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Amber GarrBesprekingen

Auteur van Promises

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I love the subtle cover of One More Breath by Amber Garr. Sometimes, less is more.

I flipped between a 3 and 4 rating because there was nothing earth shattering in One More Breath by Amber Garr’s lovely story about characters overcoming obstacles to find their happy ever after. It is well written, flowing smoothly, allowing the characters to shine. I do find it easy to overcome obstacles (in novels) myself. I am happy to let the author take me where they will, sitting back and enjoying the story. We did have some danger and thrills along the way, but, like the cover, most times they were subtle, making the anticipation build, having me wonder when the bad would happen.

I love that One More Breath by Amber Garr is a series, The Georgia Girls Series. The Girls are fun, adventurous, loyal, and do not hesitate to come when one of them is in distress. I am eager to see where Amber will take them and who will be in the spotlight next. I have no idea when inspiration will strike or who will be whispering in Amber’s ear, but it has been a long time coming. How about it Girls?
sherry69 | Mar 2, 2023 |
Arise was a book full of surprises. I honestly wasn't expecting half of the things that happened in this book. I liked that. A lot.

Eviana and her friends go through a lot of things into this last part of the trilogy. It seems as though their struggle to end Lucian's scheming and plans aren't going to end too soon. The best part of Arise is that we get to actually understand why Eviana was chosen as leader. She's much more mature than in Promises, much more focused on what she has to do for her clan and for all the creatures in the sea and humans as well. When given the chance, she chooses to face the danger, rather than flee from it. I liked that she was that strong. I also loved Kain.

Arise has everything I had hoped for: great action, suspense, thriller, some heart-breaking scenes, happy endings and tragedy. I was completely sucked in by the book. I was actually half afraid to take a break from reading, not wanting to waste time or lose focus. For me, this was one of those books that keep you so focused on the things that happen, you just can't stop reading.

Trust me when I tell you that this is a trilogy you don't want to miss. The only thing I regret is that the series ended. I truly loved Eviana, Brendan, Kain and all the other characters, as well as the world in this trilogy.
Rubys.books | 3 andere besprekingen | Oct 15, 2016 |
If the first book in this series, Promises, was good, the second one was even better. I think it was an amazing continuation of Eviana's story.

In Betrayal we find a more mature Eviana, one that is trying to cope with everything that has happened to her. I admired her a lot in this book. Her parents are dead, she becomes clan leader and tries to stop a war, she's supposed to take care of her younger sister and her boyfriend left for God knows how long. I'd be terrified, angry. She was too, but she didn't let that fear and anger take over her. She found her strength in those feelings. What's not to admire? There was this moment where my heart broke for Eviana and I felt so much anger towards the people hurting her. I'm very curious how will she deal with those people in Arise, the final book in this trilogy.

I loved the pacing. There's always something happening, usually something surprising. I liked that a lot, the fact that I couldn't predict anything. I have to admit that I thought the traitor was someone else entirely. So I was very surprised when I saw how wrong I was. But I loved that. And I love that we get to meet some new creatures and learn more about the syrenkas and their world.

I love the cover (if you haven't noticed yet, this series has amazing covers!) and I think it's perfect for Betrayal.

I have to find out what happens next and how the story ends. If you haven't read this series yet, don't wait any longer. It's amazing!
Rubys.books | 6 andere besprekingen | Oct 15, 2016 |
2.5 Stars

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This is a book I read despite its cover. I don't like it, the weird bronze-looking instagram filter that is thrown over the cover. And do these two look like they have been trying to survive for an entire year in the woods? I do not think so!

However, I am unable to resist any kind of YA Dystopian novels, and this is what brought me to Waterfall. The world's water supplies are poisoned and everyone is trying to survive. While surviving they also have to fend off other groups of survives while remaining hidden for the military who is trying to make them conscript.

It's quite the standard YA Dystopian. There are times where I start wondering: Have I read too many and is it impossible to still find a way to give the story a new twist? (The answer to that question is no; because every once in a while I read a new one that is really good and different from the rest). Unfortunately, this is not the case for Waterfall. It has all the aspects, but at the same time, I couldn't care for the characters. I didn't like them, and I didn't particularly liked the world either (not that we get to know a lot of it).

