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Voor andere auteurs genaamd Michael Kirk, zie de verduidelijkingspagina.

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Two parts contain:
pt. 1. (146 min.):
1. Within hours of the 9/11 attacks --
2. Preparing the plan of attack --
3. Cheney's focus: new wartime powers --
4. The Afghanistan campaign --
5. Cheney's secret plan for handling detainees --
6. Iraq is back on the table --
7. Working in the shadows --
8. Rumsfeld: hardback infighter --
9. Rumsfeld takes on the generals and State Dept. --
10. The drumbeats of war --
11. Tough new interrogation techniques --
12. The CIA national intelligence estimate on WMD --
13. The CIA's flawed intelligence goes public --
14. Powell makes the case for war at the U.N. --
15. The countdown to war --
pt. 2. (116 min.):
1. The invasion is over in three weeks --
2. Plans for Postwar Iraq quickly go awry --
3. L. Paul Bremer takes over --
4. Bremer's next edict: dissolve the Iraqi army --
5. No weapons of mass destruction --
6. Things are getting bad, fast --
7. Late 2003-Spring 2004 --
8. The insurgency rages --
9. Bush re-elected: Iraqis vote --
10. 2006: a flickering civil war --
11. A new Defense Secretary, a new strategy.
Lemeritus | Feb 22, 2022 |