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First and foremost, this book is hilarious. If you don't read the book to actually change how many f*cks you give, read it because the author is a hoot. (Ugh, did I just use "a hoot" to describe somebody? Oh well #notsorry).

More than the humor though, you'll also learn some valid and smart techniques on how to feel less obligated to do things and truly do the things for which you give a f*ck. In the author's words, managing your F*ck Budget.

The book gets a little repetitive after a while and you get the gist of the message pretty quickly. Maybe a series of blogs or articles was a better format; but still some great content and genuine belly laughs along the way.
teejayhanton | 36 andere besprekingen | Mar 22, 2024 |
An amusing read with some good tips. Could have been shorter but the author evidently had a quota for saying shit and fuck a lot so a shorter book wouldn't have worked.
donwon | 14 andere besprekingen | Jan 22, 2024 |
I keep reading Sarah Knight's book, although I am really virgo and mostly have my shit together/don't dedicate my time to pointless pursuits.
HOWEVER, I like her writing style and enjoy validation.
If you are not an earth sign, this book is probably for you!
kimlovesstuff | 14 andere besprekingen | Dec 31, 2023 |
Some people live in the self-help section. I vacation there. I have won friends and influenced people, I have thought and grown rich, I have art of warred, I have seven habited, and I have Marie Kondoed. But I have never tried not giving an F. Sarah Knight has written several books about not giving an F, culminating in this gem: “You Do You.” The author takes us on a witty, irreverent journey dismantling the hold that other people have on us. She examines the social contract as a basis of expectations and gives us examples of how to escape them. Sarah isn’t going to smile more and neither should you if you don’t feel like it. Even through the snarky tone of the book, the author sincerely discusses how she copes with her own anxieties which serves as a reality check in allowing other people’s expectations to cause us stress. As RuPaul says, “What you think of me is none of my business.”
jennifergeran | 7 andere besprekingen | Dec 23, 2023 |
While the advice seems solid (particularly the section on selfishness) the writing style with EXCESSIVE use of CAPitalization and bolding was very annoying.
dcoward | 7 andere besprekingen | Sep 9, 2023 |
[full disclosure: This was a Goodreads Giveaways win]
I liked this little guide. I appreciated the lighthearted tone and the simple approach to setting goals and building good habits. This style was especially helpful to me as a chronic overthinker. Non-judgemental, easy to remember, and very irreverent. While I didn't have any major epiphanies, I'll keep it on hand for when I'm stuck in a rut or feeling overwhelmed.
samalots | 14 andere besprekingen | Jun 19, 2023 |
Basically another self help book, but a good one. Gets the point across in a way one with anxiety would, and peppers it like a well meaning drunk aunt would. And you know what? Drunk aunts usually give good advice.
zenseiii | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 13, 2022 |
Jokaisen kannattaa lukea tämä. Vaikka ehkä hiukan itseään toistava onkin.
AceVonS | 36 andere besprekingen | Jul 14, 2022 |
Unlike many traditional self-help authors, I am going to use the word shit 332 times (including several shitmanteaus of my own invention), so please do not go on Amazon saying you were expecting sunshine and kittens and got shitstorms and shittens.

I don't know if this book will ever help me get my sh*t together for real, but I think I will try to do my best to apply some of the advices Knight wrote in this book (I hope so omg, I already know I will miserably fail — this isn't the right attitude, I KNOW, but I don't care at this point lol) 👍
XSassyPants | 14 andere besprekingen | Jun 11, 2022 |
Do y'all ever read a book just because you want to hear someone agree with you and cheer you on when you are trying to do something but feel like you're failing miserably. I do. It's the entire reason I read THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF NOT GIVING A F*CK. I am super good at giving out f*cks. I give out my daily allotment of f*cks and then I borrow some from tomorrow and next week. I'd be upset that I ran out of f*cks... if I had any more to give, that is. Mostly, that all just leaves me tired.

So is this book actually life-changing? I mean... no? I learned absolutely nothing, though I liked Knight's metaphor of f*cks being a physical object where you only have a finite amount to hand out - that resonated. Otherwise? It was nice to read a book that continued to give me permission to keep doing the thing I am trying to do to value my own time.
Morteana | 36 andere besprekingen | May 15, 2022 |
Sometimes you just need someone else to give you permission (and scripts) to say no.
hissingpotatoes | 4 andere besprekingen | Mar 21, 2022 |
It’s good, funny, and it offers a lot of practical tips that can be easily incorporated in everyone’s life. The ideas are concise which I think makes the book even more effective. But personally, as someone who have read quite a lot of self-help book, I find several of the ideas presented to be repetitive and it’s like I have already read them from someone. But maybe that’s the thing with self-help books. However, this book still stood out for me because of the funny narrative.
jam01 | 7 andere besprekingen | Feb 26, 2022 |
I really like Knight's humor, self-awareness, vulnerability, and straightforwardness. The book starts with some good self-reflection questions.½
hissingpotatoes | 7 andere besprekingen | Jan 20, 2022 |
I think this comes easy for some, but, I struggle with caring too much. This book helps to narrow down your "f!@k budget" into a manageable list.