It was a fast read, and it wasn't a punishment to read it, but never did I feel some kind of investment into the story. Did I want to know how it was going to end? Well, not desperately, but I didn't mind finding out. (Which is basically how I feel about the whole book).

Will I continue to read the series? Maybe, I'm not sure yet.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Floratina | 1 andere bespreking | May 26, 2016 |
Another great volume in the Syrenka series. Now we get to see just how well Eviana faces having to lead her clan...along side Kain. We get to see just where the Selkies loyalties lie, and just where Brendan's do as well. We get to watch face off after face off with Lucian and we get to see Jeremiah again. One of my favorite parts of the book was the introduction of the Council. It was neat to see the different personalities represented there. The end was a SUPER mega cliffhanger, so I was extremely happy that I waited to read these until I had all three books! I'm happily invested in book three already!
MynTop | 6 andere besprekingen | Apr 8, 2016 |
What a great, albeit heart-wrenching, conclusion to this series. I didn't expect so many deaths, that was hard. I was happy with the way Eviana finally stood up for herself and took back control of her life. Everything came to a powerful climax and the story was resolved in a good way. It wasn't "happily ever after" as much as "this is how it's meant to be" and I liked that about this book. It wasn't all fairy tales and we kill the bad guy and ride off into the sunset. There were real loses and real life changing events. I definitely recommend this series to anyone who loves a good paranormal story, as well as anyone who loves a dramatic adventure!
MynTop | 3 andere besprekingen | Apr 8, 2016 |
Ok, the first thing I must make clear is that I LOVE mermaids. I have since I was a kid. That will color my opinion of mermaid related books, just to be clear.
That being said, I did love this book. It's got everything a great YA or Paranormal Romance book needs. We've got a forbidden love, some disapproving parents, tragic circumstances, adventure, danger, and mystery all rolled into the first installment of Syrenka. Eviana is our main mermaid character...I found her to be strong willed, and opinionated. She's a bit whiny and sullen with her parents, but she is just 17...let's let her grow before we judge her too harshly on that. I think my favorite aspect of the book, was the fact that we've got other water creatures involved. Selkies, water sprites, kelpies and more round out this world. I've already moved on to book two!
MynTop | 13 andere besprekingen | Apr 8, 2016 |
Waterproof kicks off with action that had me racing through the pages.

Anyone who bucked the system was considered a deserter and dealt with “appropriately.”

Pollution, population overcrowding, terrorists destroying the desalinization plants, greed, nuclear holocaust, disease, martial law, the draft – once in, never out – who will survive?

The groups dynamic changes as the characters come and go, whether by choice or death. I do wonder who will be left standing.

The horror is unbelievably grotesque. The mad scientists are on the loose.

This is one of those stories that will give you food for thought. In an apocalypse, who will survive? Is it the haves or have nots? Is it the strongest or the smartest? Is the sacrifice of the many for the survival of the few the rule of thumb? How do people twist their minds into thinking heinous acts are acceptable? Will there be any humanity left on the planet?

How far would you go to save the one you love?

Science fiction meets horror and it ain’t pretty.

The writing was so detailed I could see it, feel it, and it gave me shivers. The characters are well developed and become more complex as they grow and learn to survive and love in a new world.

I am very curious to see where this ends, to find out how many of their makeshift family will survive.

I do love a happy ever after, but we will have to wait and see. Waterproof has no cliffhanger, but it does make me eager to read the next book in the series, Watermarked.
sherry69 | Jan 25, 2016 |
The premise for Waterfall and Waterproof reads like nonfiction and perhaps contains a warning. People have fought over water rights since they began claiming land as their own and the fights continue into present day. This series is a thought provoking look at a future that we could be living.

Zach and Vivienne live in a government run complex. When the facility is attacked, the big question is, will they stay or will they go.

“Why anyone thought the idiots in Washington could manage this disaster is beyond me.”

Zach’s comment has a ring of truth to it, don’t you think?

