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Andrea HirataBesprekingen

Auteur van De regenboogbende

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Rainbow Troops is an debut autobiographical novel by Indonesian author Andrea Hirata that has sold more than 5 million copies in Indonesia and spawned a screen version. It is set on the island of Pulau Belitong, Sumatra, presumably in the 1970s, and portrays Ikal and his classmates’ experiences at Muhammadiyah Elementary School with passionate young teacher Bu Mu. Despite their gruelling poverty the children have to fight to continue attending school, with the brilliant Lintang cycling 40 kilometers, rain or shine, to get an education. The school has to battle with both the pompous school inspector and the wealthy PN tin mining company to stay open. The story is a real fight of the poor against oppression by the rich, or of good versus evil

It was important to realise how much of a privilege education really is, and how much this is taken for granted, and even willfully wasted in the Western world. On the other hand the novel read somewhat like a religious or political propaganda tract. The writing was very simplistic and idealistic. As another reviewer pointed out, it would have been nice to understand the background behind girls having equal rights to education in Indonesia, although this is not the case in all Muslim countries. This was due in part to the efforts of female Indonesian activist Raden Adjeng Kartini (1879-1904) who advocated for the rights of girls to be educated. This was a pleasant, easy read, that made me appreciate the privilege of an education and gave me some insight into island life in Indonesia.
mimbza | 14 andere besprekingen | Apr 27, 2024 |
Reason Read: Asian author challenge, Indonesian Island
Story about 11 young people who desired to get an education in spite of great odds. A good story, a happy story, a sad story.
Kristelh | 14 andere besprekingen | Nov 27, 2022 |
From the very first day of their educational lives this small group of children were struggling to obtain what is for many a basic human right, an education. An opportunity that was almost lost to them even before it began, the sacrifices, struggles and successes these children encountered are recounted to us through the eyes of Ikal. At the hands of a man who dedicated his life to teaching and a young girl who was determined to teach so that others may succeed, Ikal and his friends are able to experience what so many of their family members and fellow countrymen were not able to, the joy of learning.

The Rainbow Troops are a group of children who learnt how empowering an education was to self-development. These were children with nothing and with no chance of a future, but who through an education dared to dream of a better life. Through their struggles is gained a new appreciation for the opportunities that most people take for granted, a childhood with a chance to learn, play and grow. A touching story that will lead you through the good times and the hard times of a life lived in poverty, struggling for understanding and never giving up.
LarissaBookGirl | 14 andere besprekingen | Aug 2, 2021 |
Os Guerreiros do Arco-Íris é um romance escrito por Andrea Hirata, um escritor indonésio e traduzido por Maria João Freire de Andrade.

Antes de dizer o que quer que seja sobre os acontecimentos narrados neste livro, devo dizer que é fantástico! Não é qualquer livro que tem o poder de nos envolver de tal forma, que com ele choramos, rimos, sofremos, vibramos. Por vários momentos, senti o peito apertadinho a sofrer pelas personagens, ou melhor, com as personagens. Uma história de vida, de luta, de persistência, de desigualdades sociais, de exploração infantil, de desvalorização de escolas das aldeias, a par de uma grande persistência, de professores que fazem a diferença, de alunos que também fazem a diferença, de um grande espírito de sacrifício e resiliência, e, ainda, entremeando com momentos puramente mágicos, com a crença em fantasmas, com o amor (que, com efeito, comanda e muda a vida), momentos de vitória, nos quais me vi a torcer com ansiedade por um grupo de jovens e muitos momentos hilariantes nos quais era impossível não soltar uma boa gargalhada.

Esta é uma história que, segundo a Amazon, “se lê como um moderno conto de fadas”, mas um conto de fadas em que, nem sempre tudo corre às mil maravilhas. Narrada na primeira pessoa, é pela voz de Ikal, uma criança de seis anos, no início do romance, que nos chega esta história incrível. A ação decorre na ilha de Belitong, uma aldeia muito pobre e onde as crianças começam a trabalhar muito cedo a apanhar pimenta, a embrenharem-se pela perigosa selva para apanharem madeira de agara e sândalo amarelo, a trabalhar em lojas, a calafetar barcos, a ralar coco e como moços de recados dos barcos de pesca.

