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THE POISON PEN: A TENNESSEE WILSON COZY MYSTERY is the first book in a series about a Boston criminal psychology professor who decided to spend three months in rural Vermont to finish a paper and have it published. She no sooner arrived than she found a letter with her name on the envelope. The letter accused her of being a family wrecker.
She quickly learned that everyone in town had received a poison pen letter but most had no idea to what they referred.
The next day, one of the residents was found dead. The cause appeared to be suicide. An exchange student living with the family found the body and then disappeared. Eventually she is found but the circumstances are not logical.
The novella covers a lot of territory in a very short space. The plot moves quickly though identifying the villain lacked any preparation. The writing is somewhat amateurish.
A couple pages are devoted to showing the main character how to find the Big and Little Dippers in the night sky. She claims that living in Boston prevented her from seeing stars. I also live in a large city. While there is a lot of light pollution, those two constellations have always been visible.
This is the second time I read this novella. The first time, it was erroneously presented in draft form. It is now been largely corrected, but it still has at least a dozen grammatical errors. Whoever did the editing, though, deserves being listed as a co-author.
This forty-three page book was a free Amazon download.
Judiex | Aug 17, 2015 |