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The Parting Glass takes place in 19th century New York at a time when the Irish immigrants are not welcome. Mary and her twin brother John have arrived from Ireland after being forced to leave. They have found a home of sorts living in the basement of a bar popular with many fellow immigrants. Both have found a job with a society matron; Mary as a lady’s maid, John in the stables. In addition, to complicate matters both of them have fallen in love with the daughter of the house, Charlotte. Mary resents and is jealous of her brother’s relationship with her.

The novel deals with a number of complicated issues of the time from the violence caused by the anti Irish bias in the city to the way women of wealth are bartered on a marriage market. Mary’s relationships with women are not seen as overly shocking to those that know her but she still knows she has to keep her true self secret.

Ms. Guadagnino handles the many subplots in a very deft way as each different story moves smoothly in and out of the other tales. They all come together in a very surprising ending. The author brought the time period alive with descriptions of the balls in the houses of the rich and the press of people in Irish bar on the other side of town.
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BooksCooksLooks | Apr 3, 2019 |