Porém, para este grupo de crianças, pelo menos até certa altura, a escola era o lugar onde eram felizes, mas manter a escola aberta é uma luta constante e muitas são as adversidades por que passam. Estes jovens estudantes são, com efeito, “guerreiros do arco-íris”, que tudo fazem para defender a sua escola, mesmo quando tencionam derrubá-la para explorar o estanho que estaria debaixo da sua estrutura.

Conseguirão os dois troféus ganhos em provas diferentes ser suficientes para manter a escola aberta? Que futuro estará reservado para estas crianças pobres?

Este é mesmo um livro que todos deviam ler, que alguns jovens que têm acesso à educação de mão beijada e não aproveitam, deviam ler. Que todos deviam ler!

Um romance 5 estrelas. É daqueles romances que nos deixa a ressacar. O próximo a ler tem de ser mesmo bom, ou vou ter sempre saudades deste!
Celiagil | 14 andere besprekingen | Mar 24, 2021 |
Ikal besucht auf der indonesischen Insel Belitung eine Muhammadiyah, eine ärmliche Dorfschule. Gemeinsam mit den idealistischen Lehrern und seinen Mitschülern - der titelgebenden Regenbogentruppe - kämpft er trotz aller Widrigkeiten für den Fortbestand der Schule.

Hiratas autobiographischer Roman ist ein Hochlied auf die Bildung in seiner ureigensten Form. Lehrern und Schülern geht es um die Erweiterung von Wissen und die Vermittlung von Werten, nicht so sehr um materiellen Profit aufgrund von Ausbildung. Die Protagonisten bilden trotz der Armut eine fröhlich-bunte Schicksalgemeinschaft verschiedenster Charaktere und Talente, welche die unterschiedlichen Völker Indonesiens vereint und dem Grundsatz "Gemeinsam sind wir stark!" trotz individueller Unterschiede zu Geltung verhilft.

Trotz einiger deprimierender Passagen, in denen Hirata die Armut der Inselbevölkerung und deren soziologisch-bedingte Ausweglosigkeit schildert, ist der Grundtenor des Romans ein durchwegs positiver. Er entführt den Leser in eine dem Europäer fremde Inselwelt, und verdeutlicht, dass sich trotz unterschiedlicher Möglichkeiten die Träume und Anlagen der dortigen Bevölkerung nicht besonders von jenen der westlichen Welt unterscheiden. Hirata öffnet damit einen Blick auf wahren Reichtum und innere Zufriedenheit.
schmechi | 14 andere besprekingen | Dec 10, 2020 |
The most impassioned cry for education. I really felt I was with these kids all the way, through the triumphs and heartbreaks. This is what fiction is all about.
bsmashers | 14 andere besprekingen | Aug 1, 2020 |
This was as charming as it was inspirational. The author relates his time in the local village school in a remote corner of Indonesia, growing up with his 10 classmates and friends, The Rainbow Troops. The book doesn't shy away from the grinding poverty, the incredible hardship and the shocking state of education in this part of the world, but doesn't seek the reader's pity. Instead, this is an uplifting, hopeful account, often humerous, with characters who you can't help but cheer on.

I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in foreign cultures, but, since this is a story about education and the love of learning, I'd recommend it in particular to teachers.
SabinaE | 14 andere besprekingen | Jan 23, 2016 |
Picked this book up while browsing in a Malaysian bookstore - so surprised that I hadn't heard of it before - I'd say it was the perfect novel for Malaysian teens and ought to find its way into classrooms across the country.

It is a charming tale, by turns funny and very touching, of a class of students at an Islamic school on a small Malaysian island, succeeding against all odds ... for a while at least, until abject poverty kicks in and thwarts all aspirations. The main message is about the importance of education and how it needs to be available to all.