Pollution and terrorism make Vivienne’s decision for her.

Vivenne and Zach’s sexual banter had me chuckling, even though they are only “just friends”.

Does Vivienne’s desire to be a sword wielding, ass kicking ninja type come true?

As their world falls down around them and the country becomes a military state, it is the same old story, the rich survive and the poor are…well, it is not good. Who can you trust in such desperate times?

I loved Waterfall from the beginning to the end. It grabbed me early and I held on for the ride of sadness. loss, fear, terror, confusion and the struggle to survive in a world gone crazy.

The cliffhanger had me reaching for Book II, Waterproof. I think it will do the same to you.

I received Waterfall by Amber Garr in return for an honest review.
sherry69 | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 25, 2016 |
Review taken from Elysian Fields Book Reviews

Rated 4.1 out of 5 Stars
*This is an ARC from Hallowed Ink Press
*When it comes to death and love, only one is guaranteed..
Nora died over forty years ago. Instead of her death being the end, it was a new beginning. She was given the chance of a lifetime, literally. To become one of the elite Death Wardens. The Wardens escort newly dead souls to their place in the light. As always, there are two sides to everything; the Shadow Hunters try to sway the souls to the dark side. Nora's souls are becoming targets, and she realizes there is a power at force beyond anything she could have imagined. The balance between dark and light is precariously held in the hands of her shamanic powers, as well as her new ward, Jason. He is a healer, one with amazing powers that she has never seen before. But will he stay on the right side when the approaching battle is imminent? Nora's connection with him is instant, as is the attraction she feels for him. When she is forced to face her ex, Theron, now on the side of the Hunters, can she forget her feelings for him with the help of Jason and her friends?
My Thoughts:
This is a wonderful start to a new, promising series. Death Wardens is original, fast paced, and addicting. Nora is a well written protagonist; she's not whiny about everything wrong in her life, even though her heart was shattered by the man she is still in love with. Jason is a wonderful character.. I fell in love with him instantly. As far as love triangles go, the one between Nora, the jerk- Theron, and Jason is typical 'girl can't make up her mind' drama. I'm team Jason all the way. He's a sweetheart; sexy and confident, yet mysterious and powerful. The world building in this book is just alright in my opinion, and hopefully it will get more intricate with future books in this series. The only complaint I really have is that it was way too short for an introduction to a new series. I felt like I didn't have time to get to know the characters and the world before the final page. It was a great book though, and definitely worth a read for the urban fantasy junkie in all of us.. :)
Excerpt from book:

"No one invites Death to a party. Luckily, I wore a disguise... and I wasn't Death, exactly. It's true I might linger around humans on their way out of this world, but I wasn't the one who decided their fate. I just had to explain it all." - Nora by Amber Garr
"I wasn't expecting a fight over this one, but any chance I get to wrestle with you is an experience worth treasuring. The glint in his eyes represented a threat, just as it did his longing for our past physical relationship." -Theron and Nora by Amber Garr
MorrighanRose | Aug 26, 2014 |
I received a free copy of this book in a Goodreads giveaway.

This is the classic tale of star-crossed lovers, and a love triangle, with a twist. The lovers are Eviana, a mermaid, and Brendan, a selkie. (A selkie wears a seal skin.) They are not permitted to mate. Eviana is pledged to Kain, leader of a rival clan, in an arranged marriage. It is to take place on her 18th birthday, which is within one week. She really doesn't want to marry Kain, and tries to run away with Brendan. Soon, however, events occur which force her to make choices she doesn't want to make, and unleash power she doesn't know she has. Any more would spoil the book. Since this was already planned as book 1 of a trilogy, it ends with a cliffhanger. The copy I had included the first chapter of book 2, which gives an indication of where the book is going. (I haven't read books 2 or 3 yet.) All in all, good storytelling. It's always interesting to see how authors explain mermaids living as part of our world, like Ariel. It definitely adds new life to the genre, with the interesting lovers' twist. I look forward to reading books 2 and 3 someday, to see how the story finishes. All in all, a good book.
jmcgarry2011 | 13 andere besprekingen | Jun 15, 2014 |
If you have never read a book about mermaids, this would be the series to start with. If you are a mermaid lover like me and have already read several mer-tales, add this to your shelf and you will not be disappointed.
Promises has everything a Young Adult reader could wish for: adventure, mystery, romance (not the insta-love thank goodness!), drama, danger, and suspense. With a diverse cast of characters who are loveable, tolerable, and just plain hateable and a few who are definitely swoonable(its in the Urban dictionary so I didn't make it up), brilliant author Amber Garr brings us the fantastic world of the Syrenka...and their threat to mankind.

