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Elsie Love

Auteur van Confessions Of A PTA Mafia Mom

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Werken van Elsie Love

Confessions Of A PTA Mafia Mom (2011) 5 exemplaren


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I was really excited to read this book because it’s outside the norm on my reading preferences. I do like chick lit quite a bit, but anything with a thriller aspect to it, even as slight as this book, is not usually on my radar.

I loved that the book was relatively short, at 200 pages I breezed through it in a few hours during a recent readathon that I participated in. I couldn’t relate much to the characters as they are older women who are married with children, but I did find them to be engaging even if I couldn’t identify with their experiences. I was surprised by how funny the book was. I was laughing out loud very early on and really enjoying Confessions.

The last third of the book for me was somewhat off putting. I didn’t hate it by any means, but everything just felt so rushed for me. It was a series of plot twists and quick resolutions that almost seemed misplaced. Again, I didn’t hate the plot twists; I just would have liked them to be a bit more involved or fleshed out before they were resolved. However, I didn’t see several of the solutions coming; several of them had me gasping aloud.

I did like how the novel ended for Elaine, it was unexpected and the ending that I thought there would be would have greatly disappointed me. It was a pleasant surprise that it ended differently.

Overall the book is a quick fun read. Even though there were parts of the book that I thought could have gone into more detail or were rushed, I really did like it. I would be open to reading more from this author.
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jennladd | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 4, 2011 |
Alright, so here we have a title that at first glance makes me think...okay, this could be interesting...but the story was more than that, it was fun and exciting too. The probability of it all actually occurring, slim to none....or is it? I mean didn't you ever wonder how your school PTA was able to consistantly pull off event after flawless event without ever having a curl out of place? Oh admit have and that's okay! It's all a part of the fun in this adventure. Now, continuing with the story...

It's more than just bake sales and meetings. There's a story of family and values, love both lost and gained, lust and passion for both people and creativity. Lanie is dealing with life as it comes at her. She accepts those things that have happened due to her own negligence and takes action to stop those things that are not....eventually. Admittedly there is a learning curve but hey, life doesn't come with an instruction manual. I loved her characters growth by stories end even more so than the makeover because it was more permanent, a change on the inside for the better. Now since we're talking characters....

There is a full cast of characters that are memorable for one reason or another and while I could list them all, I shan't. Allow me to point out a few a the "top dogs" though...starting with Suni Calverson. A force to be reckoned with with or without the deadly duo of Yvette and Babette by her side, one nod from Suni and well, let's just say the forecast for your day is no longer matching her name. Then we have the duo listed there and while they're names may rhyme, that's about as cutesy as they get. On a suni-er note (pun intended), we have Benjamin Oliana...Lanie's suppose to be fling whose heartthrob status is noticeable even in black and white font...but whose motives are somewhat harder to discern...but, I suppose no one can be perfect. Suffice it to say, there's a large cast but not so large as to get lost in the shuffle.

All in all, a well written story with changes in direction that you won't always see coming and will definitely leave a smile on your face....for one reason or another. Take a chance with Lanie as she embarks on a forced mission of self discovery only to uncover to powerful woman that was there the whole time. Recommended read for adult readers as it deals with a few blushworthy scenes and topics...nothing x-rated but still, adult intended.
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GRgenius | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 31, 2011 |
2.5 stars

Elaine Jackerson's life is slipping through the cracks every which way she turns, her husband is sleeping with his bimbo blonde barbie secretary at the office, her teenage daughter Lexi is getting more action then she is, and her youngest son wants nothing to do with his embarassing mom. Through an odd set of circumstances Elaine is brought in to be the newest member of the PTA, but what she dosen't know is how there ring leader Suni is linked to a mafia mob and has some dark secrets of her own.

While this books premise is really unique and different, I felt it to be a little too over the top. The suburban housewifes having a mob connection and living a life of crime was a bit too far-fetched for me. I felt like the story didn't move smoothly and each 50 or so pages I felt like I was reading a completly different story. The characters also bothered me, I couldn't find one that I was actually rooting for or felt for, they all kind-of just feel flat in my opinion.

I don't think that this was a bad story, and I did enjoy it, I just think because I read so many books, that i've been spoiled by a lot of Really Amazing novels and this wasn't one that fit in that catagory for me. It was a fun, interesting story though, and unlike any other chick lit book i've ever read, I don't think you should only read my review and write this novel off. In fact, I seem to be the only Goodreads review that isn't a hundred percent positive, so obviously this is just my opinion and you might love this book like everyone else.
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LauraMoore | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 26, 2011 |


½ 3.3