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Laura GreeneBesprekingen

Auteur van I am an Orthodox Jew

26 Werken 99 Leden 15 Besprekingen


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In this final installment of the Disappearance series, Melody is left on the island with three men who are taking care of her. But she needs to find her way back to the Deacon mansion to find out the truth of what happened to her father. She knows he is more than likely dead, but she wants to know why. She also believes Will Deacon is the culprit, and blames herself for falling for him.

Will Melody find the answers she is looking for? Will she find out what happened to her father? And more importantly, will she find out what is going on with the Deacon brothers and what they are trying to hide? Or will this be the final journey for Melody herself?

As a conclusion to the six-part story, we have a short but gripping ending. Melody is determined to get the answers she's been searching for, and we go with her, wondering what lies ahead and if all her questions will be answered. Since this is a short installment, I will not give any more information than I already have so as not to spoil it for others who have not read it, but I will recommend this entire series to those who have not. You will enjoy it.
joannefm2 | Jul 13, 2021 |
This short story was well written. it was not exclusively a mystery as the story also established the context and relationships of the main character, as this is a first in a series. Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the mystery.
BridgitDavis | Jul 4, 2021 |
In part five of this episodic thriller, Melody has been drugged and left on an island to fend for herself. What she doesn't expect is to find clues that might lead her to what she's been searching for all along: her father. When she least expects it, something occurs that makes her realize none of anything she's done has been an accident, and she might be the next victim...

I have enjoyed this series all along and reading it has kept me on the edge of my seat. This installment is no different. Melody is now on an island, wondering what is going to happen next, and how she's going to get herself back to the mainland. Watching Melody follow the trail of her missing father is intriguing, and around every corner there very might be a friend or a foe. But how to tell which is which? And what is Melody going to do next? Unfortunately, I have to wait for the next in the series, but I hope that it comes soon, since I'm pretty well invested in the story! Recommended.
joannefm2 | May 24, 2021 |
In part four of this episodic mystery/thriller, we find Melody becoming more involved with the Deacons than she wants to be. She tries to enlist the help of the local constabulary, but the officer doesn't take her seriously, and she wonders if she'll ever find her father. When one of the Deacons sends concern her way, she wonders what she will do next. Especially when she discovers something she wishes she hadn't...

But in a turn of events, there is someone who enters her life and may have the answers she needs -- or may not. Melody might be getting closer to finding the answers, or she might be getting closer to losing her own life...

I have read this series from the beginning, and I have to say that this episode is the most riveting one yet. It has plenty of suspense, and leaves you hankering for the answers almost as much as Melody. While I would definitely like to read the next in the series right away, unfortunately I will have to wait until the next. Highly recommended.
joannefm2 | Apr 21, 2021 |
Melody has come to Deacon Island to look for her father. She isn't sure he's there, but she's trying to find clues regarding his whereabouts, and if anyone can remember seeing him. But unfortunately for her, she feels betrayed by what she's found so far...

It seems that people she might have trusted are now suspicious of her, and she doesn't know who to call friend or foe. After an injury she's able to return to work, and finds something that might be a clue, but leads her to something else unexpected. Now Melody is trying to figure out if her instincts are right or wrong, and she calls a friend in the States for help, which only causes more uncertainty...

This is the third chapter in this series and I must say that I enjoyed it quite as much as the first two. Melody certainly has a knack for finding herself in dire situations, and must use all of her wits to get herself back on track again. This installment is probably the most interesting one that I have read so far, and it was quite pleasurable to read. I look forward to the next in the series.
joannefm2 | Mar 25, 2021 |
Melody is on a Scottish island determined to find out where her father is -- and if he is still alive. She has gotten a job at Deacon Mansion as a tutor to a young Scottish girl who has lost both her parents. In posing as a woman who is writing a book instead of the archaeologist that she really is, this is her cover.
Melody has found one clue from her father that he was here, on the island, and she is determined to find out where he is now.

She inadvertently learns from her student Rebecca that her former tutor was a Mr. Sanders, and with the information she gleans Melody is sure that he is her father. But no one she questions seems to know where he is and how he left the island, since he disappeared one night and there is now no trace of him at atll.

When Melody starts to put together the pieces, she discovers that people she thought were friends might not be so, and someone might know what happened to her father, aka Mr. Sanders. But when she starts hunting for clues, Melody just might be too close to the truth and discovers that the danger is all too real...

This is the second of three installments in the Disappearance Mystery, and it continues from the first. I will tell you that you need to read the first in order to understand why Melody is in Scotland and why she is looking for her father.

This is quite suspenseful and keeps you reading it in one sitting, hopeful that you might find the answers yourself. It also gives you a hint of what is to come in the third. I know for myself that I want to know how it all comes about and am waiting impatiently for the next in the series. The plot is very good and is written well, and I am waiting impatiently for the next in the series. Recommended.
joannefm2 | Feb 24, 2021 |
Melody Harker is a recent university graduate who is itching to start out to Greece for an archaeological dig. But when she awakens, there is a man in her room. Once she discovers that he works for her Uncle Tobias, she wonders why he's there -- mainly because she doesn't have anything to do with her father's side of the family. But when he tells her that her father has disappeared and they need her help to find him, she knows she will go...even if her instincts tell her to run...

This is the beginning of a new serial book by Laura Greene, and as such, a very good one. You are drawn into the story quickly, and it soon becomes quite a mystery. As Melody travels to the wilds of Scotland, the descriptions she gives allows you to glimpse Talon's Point, and you soon want to know more. But just as Melody is trying to figure out what she is doing there, something occurs to change everything...

