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Florence LittauerBesprekingen

Auteur van Mensenkennis plus

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The author reveals life-changing things that happen when you; Dare to dream; Prepare the dream; wear the dream; repair the dream and share the dream. The book offers encouragement and practical advice to help you rev up your dreams and get them off the ground. Also discusses whether the Lord can sustain you in times of trouble or if you can forgive unforgivable people, etc.
MenoraChurch | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 15, 2023 |
I read this book years ago and vaguely remember crying through much of it: I didn't know how to wrap my head around living a dream. Thinking that timing may change my perspective, I tried it again.

Re-reading it now I find the text dated and a bit over the top with example stories from people the writer knows personally or has researched. While lacking specifics on the "how" of daring, the writer shares much rehashed material from her work with personality profiles. This aspect of the book didn't help me much and neither did the thread of hero-worship for her younger brother and his success as a radio personality/deejay. I did not cry.
rebwaring | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 14, 2023 |
Interesting take, but I don't agree that all introvert analytical people are pessimists, all friendly extroverts are optimists. There were some types grouped together that don't fit people I know.
Wren73 | 9 andere besprekingen | Mar 4, 2022 |
Through humorous anecdotes and straightforward counsel, Personality Plus guides you to improve upon your strengths and correct your weaknesses. This engaging book also provides keys to understanding those around you. You'll learn how to accept-and even enjoy-the traits that make each of us so different.
MUHAMMADHARIS | 9 andere besprekingen | Oct 14, 2021 |
Interesting read in knowing what personality you are and others around you. In a way it helps you deal with all sorts of individuals without getting frustrated. My girlfriend gave this book to me to read when we were dating. Guess it worked, because she became my wife!
Mark_Oszoli | 9 andere besprekingen | Nov 9, 2014 |
Enjoyed this look at personality in couples. Some of my favorite quotes:
“Lynn recommended my book After Every Wedding Comes a Marriage and added, ‘You won’t like it, but it’s what your marriage needs.’”
“As she read of God’s plan for marriage, Cheri realized she had followed her own plan. She had not been using her personality to complement her husband but as a weapon to get her way. Even though she had married him for his pleasant Sanguine/Phlegmatic ways, she had tried to take control and turn him into something different. She had removed his confidence and not responded to his humor. And she had ridiculed him in front of others. Ignoring God’s plan of submitting to Randy’s leadership, Choleric Cheri had been using all her manipulative ways to control him.”
“It took a lot of hard work, some of it very painful, to restore Cheri and Randy’s marriage. But when Cheri learned to accept Randy as he was and leave the changing to the Lord, the charming man she had married returned, and so did his beautiful wife. She now enjoys his humor, lingers in his conversations, and relaxes in his leadership, all because she went to the Master Builder and asked Him to show her how to restore what she had unknowingly torn down.”
“No personality theory can give you a perfect key for unlocking every mystery in your spouse. Learning about the personalities is a great benefit to your marriage – but it cannot be a substitute for good communication between you and your spouse.”
“When you begin to feel that your needs are going unmet, don’t keep your spouse guessing about what’s wrong. Remember, they have their own unique personality and that makes it difficult for them to see things from your perspective.”
“ Instead, take the time to sit down with each other and talk about your needs. You may be surprised to learn that the things you thought your spouse would appreciate the most are the very things that annoy them to no end! Clearly communicating your needs helps your spouse understand how to show you love in a way that you will appreciate. And once you begin feeling loved, you can’t help but reciprocate, starting a healthy cycle of love that keeps drawing you and your spouse together.”
dannywahlquist | May 14, 2013 |
3.5 stars

I read this book for a spiritual growth study sponsored through the Women's Ministry at my church. Our leader, Vicki Olsen, was an inspiring teacher.

