Afbeelding auteur

Jeremy HaunBesprekingen

Auteur van The Beauty Volume 1

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freixas | 1 andere bespreking | Mar 31, 2023 |
Haunthology is an absolute entertainer with its terrifying tales. After a long time, I have read a horror graphic novel which gives a new definition of horror. The plus point is that each story is only 2 or 3 pages long with beautiful graphics. Some of the tales are so creepy and hair raising and, maintains a thorough interest in the book. Definitely, 4 stars for the book. Thanks to Edelweiss for providing me an opportunity to read and review the book.
Sucharita1986 | Jan 24, 2023 |
3.5 stars
I wasn’t sure I’d like this one, but it was pretty good, good enough to try another volume. I liked the detectives, and I’m curious to see what happens with the cure to the Beauty disease. Interesting concept, and not too horribly graphic so far.
Harks | 18 andere besprekingen | Dec 17, 2022 |
What if a sexually transmitted disease was also a way for anyone to get beautiful? Just sleep with someone and suddenly you would be thin, your nose and teeth would be perfect, etc. You would be beautiful. In Beauty is this reality and the vast majority of the population has taken advantage of that, but Detectives Vaughn and Foster discover that being beautiful has a dangerous side-effect.

I think that beauty being a side-effect to a sexually transmitted disease a very interesting idea. Especially since we live in a world where being beautiful is quite important. And, would you, despite it being a sexually transmitted disease go for it? I mean the only known side-effect would be a slight fever and you will be a lot more hungry, but you would always be beautiful. Well, until it kills you of course because that's what Detectives Vaughn and Foster discover and it's a discovery that some would do anything to stop getting public knowledge.

It's a really interesting story, both thoughtful and action-filled and the art is also good. There are some nudity and violence in it and it's defiantly not for younger children. I found it enthralling to read and I could hardly put it down when I started to read it and I'm looking forward to reading the next volume.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review.

Read this review and others on A Bookaholic Swede
MaraBlaise | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2022 |
What if a sexually transmitted disease was also a way for anyone to get beautiful? Just sleep with someone and suddenly you would be thin, your nose and teeth would be perfect, etc. You would be beautiful. In Beauty is this reality and the vast majority of the population has taken advantage of that, but Detectives Vaughn and Foster discover that being beautiful has a dangerous side-effect.

I think that beauty being a side-effect to a sexually transmitted disease a very interesting idea. Especially since we live in a world where being beautiful is quite important. And, would you, despite it being a sexually transmitted disease go for it? I mean the only known side-effect would be a slight fever and you will be a lot more hungry, but you would always be beautiful. Well, until it kills you of course because that's what Detectives Vaughn and Foster discover and it's a discovery that some would do anything to stop getting public knowledge.

It's a really interesting story, both thoughtful and action-filled and the art is also good. There are some nudity and violence in it and it's defiantly not for younger children. I found it enthralling to read and I could hardly put it down when I started to read it and I'm looking forward to reading the next volume.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review.

Read this review and others on A Bookaholic Swede
MaraBlaise | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2022 |
I still don’t care for Daisy. I get this real entitled vibe. All I care about is Luke and his secrets. He knows what’s going on.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
Another creepy issue but nothing really happens plot wise.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
4 issues in and it ends in another cliffhanger? Good build up but I learned nothing new.
Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
The first couple of pages were cliche and boring. I didn’t really care for the main characters. I got interested when the gruesome things started to happen! The cliffhanger intrigued me and I’m curious to know more about Luke and what he is all about.
Koralis | 1 andere bespreking | Jul 12, 2022 |
This arc was fine on its own, but to not move the plot from volume 1 along at all? Pretty disappointing.
Cerestheories | 1 andere bespreking | Nov 8, 2021 |
This is the trade that finally convinced me to unsubscribe. I keep waiting for the magical arc that will unite the rest of them... and it never comes.

The series relies on violence and terrible people to cover for the fact that they abandoned the procedural elements that hooked readers in the first arc. I have no idea who anyone is or why I should care about them, since we have a new batch of characters every 5 issues. Moreover, the art and characters blend together, so I can’t physically tell people apart from issue to issue.

Cerestheories | Nov 8, 2021 |

I've never read anything by this team, but I saw the "#1" on the cover and thought I'd give it a go.

This issue does a fantastic job of setting up the central mystery while not throwing a ton of story into the pages. We get enough to know we definitely want more. And, not only is the writing excellent, the art is gorgeous.

Excellent start.
TobinElliott | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 3, 2021 |
This series is okayish and the art is fantastic but nothing has hooked me. By now I feel like I should either feel one way or the other so I’m not sure if I’ll continue the series.
booksforbrunch | May 5, 2021 |
Originally published at Full of Words. Full disclosure: I received a free review copy of this book from Net Galley.

The Beauty Volume 1 has one cool idea and not much else: there is a new sexually transmitted disease that makes you beautiful. If you contract it, you become young, thin and pretty within minutes. The only apparent side effect is a constant low-level fever, so people go out of their way to get infected. It isn’t long before half the population has The Beauty.

There are factions who object to The Beauty for political and religious reasons, but the real problem is that people with The Beauty are starting to spontaneously combust and nobody knows why. When a woman combusts in public, two police detectives (one of them infected) try to find an explanation. They face opposition from government officials trying to cover it up and a shady pharmaceutical CEO who just wants to make a profit. The story turns into a by-the-numbers conspiracy thriller/mystery after only a few pages.

One of my biggest problems with The Beauty is that I didn’t care about the main characters at all. They are generic pretty people who only want to Solve The Crime And Stop The Conspiracy. Neither of them has an identifiable personality and their dialog is basically interchangeable.