Awesome start to a wonderful series that will have your heart going in every direction. Please enjoy Book 1 of the Syrenka Series: Promises.
CLovestoread | 13 andere besprekingen | Jan 11, 2014 |
Did you read Promises(Book#1 in series)yet? If you have, you know that this book is gonna be epic. If you haven't, you are hearing it from me; this book is EPIC! Without my giving away spoilers, I will tell you that Betrayal has a ton more action going on with twists coming at you from left, right, and under(that's possible in water). Oh, and from behind too. Who to trust? What to do? Keep up with Eviana as she finally learns how to kick some butt and defend herself. Will it be enough to protect the ones she loves? Even if she doesn't see it coming?
CLovestoread | 6 andere besprekingen | Jan 11, 2014 |
Did you read Promises(Book#1 in series)yet? If you have, you know that this book is gonna be epic. If you haven't, you are hearing it from me; this book is EPIC! Without my giving away spoilers, I will tell you that Betrayal has a ton more action going on with twists coming at you from left, right, and under(that's possible in water). Oh, and from behind too. Who to trust? What to do? Keep up with Eviana as she finally learns how to kick some butt and defend herself. Will it be enough to protect the ones she loves? Even if she doesn't see it coming?
CLovestoread | 6 andere besprekingen | Jan 11, 2014 |
This is a interesting paranormal mystery. I wasn't sure how it would pan out with Leila so wrapped in grief by Garrick and Conner are wonderful characters that help her over the loss of her fiance.

The story is about the abduction and murder of young women for the sake of trying to bring back Asmodeus (a demon who happens to be Conner's dad I know poor conner). There is betrayel seen in the book by loved ones that is just devastating to read. Your heart goes out for those that were betrayed.

Leila is a unusual character. I like her strong presence and spunk. She gives off a nice calmness while under she is spunky and full of vitality. She is lost since her fiance was killed and it is only until the attraction of two men that she begins to put her life back together.

Garrick is the detective working the case. He is a sweetheart. So kind and caring. His heart is worn on his sleeve especially when dealing with the families. He is determined to find the answers but also get Leila to go out with him. On that front though he shows understanding and patience.

Conner is oh my. Just oh my he is feisty and beautiful but scary too. He is fighting his inner demon and I mean that literally. What a great male character. He shows how when we have a moral compass we can fight the evil in us and the evil around us. He has a strong attraction to Leila and does anything he can to protect her.

A story that will keep you wondering and on the edge of your seat and rooting for either Garrick or Conner. Nice Read.
littleduck | Aug 11, 2013 |
Title : Betrayal

Series : The Syrenka Series 2
Author : Amber Garr
Pages : 255
Release Date : Feb 20th 2012
Publisher : Self-pub
Format : Paperback
Source :
**This copy was provided by the author in exchange of an honest review**

My Opinion :

Promises by Amber Garr wasn't necessarily my favorite mermaid book, although it was really good. But, Betrayal seemed more drama-filled. I liked Betrayal better!

Sometimes life as a mermaid can be suffocating

Betrayal picks up not too long after Promises left off. But now, Eviana is co-leader of her clan with Kain, her parents are dead, and Brendan has left her. Talk about change! And, with the war against Lucian getting harder and bloodier, Eviana and Kain has to figure out a way to convince the Coucil about not accepting Lucian's offers. But, what if betrayal, love, and family gets in the way?

Betrayal is filled with juicy drama you don't want to miss!

Amber Garr's writing is fast-paced and is really entertaining, although some times the book didn't have enough action in it for me.

