exerts a powerful influence upon the imaginative thinking capacity of the people that have read it. A metamorphosis of the mind. Submit to the word fever. Travel through it. Read this book to experience the newly expanded wakefulness of yourself looking back at you. A disconnected, displaced version of yourself living in an illusory simulation of a disintegrated America. Allow this book to penetrate the mind. Remain hopeful of finding a world of unnamed things. To find a world of new objects and structures untethered from traditional symbolic orientations. Let’s take one infinite deep breath together. Close our eyes and allow our minds to manifest dreams. Build the many new, possible worlds together. Let’s keep on reading our way through to the other side. This reviewer certainly hopes to meet you there.


A never been done before, unique postmodern literary experiment. An unraveling, existential mystery. Housing both maximalist and metafiction elements under one roof. Disorienting and challenging. A clever nod to Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation, intertwined with bizarre worlds created by David Lynch and Alejandro Jodorowsky. A bottomless rabbit hole of original profound ideas and social commentary. Discovery and innovation among grand decay and great chaos. Forever nonconformist. Tackling power politics, scientific theory, historical development through time, philosophy, the arts.

A book which takes you inside the creative process itself, allowing you to stand witness before the brilliant turbulence of creation. The germ of an idea, the writing that follows, a Kurt Vonnegut-ian teleportation of being inside the actual book. Breathe freely, breathe deeply under the architecture of this text. Feel the electricity of the words, growing slowly to become the currency of a thousand deeply seeking interconnected minds.

The coming revolution will be a revolution of creativity. The revolution has begun.


Transmission from the Great Beyond

Rick Harsch requests a short, concise review.

Kaleidoscopic, sprawling information center, multi-levelled/multi-layered, long-gestating, encyclopedic, reality disintegrating, satirical comedy or nightmarish reality-you pick, examining a dystopian future where a total consciousness replacement initiative is a reality, writers are terrorists, and the written word is in danger of elimination. It’s a non-linear story, intrinsically connected to Rick Harsch’s The Manifold Destiny of Eddie Vegas. Prescient and relatable. There are heroes, there are villains, and then there’s America. The first ever reading sensory experience. A book which is unlike any other book as a whole and unlikely to be replicated unless done by Phillip Freedenberg himself. A life-changing novel with profound impact. Incredible in scope. All connecting. An experience of human togetherness. Fully capable of changing the course of a reader’s life. (Complete originality without a point of reference). Thought provoking, conversation starting, limit transcending experience. A harmonized message of unification and resistance. If you have a dream. Start it NOW. This was Phillip Freedenberg’s dream.
… (meer)
Nick.V | Feb 19, 2023 |


½ 3.4