The villains get slightly more characterization and/or back story, if only because we see them doing things that aren’t necessarily related to the case at hand. That doesn’t mean their motivations are clear, however.

One villain wears a skull mask and eviscerates his victims to show that he’s obviously a very bad dude, but his appearances in the story are all gore and no tension because his actions feel utterly impersonal.

When I finished reading this volume, I had to check to find out if it was a mini-series or an ongoing title. It felt like a complete (if underdeveloped) story, so I wanted to know if my instincts were correct. It turns out that it is an ongoing series even though the sixth issue wraps up a lot of threads and ends with a note of finality.

One thing I did like about The Beauty was the art. It has a clean, realistic style that emphasizes the absurd horror of spontaneous combustions. Unfortunately, the story doesn’t give the art much to work with, so the book feels slight and generic.

After reading so many disappointing comics with boilerplate stories and undeveloped characters, it’s starting to feel like a problem with the medium. There are exceptional writers like Matt Fraction, Chip Zdarsky and Brian K. Vaughan working in comics, but the ability to fully develop a character in a few panels seems like a rare talent.

Unfortunately, The Beauty doesn’t deliver on the clever idea at its core because the characters are personality-free and generic.
unsquare | 18 andere besprekingen | Feb 16, 2021 |
More adventure and intrigue!
rjcrunden | Feb 2, 2021 |
Really enjoying this series! Can't wait for #4.
rjcrunden | Feb 2, 2021 |
Cool cover.

And - that's the best part.

It's a struggle for Constantine to get back to Earth and to get other people back to Earth what with Darkseid and Dr. Fate in the way.

Chica3000 | Dec 11, 2020 |
Once again, I'm jumping into the middle of a Constantine story line. I caught on finally he's on Earth 2 and there's another John Constantine there with his entire family still alive. However, something is going to destroy the world and Constantine and Dr. Fate can save it.

I'd like to know more about Dr. Fate but this little intro didn't help in that regard.

I'm still not dealing well with Constantine battling typical foes in a typical superhero universe. I wavered between 2 and 3 stars for the review. I did appreciate the bit of darkness that we see in Constantine's mind as he grapples with some hard decisions. At least that was left in!
Chica3000 | Dec 11, 2020 |
Wrapping up a story line of which I jumped into the middle. Back on earth. John Constantine has made some enemies. (Surprise.) I still need to read how this story arc started.

Okay, will continue this for awhile.
Chica3000 | Dec 11, 2020 |
Dark and beautiful, I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
HeatherPerdigon | 18 andere besprekingen | Mar 21, 2020 |
Beauty, a new sexually transmitted disease that makes the sufferer more attractive in several ways. With a low grade fever as the only side effect of it, many people sought out the infection and soon almost half the population had it. But Beauty does come with a hidden price that is soon going to become very public. The story starts with the apparent murder of a beauty sufferer on the subway but quickly devolves into more of a giant conspiracy with big pharma and the government. The book was interesting enough and had sorta of X Files feel to it with the two cops going against the big guys and they had help from a small group of people trying to cure the disease. By the end of this collection you know who most of the players are in this battle but the war is far from over.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley
Glennis.LeBlanc | 18 andere besprekingen | Jan 6, 2020 |
Stumbled on this series by accident and was intrigued by the premise of the story--a random STD that makes people beautiful. Can't wait to see how the story plays out.
RoxieT | 18 andere besprekingen | Nov 9, 2019 |
Bravo, sirs. Really though, kudos. I never thought that I'd be able to say that I was intrigued by an STD, but Jeremy Haun and Jason A. Hurley have accomplished that for me. When we think of STDs, we think of them as things we don't want to contract. They are uncomfortable, embarrassing, and often terrifying in the way that they manifest themselves. In the world of The Beauty, that's all changed. What if you could contract and STD that would make you flawless? Perfect skin, perfect hair, no known side effects. If Haun and Hurley are right, that would spread like wildfire.

Oh, this was so good. The first volume of The Beauty does an amazing job of pulling you right into the middle of the story, but leaving a few loose ends dangling out there to keep you reading. I found myself caught up in a mystery. Remember when I said that this disease had "no known side-effects"? Well, they make themselves known fairly soon after you start reading this story, and they aren't pretty. While I could have used a little more background on our main characters, I liked them so much that it didn't make a difference after a few pages. I have a feeling more we'll get to know them better very, very soon.

This entire storyline is honestly brilliant though. It spotlights our obsession with fads, with beauty, and with being part of the masses. On the flip side, it also spotlights the terrible things that go on behind the scenes. Like big business having the opportunity to help people, and withholding it for profit. We all suspect that goes on, but Haun actually shows it close up. He takes these normal people, who never even wanted the "gift" they were given, and their struggle to just lead semi-normal lives. Add in an art style that is gorgeous, and an absolutely perfect addition to this story, and you have a series that I'm firmly in love with.

I'm glad I waited for the first trade paperback to come out. I don't know if my heart would have survived single issues. I can tell you right now though, I'm in for the duration of The Beauty. It has hooked me, and I'm completely okay with that.
roses7184 | 18 andere besprekingen | Feb 5, 2019 |
I really like the concept behind The Beauty. An STD that increases your metabolism and makes you gorgeous? Why wouldn't you want that? What are the hidden repercussions? It's a fantastic idea! I enjoyed the artwork and thought it was well-done and appropriate. I thought it was a nice touch to have the Beauty-infected characters have a brighter, orange tinge.

However, I'm not sure I like the story yet, but I'm willing to continue with it for now. Wait and see for a series, but worth a glimpse.
trile1000 | 18 andere besprekingen | Jul 27, 2018 |
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