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KG MacGregorBesprekingen

Auteur van Without Warning

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Wynne Connelly es jefa de marketing de una gran empresa de viajes. Entre otros sacrificios, su trabajo le exige desplazarse regularmente a la sede que la compañía tiene en Orlando, Florida.
Paula McKenzie es responsable del turno de noche en el Hotel Weller Regent, establecimiento de alto standing, especializado en viajes de negocios, en el que Wynne recala siempre que viaja a la ciudad.
Hace tiempo que Paula, profesionalmente atenta a lo que pasa y a los que llegan, se siente intrigada por la bella y elegante mujer que se aloja en el hotel dos veces al mes, siempre rodeada de un aura de misterio. Pero es sólo eso, un difuso interés. Hasta una noche en la que surgen ciertos problemas en la recepción del hotel y Paula se encarga de registrar a Wynne. Una gestión de un minuto... tiempo suficiente para que las dos mujeres coqueteen peligrosamente y se alejen enardecidas.
Natt90 | Mar 16, 2023 |
I broke down and bought the 4 book bundle with the entire series. Still love Anna & Lily!

***finished a reread and it's still one of my absolute favorites. The chemistry and humor are just great. ***

7/17/14 - need an old favorite to listen to while working. I pick this one!

1/25/16 - been reading lots already this year and been jonesing for a few old favorites. This one tops my list for this time around. Started it tonight. Going to try to stop after this one instead of reading the whole series so I can read a few other faves.
amcheri | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
I love this story. I've read it several times - both the online and published version. With all of my favorite MacGregor stories, there's nothing mind blowing or spectacular that happens but I love her characters and the emotion that she gets out of them - and me.

**1/27/16 - Been two years since my last read (is that possible?!) and I've got the urge again. Love this story and the characters. Still.**
amcheri | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
Yep, still love this book. Anna and Lily are likely my very favorite lesfic couple of all time. The story is filled with humor, the leads have great chemistry, and, even though there are some typos, it's pretty impossible for me to be anything but completely engrossed in the story. And that really says something after the countless times I've read it.

I love this book. Did I mention that?

**11/2017 reread. Missed Anna & Lily. Love them. Love this book.

**12/10/20 reread. Stopping with the first one. Think I'll do a reread of [b:Just This Once|747254|Just This Once|K.G. MacGregor||733397] because now I'm in the mood.
amcheri | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
[b:Without Warning|1753425|Without Warning (Shaken, #1)|K.G. MacGregor||1751247] is one of my favorite f/f books of all time. I honestly can't say exactly how many times I've read it. It's in my top five for rereading when I'm in a funk or in need of a literary hug, if you know what I mean. It has everything I want in a romance: crackling chemistry, tons of humor, sweet, sweet - but believable - angst, and developed characters that you cheer for. It's damn near perfect for me. Maybe even actually perfect. I've read each of the 3 sequels and enjoyed them all but never as much as that original.

When I saw that there was a new book in the series coming up, I was literally giddy. It has been many years since we've had a look into the Kaklis home and I was curious about what Anna, Lily, the kids, and the rest of the family had been up to. Mostly I was excited to experience that chemistry and humor again. Unfortunately, there wasn't any of that.

No friends, this book is solidly family drama. Timely, politically and socially relevant family drama. Anna is selling her huge auto empire for half-a-billion bucks, Lily is a judge, Andy is nearly 17 and butting heads with Anna on the regular. Georgie and Eleanor are perfect in every way from what I could tell. There are some other family things going on with George and Martine but the focus of this book is really Andy and Anna. I have to say that I really didn't like Anna much at all. By the end, I didn't dislike her but I never got a warm feeling for her again.

Maybe if I had gone into the book knowing it was almost solidly about "The Administration" (the word Trump is never mentioned but implied regularly), I would have felt differently about it. As it was, it was too much for me. I'm about as left as I can possibly be without being on the fringe and I think "The Administration" was evil incarnate and every one of those fuckers should be in prison or worse. But I didn't expect this book to preach to me about the evils of ICE - particularly since I agree with the sermon - in such a heavy handed way. I hesitate to write this because I don't want to come off as a heartless asshole who can't appreciate the tragedy that is our immigration policy.

I expected something completely different - COMPLETELY - and was disappointed with what I got. It happens. I just took a peek at some other reviews on Goodreads and I'm clearly in the minority. Which is awesome! I'm glad that I'm the anomaly. Because Anna and Lily stories should be loved. This one just didn't do it for me.