I think it would a little too far of a stretch to say that I can relate to Eviana, because :
1) I still have my parents
2) I have never been in love
3) I haven't ran away from any guy
4) I don't have a mean sister- or any sister at all
5) I'm not a mermaid clan leader that's in war (although, I wish I was a mermaid)
So, relating to characters is something high on my list of 'What Makes a Great Book' (which, isn't really a list), BUT, I have to say I did like her as a character even though I can't relate to her.

Of course, before starting the book, I knew that someone would betray her (because of the title), and so I was searching for who might. And, I wasn't really surprised that it was that person :D

You definitely want to add the Syrenka series to your to-read list!

I also really like the covers in this series!

4 roses
ccathee17c | 6 andere besprekingen | Jun 7, 2013 |
Title : Promises
Series : The Syrenka Series 1
Author : Amber Garr
Pages : 251
Release Date : Dec 7 2011
Publisher : Self-pub
Format : Paperback
Source :
**From the author in exchange of an honest review**

My Opinion :

It seems like mermaid books are getting more and more popular, and, I am really happy about that, because I love them and books about them!

Promises is a debut that will leave you curious for more!

Sometimes following your heart can end up destroying the ones you love.
Promises is the story seventeen years old Eviana, a mermaid and now unhappy fiancé of the soon-to-be leader of her mermaid clan. Even if she likes Kain, the soon-to-be leader, she is in love with a selkie named Brendan. Then, she runs away with Brendan to gt away from her so-called destiny. And, Brendan gets hurt. And a war begins. You know, good ole' stuff!

A great mermaid book to add to your to-read list!

Amber Garr'S writing is easy to read and flows easily; it is not easy to keep yourself from turning the pages again and again, because the story is intriguing and pulls you in.

I thought the romance between Eviana and Brendan's romance wasn't real enough for me; as you may know, I LOVE romance.

One thing that I just LOVED is the constant drama in the book! I am a drama-holic, just so you know, and I think that drama and romance are the two things that make a book good. :D

Great book!

ccathee17c | 13 andere besprekingen | Jun 7, 2013 |
Evianna is a fantastic character, though she seemed a bit preoccupied with herself sometimes.It is action packed and loaded with twists and turns, as soon as it seems one thing is going to happen, something completely unexpected takes place. Kain, one of the male love interests is the most likeable of the two for me, because he is willing to sacrifice so much for her even though she doesn't love him. The other fella Brendan, just wasn't feeling him that much. Now, the reason is there is something up with this guy, he is mysterious and hiding something. Evianna, Brendan and Kain become apart of something bigger than they expected and Evianna realizes that the choices she makes will change everything she holds dear. The story was well written and I thought it was paced pretty steadily. I absolutely loved the syrenka/mermaid lore in this book. Good read, couldn't go to bed until I finished it.
lilcrickit | 13 andere besprekingen | May 9, 2013 |
If you have never read a book about mermaids, this would be the series to start with. If you are a mermaid lover like me and have already read several mer-tales, add this to your shelf and you will not be disappointed.
Promises has everything a Young Adult reader could wish for: adventure, mystery, romance (not the insta-love thank goodness!), drama, danger, and suspense. With a diverse cast of characters who are loveable, tolerable, and just plain hateable and a few who are definitely swoonable(its in the Urban dictionary so I didn't make it up), brilliant author Amber Garr brings us the fantastic world of the Syrenka...and their threat to mankind.

Awesome start to a wonderful series that will have your heart going in every direction. Please enjoy Book 1 of the Syrenka Series: Promises.
CLovestoread | 13 andere besprekingen | Apr 27, 2013 |

From head to tail, The Syrenka Series has 1) captivated me by the inviting swells of enchanting whimsical creatures 2) pulled me under with unseen currents of paniful love 3) sucked me into whirlpools of despairing chaos 4) knocked me down with tidal waves of tragedy and 5) has picked me up to float on the peaceful waves of happiness. Poetic much? That may be but its true and even more so in this conclusion of the series, Arise. Allow me to expound:

1) Throughout the trilogy, we are introduced to mermaids, selkies, and various water sprites along with a dash of humans...literally. The characters that Garr has created are wonderful and imaginative; beautifully dipicted to add color and life to the plot (Abhainn and Isabel, each with their scottish and french accents, bring timely and much appreciated comic relief). Arise will have you awe struck as you imagine the x-men-like-but-refreshingly-unique powers these creatures posess (among them being mind control and water manipulation) that will cause you to spurt in laughter or quake in fear.