Gave it 4 rather than 5 stars because I personally found it a little too simple, and I want more complexity and challenge in my reads. (I could better imagine a younger self reading it.) Reminded me of R.K. Narayan's stories.
bibliobibuli | 14 andere besprekingen | Apr 4, 2015 |
This book was enjoyable (up to a point) Although the characters were delightfully drawn I found the story a little far fetched and I think the book suffered in translation from the original Indonesian. It started off well but seemed to "peter out" in the last chapters. The writer only told us of the outcome for some of the characters and we did not get to find out how he himself became successful given that he was a mediocre student and came from such a poor family.
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lesleynicol | 14 andere besprekingen | Dec 18, 2014 |
The story of a group of classmates at a very poor school in Indonesia, their difficulties, their successes, the role of the surrounding society on them, the role of chance. It is moving and enlightening.
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pnorman4345 | 14 andere besprekingen | Aug 25, 2013 |
Cuando Andrea Hirata empezó a escribir La tropa del arcoíris, no se podía imaginar que en su mesa de trabajo empezaba a latir el corazón de una novela que estallaría en todo el mundo.El pulso que diez chavales inolvidables y dos profesores echaron al gobierno indonesio al obstinarse en mantener abierta la escuela que les permitiría abandonar el estado de semiesclavitud en el que vivían se convirtió en un relato estimulante que conquistó el ánimo de más de cinco millones de lectores.Sin más aliciente que hacer partícipe al mundo entero de lo que estaba sucediendo en ese país en el que unos pocos habían truncado el plan de políticos y dirigentes de acabar con la educación pública, gratuita y universal, tradujo la novela al inglés.
Esta es la tropa del arcoíris: Ikal, aspirante a escritor; el forzudo Sansón; Harun, un síndrome de Down obsesionado con el número tres; el crédulo A Kiong; la batalladora Sahara; Trapani, guapo y precoz; el pequeño Syahdan; Kucai, presuntuoso y pomposo; Mahar, un artista atraído por lo oculto; y el increíble Linsang, un genio matemático. Un grupo de alumnos que, a través de sus aventuras, de sus historias de amor y de sus esfuerzos en un país apasionante y hostil, es capaz de hacernos reír, llorar, soñar, viajar y reflexionar.
biblioesti | 14 andere besprekingen | Jun 19, 2013 |
The Rainbow Troops is one of those books that make you feel good inside and positive about the people that inhabit this Earth. This tale is fiction, but is strongly autobiographical of the author’s life growing up in Indonesia. The story is told in the first person, of a boy growing up with the desire to attend school. In this day and age, this strikes us as somewhat unusual – everyone attends school, whether they want to or not. But for Ikal and his friends, they have to wait at the village school to see if there are enough pupils for the school to run. Luckily, at the eleventh hour, they have the numbers and the Rainbow Troops (as they later name themselves) set off on a life-changing journey, led by two wonderful teachers.

The book reveals the scrapes that the Rainbow Troops get into as youngsters and their strengths and triumphs (particularly over the richer PN school). The school lacks even the most basic equipment required by the government, but it doesn’t stop the group from learning. We learn of the great poverty of the village, where children aspire to be menial workers (for example, coconut grater) and the desperation of the teachers to change that. Despite the barriers, the Rainbow Troops overcome many trials and tribulations to achieve what they want the most – an education.

As the troop grows up, the narrative becomes darker (although there is a sweet subplot about first love). Two troop members have fascinations with the spiritual underworld and others are forced out of school. As the school battles its own demons, the Rainbow Troops become dejected, losing faith in what they have achieved. Can they find their way back and will it make a difference to their lives?

I felt this book was divided into three parts – the funny, lighter part when the troops were young, the ennui that occurred in their teenage years and then the final part as adults – beaten but still with hope. Each part had its own tone and it was quite a change for these determined youngsters to suddenly not be bothered. Other parts were absolutely heartbreaking – I felt quite emotional with what happened to some of the characters. As I believe this book is the first of four (I don’t think all are published in English), I thought the final part was a bit rushed. It was good to see what became of Ikal and his friends, but I wonder if it’s covered in greater detail in the other books…

I’d read this book if you’re feeling a bit down and dissatisfied with your life – reading about the Rainbow Troops is certainly inspiring and will remind you of what you have, and what’s important.