Thanks to Bella and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to revisit one of my favorite couples in all of wlw. I'll still keep on reading Without Warning whenever I feel down.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
I wrote up a longer review for C-Spot ( but suffice it to say I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Loved that it was set in Leland KY, where my beloved Justine and her wife Carly live. There was enough of J&C to make me feel warm and fuzzy (well, I could have done with more Justine and less Carly but still...) but not too much as to take away from Britt and Ninah.

I liked the inclusion of contemporary issues like dealing with the rise of hate crimes and such in the age of the Trumper. There's even a MAGA hat wearing lesbian. As my Southern friends might say, bless her heart.

If you liked The House on Sandstone, I absolutely recommend this one.

Thanks to Bella and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review The Lucky Ones!
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
Yep, still love this story. And it starts with J so I get to cross that one off the A-Z Challenge for this year!
amcheri | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
**7/9/16 - needed another reread. Wonder if I noticed the head hopping in my previous reads. At first I thought it was because I was listening via text-to-speech but that wasn't it. Still very enjoyable but, for some reason, the changing POVs really stood out to me this time around.**

**2012 - I've read the online version several times and finally bought the published version. This is, I think, the fourth time I've read the book. I'm not sure why this book touches me so much but I find myself drawn to read it at least once a year.

The final chapter of the published version is completely different from the online version. It's always nice to see something different or extra in a published version. But even without it, it's worth the price.

You can read my whole review at the C-Spot Review site:
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
A good, solid romance. I think this is the third time I've read it. I had already read my favorites of the author's this year and am working on my A-Z challenge and GR reading challenge so I didn't want to duplicate. I like the themes in Out of Love.
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
amcheri | 2 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
Enjoyed this one a lot.

7/21/14 - rereading.Still like this one loads.

The first in the series will always be my favorite but I like this one a lot, too.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
Well I thoroughly enjoyed Bringing Me Dreams.

Our two protagonists are brought together through the chat feature on a forum for those grieving a loss due to suicide. What starts out as support and friendship quickly turns to attraction and love but there's more to the story. We've got a jealous ex who seems to have some serious issues, plenty of drama revolving around family businesses - one much more than the other - and a super sweet doggie.

There was a lot going on but it didn't feel like too much. I was engaged in the shady stuff going down just as much as I was the romance aspects. No spoilers, but I pegged the twist very early on. Well, not completely - there was still some twisty goodness to catch me.

Glad I got to go on this journey with Keenan and Gianna. Thanks to Bella & NetGalley!
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
A bit different from the online version. Very good.

3/29/13 - finished a second read and it's my least favorite of the series but that's because the subjects are pretty depressing. It's a good story and I'm not sorry to have been witness to the difficulties that Anna and Lily go through. It's nice to see that not everything is sunshine and rainbows for the couple.

7/18/14 - Doing a re-read
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
Very different from the online version. Enjoyed it but since I was reading all 4 books back to back, I was getting a little burned out by this time...

**Reread completed. I think I liked it more this time than the last.

7/19/14 - another reread.
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
I very much liked this one. I'm still debating if I'll write a full review but I really liked it.
amcheri | 4 andere besprekingen | Jan 5, 2023 |
I enjoyed the book. It didn't quite turn out the way I expected, which was sort of refreshing but I still feel a little dissatisfied. Don't get me wrong, the story held my attention and the characters felt true. I'd say that nearly half of KG MacGregor's books make it on my "Oh! I love that book" list, this one just wouldn't make the cut.
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
I like K. G. MacGregor's writing style. I always have, even when the book as a whole didn't live up to my hopeful expectations. I enjoyed the way she took on the butch/femme theme in Sea Legs.
amcheri | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 5, 2023 |
So, it's on my list, but, I haven't had a chance to read House on Sandstone yet, the book that this one is a sorta sequel to (and now I'm really looking forward to it). On the other hand, the fact that I had not yet read the previous book didn't seem to matter as I read this one. MacGregor gave more than enough background on Justine and Carly that I even now have some guesses for what the previous book had in it (yes, this has also kept alive my managing to start lesfic serieses in the middle instead of at the beginning, doh!)

To this story though. It's primarily about Britt and Ninah. Britt comes home to Lealand because her father nearly has an aneurysm burst. When she gets there she finds that her father has bought into a new venture that he wants Britt to help him with. And since Britt's life in California is cratering, she stays. Although her staying does have a little to do with Ninah.

Ninah is a history teacher at the local school as well as the faculty sponsor of the school's GSA group during the school year, and a semi-professional scorekeeper for the local Minor League baseball team during the summer.