“Very funny, Abhainn.” He moved into the sprite’s personal space. “I think I saw a water bottle over there. Maybe you’d like to spend some time thinking about how you don’t have to be so rude?”

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 1391-1393). Amber Garr.

I noticed the teeth first. Sharp, white fangs larger than a ratchet’s rose up from the depths at an incredible speed. Her face contorted into a horrific form, snarling and wrinkled and deadly.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 3414-3416). Amber Garr.

2) From the beginning, our feisty protagonist, Eviana, has been involved in a love triangle between Brendan and Kain. Betrayal throws in Graham to mix things up. While I didn't really get too wrapped up in Graham, I definitely felt betrayed by the end of the book and wanted to kick some selkie and mer butt alike; my thoughts being "SERIOUSLY?! Oh he did not just do that! I can't believe this! I am sooooo done with him." Does Arise bring relief and settle things once and for all? After finishing the book hours ago, I am still screaming!*EDIT: It's been months now...and yeah, still screaming* We are treated to the POV's of both Eviana and Kain, allowing us to be them and experience this emotional rollercoaster with more intensity. I'm not a fan of rollercoasters but this is one I wouldn't mind getting back on...I just need to stop screaming first!

As she ran toward me with outstretched arms, I knew that I would never let her go again. This time she would stay with me forever.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 2244-2245). Amber Garr.

“I’m not going to sit back and watch you take her from me, fish. I may not be able to have a life with her anymore, but neither will you.”

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 2483-2484). Amber Garr.

“I’d prefer it if you disappeared since I am very much looking forward to spending my nights alone with her. She is a feisty tart. It will certainly make for an interesting marriage.”

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 3022-3023). Amber Garr.

Without giving it a second thought, I reached up and grabbed his face. Pulling it toward mine, I kissed him. Hard.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 2256-2257). Amber Garr.

3) Which brings me to all the action and drama that threw me for so many loops that for a while, I couldn't tell which way was up! Maybe I'm just gullible, or easily influenced, but I found myself in the same boat as Eviana; who do you trust? We learn of Eviana's lineage and bloodlines, which seems to be a factor in the decisions she makes and has made. Several battles take place, each giving hints and answering questions of "who?". As to why Lucian is doing all that he is: he's crazy. The man has lost his marbles straight up. Ok yeah, there is a bit more to it but...just read it and you'll know what I mean.

Fists flew, compulsion wars began, and I stood there. Frozen. It probably wasn’t for very long, but time seemed to stand still.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 3958-3959). Amber Garr.

His mouth was so close to my face that I could feel his hot, angry breath. For the first time since all of this began, I was really, truly afraid of this man.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 2937-2938). Amber Garr.

His long blond hair wafted in the breeze as well as the white silk shirt that hung open at his chest. The man really loved to show off his body. It was gross.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 3829-3830). Amber Garr.

4) I thought nothing more tragic could possibly happen after Promises but I was wrong. *sob* While there are a few who lose their lives along the way *still sobbing*, nothing was as heartbreaking, shocking, chinese-film-level, crying-so-hard-your-contacts-fall-out, heroic death of this character*full on wailing now*. I cannot bring myself to say who for I am in denial. Actually, I'm still so stunned that tears have not come yet but they will... where's the tissue?! *EDIT: The tears came =.=*

The bodies on the beach were removed and dumped at sea.

Amber Garr. Arise (Book Three of The Syrenka Series) (Kindle Locations 4293-4294). Amber Garr.

