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Werken van Danny Korem

Korem without limits (1985) 18 exemplaren
The fakers (1980) 11 exemplaren
Sztuka przenikania osobowości (2001) 2 exemplaren
Fakers (1980) 2 exemplaren
Taking a Stand 1 exemplaar


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The authors provide explanations for "paranormal" or purported psychic phenomena. At the time of publication there was not a single text that "separates the real from the fake, the genuine from the deceptive manipulations of the "fakers". Danny Korem is a master magician, and a Messianic Jew. Dr. Paul Meier has medical and psychological expertise and is a Believer by conversion.

In addition to revealing magic to be magic tricks, the authors also take on psychological ailments, [36 ]such as "demon possession", people experiencing sudden blindness, faith healing, attention disorders, and even god-delusions. Citing Francis Schaeffer "one of the world's brilliant thinkers", they ponder why men look for mystical answer to very real questions. This team ponders all aspects of "the supernatural" and our skepticism, as well as scientific experiments, body language, predictions, "ideomotors", pendulums, dowsers, table tilting, and fire walking, among other displays.

One of the brilliant chapters concerns those who offer spiritual services or predictions in exchange for money. Quotes the Book of James: "Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there carry on business and make money.' Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you out to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that'."

OK, you had me with the mist. Clearly, James puts NO stock or authority in predictions, and nor do the authors. The text also provides lists of "profiles" and syndromes used by fakers. Actually lists the "predictable behavior traits in two common personality types" -- hysteric female and obsessive-compulsive male. [119] Also lists of techniques used by fortune-tellers, how they play the odds in cold readings, only pretending to rely upon trinkets or tea leaves. [107]

Turning to the prophesies in the Bible, they find plausibility. For example, no comment is made of the fact that since St Paul, Believers, including the authors of the NT, firmly predicted that their generation would see the return of Christ. [143] Nonplussed, the authors turn to the "accuracy" of the OT prophecies fulfilled by Jesus -- although in fact this Christ is an amalgam. {Hebrew scholars have never had difficulty with the prophecies [151], and Islam finds the same evidence points to Mohammad.}

Utilizes the concept of legal-historical proof for assessing Biblical prophecy. [123] Example: The Iliad, ascribed to Homer, who lived around 900 BC. We have 643 manuscripts ascribed to Homer, the earliest of which dates to 400 BC. The New Testament is drawn from 24,000 manuscripts, none of which is dated none of which is dated much past AD 80 [124]. The principal librarian of the British Museum (Kenyon) concludes that the Scriptures have come down to us "substantially as they were written".

Between 7th and 10th centuries BC, Jewish scholars called Masorites gathered primarily in Tiberias developed an intricate system for transcribing/ copying the "Old Testament" [not their word]. [126] Paleographers date the Book of Isaiah around 125 BC. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accurate transmission of Isaiah, over a period of 1000 years.

Discusses the existence and relevance of "Demons and Angels" in the Scripture. Notes the role of "Angel of the Lord" (burning bush, Egypt, wilderness, contracts with Israel, is worshiped). Lists the references to Angels [177-184]. Each of us has a "guardian angel", Hebrews 1, which Doctor Meier finds reassuring. [185]

Concludes by reminding us that "the one subject Jesus talked about more than any other in His ministry, was the kingdom of Heaven". Matthew 6:33. { True, and Jesus said NOTHING about gay marriage, abortions, or any evil of any Government. Those are subjects being used to deceive Believers, by false prophets.}
… (meer)
keylawk | Aug 16, 2012 |


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