I've taken many personality tests over the years, mostly sponsored by my employer, but this study was comprehensive, eye-opening and very helpful to my understanding of interacting with family and co-workers.
mossjon | 9 andere besprekingen | Mar 31, 2013 |
A gift from an acquaintance, and a nice thought but a disappointing little book. .½
turtlesleap | Dec 15, 2011 |
NCLA Review -In many ways this book is a sequel to Florence Littauer’s classic bestselling book, Personality Plus. This latest book written with Rose Sweet is intended to help the individual succeed at work. The secret comes from discovering how to understand the four different personality types derived from Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates. He examined the body fluids in each of his patients and postulated four personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholy and phlegmatic. At first I was skeptical but as I continued reading I became convinced of the validity of the insights contained within this book. Whether you manage a giant corporation, work in an office or factory, or volunteer in a church or community organization, these insights for understanding personality types, including your own, will revolutionize how you deal with relationships with everyone you encounter. A personality profile is included at the end of the book so that the readers can determine their main personality type. Rating: 3 —MF
ncla | Oct 2, 2011 |
Auf Empfehlung einer Bekannten gekauft war ich etwas skeptisch bezüglich dieses Buches, schien mir ein ausgeprägtes Schubkastendenken doch vorprogrammiert. Und doch: Ich habe das Buch sehr gerne gelesen und habe meine negativen Vorurteile überwinden können. Selbstverständlich arbeitet das Buch mit Generalisierungen, doch muss ich sagen dass viele davon "ins Schwarze treffen"! Ich habe mich selbst problemlos einem der vier Temperamente zuordnen können, ja musste an einigen Stellen laut lachen weil das Buch mich schon fast ZU gut beschrieb! Auch viele meiner Freunde und Bekannten konnte ich leicht mit einem bestimmten Typus von Charakter assoziieren. Natürlich gibt es auch Mischformen, niemand wird DER Choleriker oder DER Sanguiniker sein, doch wie bei mir lassen sich starke Tendenzen feststellen, und man lernt nach dieser Lektüre Menschen eines anderen Temperamentes besser zu verstehen.
Außerdem scheint es mir wert erwähnt zu werden, dass jedes Temperament "gute" und "schlechte" Seiten hat - Melancholiker sitzen nicht immer mit hängendem Kopf herum und lassen sich von Cholerikern zusammenbrüllen, während der Sanguiniker herumhüpft und der Phlegmatiker vor dem Fernseher sitzt. Nein, auch Melancholiker können glücklich, Sanguiniker unglücklich, Phlegmatiker begeistert und Choleriker nett und geduldig sein. Allein um sich die positiven Seiten solcher Extreme einmal vor Augen zu führen lohnt sich die Lektüre des Buches.
Schön: Der "Einstufungstest" für sich selbst - wer sich selbst ohne ihn nicht "einordnen" kann, kann es mit diesem probieren!
Lilya05 | 9 andere besprekingen | Sep 25, 2010 |
Exuding the wit and wisdom that have become hallmarks of Florence Littauer and her ministry, this book is a treasury of insights into our relationships with God, ourselves and others. Excerpts from twelve of Florence's books are complied by subject, with subject headings in alphabetical order. This book is a virtual encyclopedia of wisdom for those times you want help - fast - on a variety of challenges facing Christians today.
BethanyBible | Jan 26, 2010 |
intersting little number - bit dated I think - home town pop psych.
Brumby18 | 9 andere besprekingen | Jan 19, 2010 |
I feel a bit ambivalent about this book. On the one hand it gave me a pretty good introduction to the Ancient Greek system of categorizing personalities by "humors", bodily fluids. On the other hand it is a "Christian Living" book and I'm not a Christian. It's OK for a motivational/self-help book.
sheherazahde | 9 andere besprekingen | Feb 18, 2009 |
In "Your personality tree" Mrs Littauer expands on the personality temperaments she described in "Personality Plus" to describe how family relationships and circumstances can influence our behaviours to mask our natural temperaments.
moonflowerdragon | Nov 30, 2007 |
Great motivational and fun reading about your personalities and those around you...How to deal with different ones.
pkb | 9 andere besprekingen | Oct 25, 2007 |
Given to Missionaries
MarthaLillie | Mar 21, 2007 |
This book can provide SO much insight into yourself and those around you. It's really fun to read about your personality type and see how close it is to the truth!½
aewilson20 | 9 andere besprekingen | Sep 22, 2006 |
Type: Book; English
Publisher: Old Tappan, New Jersey, Power Books, 1982.
Editions: 18 Editions
ISBN: 0800751868 9780800751869
OCLC: 49995422
Related Subjects: Personality. | Temperament. | Success. | Christians.
Kledi | 9 andere besprekingen |
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