5) We may get knocked down but we get up again (♪you're never going to keep me down♪~random, sorry). Garr beautifully wraps up this thrilling series by leaving you in peace. Things might not have gone as I thought they would but I am more than satisfied; thank goodness for an epilogue! *EDIT: And more! Amber has created a new site dedicated to bonus material of this series! Check it out!*

This whole series is amazing but Arise is truly epic and brings it home. This fast paced, chemistry-filled, and heart-jerker of a mer-tale will have you reading to the finish and then starting it again. Enjoy!

This copy was provided by the author in exchange of an honest review
CLovestoread | 3 andere besprekingen | Apr 27, 2013 |
Eviana is caught between a rock and a hard place. She needs to choose between family obligation or her heart. She is in love with her best friend Brendan, a selkie, but her family has chosen for her to marry a wonderful merman named Kain. Unknown to Eviana, even more difficult choices are coming her way and evil she didn't even know exist is going to threaten everything she holds dear.

Wonderful first edition to this new series. Stayed up into the wee-hours of the morning because I didn't want to put this book down.
tometender | 13 andere besprekingen | Oct 28, 2012 |
Eviana is caught between a rock and a hard place. She needs to choose between family obligation or her heart. She is in love with her best friend Brendan, a selkie, but her family has chosen for her to marry a wonderful merman named Kain. Unknown to Eviana, even more difficult choices are coming her way and evil she didn't even know exist is going to threaten everything she holds dear.

Wonderful first edition to this new series. Stayed up into the wee-hours of the morning because I didn't want to put this book down.
tometender | 13 andere besprekingen | Oct 28, 2012 |
originally appeared on: Bookshelf Confessions

DISCLAIMER: Don’t dare read this if you ahven’t picked up book 1, PROMISES just yet. Check out my review here.

Just like the first, the cover is still pretty.. Love that the blue got darker and it feels more turbulent, like the storm is brewing. Although judging from the former, I like the simplicity and eerie beauty of Promises:D

BETRAYAL has a great plot that turned the whole series upside-down. I never guess the twist and turns that happened. It caught me off guard, confused me as to who I should believe and be aware of- it simply stunned me how Amber Garr managed to sneak on

The characters develop so much from the first time I met them in PROMISES. It’s like I’m reading a new person and yet their unique personalities managed to stay the same. Kain? Why are you and understanding, sweet and a loyal friend. Sometimes I want to kick Eviana to make her realize what she’s missing. And what did Brendan do, that make me from ignoring him to hating him, gosh Eviana, don’t’ waste your time winning that dork back..:D And Eviana, although missing Brendan was becoming a good and reliable leader. She matures just enough to take on the role, decide for her people and balanced it with her boy issues. Yeah, so much has changed.

If it was tormenting to choose between Kain and Brendan before, guess what? Eviana now have to face three (3), all-too-good-to-be-true boys. The addition of Graham, makes me want to share half of my votes from Kain :D. He’s the depiction of bad/mysterious and definitely hot male character.

Compared to the first book, BETRAYAL is more fast-paced, enemy attacks being thrown from time to time, which becomes deadly by the minute. The story progresses on like music sounding louder and louder and tenser and tenser. This is an exciting and darker story, that would leave your jaws dropping. **can’t believe what Amber did at the last chapter**

BETRAYAL was so much better than what I expected this series would go. This ends in a cliffhanger that would totally want you to grab book 3, ARISE, immediately. If you’re in for some charmingly attractive boys plus a war brewing among merpeople, then BETRAYAL’s for you. A story of love, betrayal, friendship, adventure, a choice, a stand and action-filled that I would highly recommend to everyone!!!
avry15 | 6 andere besprekingen | Sep 11, 2012 |
What a captivating conclusion to this wonder paranormal romantic trilogy! Arise is another book that you can’t put down until you have finished it.

Now if you haven’t read the first two in the Syrenka Series, I recommend you do. I think you will be totally lost if read Arise without having read the first two books.

In Arise we see Eviana dealing with betrayals and being kidnapped. Surprising secrets come out and heartbreaking tragedies happen. This is another action pack and emotional story that will stay with you for some time.

So if you want to read a YA romance involving mermaids, selkies and other water sprites; then I highly recommend you read the Syrenka Series.
dpchapman | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 9, 2012 |
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