Thank you to The Reading Room and Random House for an eARC copy. (My opinion is 100% my own).
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birdsam0610 | 14 andere besprekingen | Mar 4, 2013 |
The Rainbow Troops is a remarkable debut novel by a young man who once promised his schoolteacher he would write a book in her honor. Inspired by Hirata's own childhood experiences on the tiny, isolated island of Belitong, on the east coast of Sumatra, this is the poignant story of ten young children from among the islands poorest families, and their struggle to gain the education they are guaranteed under Indonesian law.

On his first day at Belitong's only free school, Muhammadiyah Elementary, Ikal breathes a sigh of relief when the tenth child the school needs to remain operational appears at enrollment at the last minute, saving him from being sent to work as a helper at the grocery market or a coolie (labourer) for the miners or fishermen to supplement his family's meagre income. As he takes his seat in the ramshackle building which contains not much more than a chalkboard and a few desks and chairs he marvels at the opportunity he has been given, ignoring the leaking roof, "...a roof with leaks so large that students see planes flying in the sky and have to hold umbrellas while studying on rainy days", crumbling concrete floors and missing wall planks. In front of Ikal stands fifteen year old Bus Mus, the new class teacher, and school supervisor, Pak Harfan. Beside him sits nine other children, the Rainbow Troops.

Though simply written, this is an inspiring tale of struggle against adversity told with warmth, humour and tenderness. The children, the Rainbow Troops, will capture your heart as Ikal shares their stories, recounting his friends achievements, triumphs and tragedies as they struggle to claim their right to an education. There is Lintang who leaves his home at dawn to pedal the 40km to school each day, dodging crocodiles and wading through flood waters, never missing a day, Mahar whose imagination entertains them all with stories and Haran who sits, smiling happily, in class even though he doesn't understand a word. learning what becomes of these ten (later 11) children is both heartbreaking and revealing.

The Rainbow Troops is also a story of quiet rebellion. Belitong lies in the shadow of the giant PN tin mining company who, with government approval, strip the land of its riches while caring nothing for its native citizens. Muhammadiyah Elementary educates its students with few resources, it's teachers are unpaid and it is constantly threatened with closure but it fights the injustice with everything it has.

It is impossible to read The Rainbow Troops and not be moved by such an incredible story that is more fact than fiction. With memorable characters, irresistible charm and touching simplicity, this is a story that reminds us to appreciate what we have but also to strive for what we want most. This is a story the world should know.

'Laskar Pelangi' was a phenomenal success when published in Indonesia in 2005, an immediate bestseller, spawning a TV series and film. This is the first of four novels Hirata has penned in the interim, and the first to be translated into English, now on the cusp of global release.
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shelleyraec | 14 andere besprekingen | Jan 25, 2013 |
keongracun | Dec 13, 2008 |
Cerita terjadi di Desa Gantung, Kabupaten Gantung, Belitong Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.

Mulai dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah!

Mereka, Laskar Pelangi - nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi - pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme yang membuahkan kemenangan manis pada karnaval 17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini!
fheryani | 14 andere besprekingen | Jul 24, 2008 |
This is the second book of Andrea Hirata's Laskar Pelangi tetralogy. The book told the story of Ikal (the childhood nickname of the author), his adopted brother Arai, and Jimbron, a schoolmate during their high school years. Life was hard for our three protagonists, since their poverty and distance from their immediate families meant that they had to do whatever it takes to support themselves. But the three of them kept their chin up, for they have a dream that someday their education will bring them to the great almamater of Sorbonne in Paris, and will allow them to explore the whole Europe and Africa. Their struggle was beautifully written by Andrea Hirata, and this is by far my favorite of the three Laskar Pelangi books that I've read. His writing seems a bit more polished here than in Laskar Pelangi, and the story is kept simple with little distractions. A truly inspiring piece of work. A must read by any anthusiasts for Indonesian literatures.
julaybib | 1 andere bespreking |
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