Also, I thought it was appropriate that as I was returning this book I heard these lyrics on the radio 'these are the things I can do without' good mantra for this book!
bookdrunkard78 | 36 andere besprekingen | Jan 6, 2022 |
I definitely enjoyed the humorous approach to shifting your mentality to make room for only the things that spark joy. I also appreciated the author's focus on not giving a fuck without becoming an asshole, making the book genuinely useful. It's a difficult mentality to shift, which the author fully recognizes, but I'm going to try to implement what she's laid out over time.½
hissingpotatoes | 36 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2021 |
I never thought a book that had an expletive in the title and whose main analogy was based on the Chipmunks would be one of the most useful things I've read, but here we are.

I find it so much more accessible to get the intended advice from self-help books with this kind of humorous, straightforward, no-nonsense framing than ones with platitudes and flowery language.

I am 100% a Simon Chipmunk, based on the creepily accurate descriptions in the book. The entire analogy worked really well. Early on I realized that even though I'm quite successful using lists and being organized at work, I don't do it for my non-work life. WHY, self? I've already downloaded a to-do app and IT FEELS AMAZING. Applying the methods of strategizing and committing at home has cleared so much of the mental clutter the book is designed to reduce, so yeah. Super successful.

Also I felt directly called out in the perfectionism section, to the point that I had to pause reading to make room for my subsequent paradigm shift. Thanks, Sarah Knight.
hissingpotatoes | 14 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2021 |
auldhouse | 36 andere besprekingen | Sep 30, 2021 |
To be clear, I skimmed this whole book over a period of maybe 20 minutes.
KittyCatrinCat | 36 andere besprekingen | Aug 29, 2021 |
I feared that Sarah Knight and I were getting off on the wrong foot when she began with a long rant against natural peanut butter (to me, JIF and its ilk are abominable) and put Iceland as number six on her list of things she didn't give a fuck about (I was IN Iceland, and loving it, while reading her book!). Those are just two of many examples of how the author and I give, and don't give, a fuck about very different things. But so what? Her approach is pretty damn funny AND it's actually quite useful. I breezed through a bit, not giving my heart and soul to making her recommended lists, but did jot down a few things for future reference, and can see her insights (especially re: "the holy fucking trinity" of time, energy, and money--p. 125) coming in handy for sure. Thanks to my sister for giving enough of a fuck about me, and my seemingly perpetual state of worry and fretfulness, to give me this book!
CaitlinMcC | 36 andere besprekingen | Jul 11, 2021 |
After weeks (months?) of hearing me mention how great the "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up" was, Marilyn decided to pick this book up on a recent trip. It wasn't long before she devoured it and started quoting phrases like "if it's elastic, it feels fantastic" and the need to be able to fit a bottle of wine in your purse. Filled with great quips, it's hard not to laugh during this one.
adamfortuna | 36 andere besprekingen | May 28, 2021 |
Gostei muuuuuuuuuuuito do livro. Li no kindle e pretendo comprar o físico para ficar relendo e consultando sempre, assim como quero comprar uma edição pra cada um dos meus amigos ansiosos que se preocupam um pouco demais com o que as pessoas pensam e estão, cada vez mais, mais sobrecarregados com responsabilidades, obrigações e culpa.
Obrigada por por isso na minha vida, Sarah!
megwatrin | 36 andere besprekingen | Mar 11, 2021 |
This was excellent reading and then the last chapter about "no and compromising" and respecting other people's nos, moved it from good to great. I've read a fair few of these books at this stage and they're a bit repeditive but in each one there's a nugget of great in every one. This one is no exception, realising that I'm a People Pleaser who also Overachieves and a bit of a Pushover. Sometimes the person I need to say no to is me.

And that's the truth of it, sometimes it's not just other people you need to say no to but also yourself. You need to find the right nos to say to everyone.

This book has also good notes to fill out with your own stuff. using her templates you can say no to a variety of people and it's a good start.½
wyvernfriend | 4 andere besprekingen | Jan 26, 2021 |
A parody of a book I dislike which I also dislike. At least it was short. It was a funny concept but didn't need to be an actual book -- a funny blog post would have been fine.
octal | 36 andere besprekingen | Jan 1, 2021 |
This sooo would have been a dnf if I'd had access to another book. Any other book...
The over-use of the f* word was quite off-putting, the droning on about the same thing over and over and over and the so outdated and irrelevant refferences (I actually checked when this was published, because the refferences seemed so....old).
It was a drag to read.
And maybe, just maybe, the author is actually some kind of genius. Her forced style, her trying-so-hard-to-shock-so-I'll-try-to-use-f***-as-often-as-I-can, and her egocentric approach, made me not give a f* about her book. Mission acomplished, I'd say.
HeyMimi | 36 andere besprekingen | Dec 28, 2020 |
I enjoy Sarah Knight's book so much. Her blunt wisdom and practical techniques are approachable and relatable. I am working on being less of a “yes” person and one of the biggest things I have learned(and am still working on!) is that saying “NO” can actually help you say “YES” to the things that really matter to you.

In F*ck No, Knight offers practical ideas that can help you say "no" in a variety of circumstances while also being realistic about it which I really appreciated. Saying yes all the time sounds like a good thing, but then you just feel spread too thin and aren’t really there for the people and things that you really want to be prioritizing. Her insights are the perfect balance of humor and useful tools to help work towards our own individual goals of setting boundaries in real-world situations.

I got so much out this one and I highly recommend it! Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown & Company for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
genthebookworm | 4 andere besprekingen | Dec 19, 2020 |
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