I really enjoyed reading this, and because it is a new book, I am not going to say any more. I will say, however, that it is written well, and worth beginning. I look forward to the next installment so I can continue on with Melody's adventure. Recommended.
joannefm2 | Feb 7, 2021 |
In the finale to the series, Agent Tina James is on the trail of a devious killer who has taken the lives of young girls and has no qualms about doing it again. The murderer, knowing that she is onto them, sets a trap that might end Agent James' career and life.

But Tina must first find the kidnapped chaplain. Or was he? All she knows is Nick has disappeared, and she's in a rush to find him before he's killed. She's sure he's not involved, but where could he be? She needs to use all her wits and follow clues if she's to find him alive...

As I mentioned above, this is the finale to the Boarding Case Mysteries, and it ends the series nicely, with questions answered and a murderer apprehended (as we know they must be, after all). What follows is a solid ending to the series, and one worth reading. I enjoyed it highly and recommend it to others.
joannefm2 | Jan 19, 2021 |
In part four of this riveting series, Tina is getting better and determined to find Nick, the school's chaplain who has disappeared. While she has no clues where he's gone, she receives a cryptic message on her phone that leads her to a mysterious woman in rural Wyoming that may give her a vital clue. It's Tina's only clue, to be truthful, and she's determined to find out the truth about the girls who died and who drove them to their deaths...

I've been following this tale from the beginning, and honestly, it's the first time I've read a serial mystery. While it's difficult to wait for the next installment, I have no intention of giving it up, as in each installment we learn a little bit more about Tina and her past life, and what brought her to Newport from Boston. It's like meeting a person and each time you see them you learn a little bit more about their life. The mystery is fascinating, and I, too, want to know the answers. Once learning about the fates of the girls at the school, you want to know the truth of the matter, and the only way to do this is to immerse yourself in a story that gives you small clues in each reading. I enjoy the series highly, and hope the next installment is soon. Recommended.
joannefm2 | Dec 29, 2020 |
This is part three of a thriller that involves Agent Tina James as she tries to solve the case of a young girl who committed suicide, and others that might also be at risk. When she manages to figure out which girls are being targeted, she thinks that she has a handle on what's going on. But it's not quite as cut and dried as she thinks. The girl that's been targeted isn't rescued yet, and Tina finds that she needs to face her own fears if she's to get anywhere at all.

While I don't normally read books with cliffhangers or short stories, this series has me intrigued enough to wait for each installment, and that's the best recommendation that I can give it. I wait anxiously for the next in the series.
joannefm2 | Dec 14, 2020 |
This is the second installment of the Boarding Case Mysteries, and I have to say that I expected it to take up where the last one ended, but unfortunately, that was only touched upon, and we weren't given any conclusion to that. Instead, we are given another mystery to solve -- this one where Agent James' home and car have been invaded, and she wants to know who is doing it.

She is also still trying to find out what is going on at the school, and when an unexpected event occurs, she must try and figure out how to deal with that while also having problems with overwrought parents and hostile parents. It's a slippery slope she needs to understand, and is doing her best.

As a second installment, it's pretty decent, but it has moments where it jumps around from place to place, and I would like to see the next installment pretty much pick up in one place and stay there.
joannefm2 | Dec 2, 2020 |
Detective Tina James has just moved to Hartford from Boston with her boyfriend, Dale. They're starting new lives together and she hopes that her relationship will survive the move. But when she's called in to investigate a series of teenage suicides at a boarding school, she needs to take as much time as she can to solve the case, and with the unexpected help of someone at the school and the chaplain, she manages to get to the heart of the matter...

Maybe I'm the wrong audience for this book, but I just didn't enjoy it much. First, she moves with her boyfriend to start a life together, but when an unexpected event - one unexpected event - occurs, then that goes haywire. I just didn't understand that at all. It didn't seem like they even loved each other.

Then, first we're told it's a girls' school but then there are boys in a different dormitory. So that kind of was odd. As the story progressed, it seemed like nothing was coming together in a rational way. I'll let the reader decide if they know what I'm talking about. As for the ending, well, I don't really like cliffhangers, as I've always felt that it's holding the reader hostage; making them read the next book.

However, the writing was very good and the story was short enough that I read it in about fifteen minutes, so that was a plus as I didn't invest a lot of time before I got to the ending. Others might find this a very interesting book, so please take a chance.
joannefm2 | Nov 12, 2020 |
Jessy and her husband are just days away from being moved to the witness relocation program, staying in a hotel with two police officers guarding them. But she's decided that her life and that of her husband shouldn't be changed, so she wants to find the people that have caused the problem in the first place.

Finding a killer might be the easy part, but finding Harlan, the man who started it all, is going to be a different story. With the help of her friend Mia, she sets out to find Harlan, but in doing so she might also end her life permanently...

I found this short story intriguing, even though unfortunately I've never read any of the others in the series and had no idea who anyone was (my loss!). Still, it had enough suspense and moments to draw you into the story easily. It was easy enough to follow everything Jessy did, and her stealth at getting away from the police and finding what she needed was enough to keep you reading. The writing was very good, and while there is sadness, there is also enticement about the beginning of something new for others.

All in all, this tale is well worth reading, but I suggest you go back and start with the beginning story; you won't be disappointed and you might find a new series to keep focused on. Recommended.
joannefm2 | Oct 7, 2020 |
This book was interesting because it showed that everyone needs help at some point. Help can come in many different ways no matter the age everyone has something to offer. Everything in life has a way to make life easy enough to complete your task. I enjoyed this book and had my daughter to get an understanding that asing for help is ok.
gedell | Oct 8, 2011 |
Explanation of orthodox Jewish traditions/ children's feelings/role of girls
Folkshul | Jan 15, 2011 |
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