Between the two women's back and forth relationship story and an intense subplot too it was an interesting and fun read. The only big weirdness was that about halfway through I wondered whether I'd missed part of NInah and Britt's story. Other than that it sucked me in though and kept me interested.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bella Books.
DanieXJ | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 26, 2019 |
I really like this book. It's not groundbreaking or anything but it's full of emotions and feelings, well-written and heart warming. No matter how many times I read it, I enjoy it.
JudeInTheSky | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 21, 2019 |
An ok read. Rather predictable and formulaic, however I did enjoy the escape from the collapsed building. Those scenes were written smoothly and were easy to follow, the author handled descriptions that would normally be illustrated by sight quite well using descriptions of touch and deductive reasoning.

After the escape from the collapsed building episode, the book switches to one of the usual formulas, i.e: girl meets girl, she's straight don't do it!, she couldn't love me, maybe she feels the same, should I, shouldn't I, confusion, angst, oh, she does love me, I am so stupid for not realising/I do love her, how could I have been so blind all my life?, one family freaks out, other family is cool with it, they finally get together and move in to a brand new house.

I did sometimes get the two protagonists confused, perhaps that's just me. It's not that they were not different in appearance or careers etc, however their style of speaking was very similar and I sometimes had to double check who was speaking. Aside from this, I found the novel relatively well written. A quick and easy read for an afternoon if you've got the time.
KatiaMDavis | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 19, 2017 |
There is an interesting story here. More in terms of the big business/corruption/oil spill/environmental disaster/cover-up or attempted cover up, and less in terms of romance.

Oddly, the least realistic parts of this book were the 'good' parts, the actions of the 'good people'. Plus the romance was rushed, and not tremondously gripping.

I might think of more to say later, unlikely though.

April 19 2016
Lexxi | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 26, 2016 |
I really liked the first two books I read by this author (Touch of a Woman and Etched in Shadows), which apparently showed me a kink that I never knew I had: straight woman falling for a lesbian. It has nothing to do with my ex-girlfriend and wanting to "right" the way that our relationship ended horrifically, I am sure. But I just thought that this book was okayish.

Ashley was so withdrawn and self-contained that it was hard to like her character. It is revealed that she was sexually manipulated by a much older woman when she was a teenager, which accounts for most of this. Julia was nice but just too perfect for my tastes; she didn't feel all that realistic to me. And the romance took a backseat toward Ashley opening up and befriending a group of lesbians; while this was nice, it just didn't engage my emotions.

I almost feel like I should apologize for not liking this book, since everyone else seems to like it!
schatzi | 1 andere bespreking | May 25, 2016 |
Ellis Keene-Rowanbury has to start her life over again after being widowed in an office rampage. While moving to an apartment complex in Sacramento to start over, she meets Summer, who is going through a drawn-out breakup with her girlfriend. The two quickly become friends, which leads to more, although Ellis has always seen herself as straight until this point.

I really liked Etched in the Shadows by this author, so I was really looking forward to reading this book. It wasn't quite as good as EitS, but it was a decent read regardless.

I really liked the fact that Ellis' husband was the shooter/murderer in the situation, which isn't revealed right away. I was wondering why their estate was tied up in legal problems, but I never put two and two together until Ellis revealed that it was her husband who was responsible for the shooting. And that was really unique for me, so I really appreciated that the author "went there."

However, the rest of the book was just so-so for me. The romance between Ellis and Summer didn't pack any heat, and I spent almost half of the book being pissed off at Ellis, who was completely willing to toss her relationship to the side because her daughter didn't approve (having seen that almost happen to my mother because of my step-dad's daughter being a royal bitch, I have no tolerance for such nonsense, even in fiction). Summer, on the other hand, comes across as pretty passive, which I also don't like reading about in fiction.

The premise may have not lived up to the execution for me, but I still found this book relatively readable. KG writes very well, and unlike some lesfic I have read, I never found myself bored (even though I wanted to throttle Ellis more than once). Three stars.
schatzi | Mar 26, 2016 |
Neat science fiction story about a private company sending a colony to Mars. In waves. First with unmmaned rockets filled with things like rovers, then in two person one-way missions.

The book is mostly concerned with the selection process. And the competition to be one of the few chosen to go to Mars. Several characters pop up, but the two most important are the two who alternate telling the story. A 27 year-old woman from Bulgaria named Mila Todorov, and a 40-something woman from the US named Jancey Beaumont. Both of whom, naturally considering the nature of the competition, are super intelligent. Both, also, initially annoyed me when I meet them, but they grew on me.

This is one of those that I am not sure if I cared more about the science fiction story or about the romance. Also one of those books wherein the sex scenes had a purpose and reason for being included. I do not specifically recall, now, if I liked those specific scenes, but I do know why and appreciate why they were included.

In terms of science fiction - if you like reading science fiction, then I'd recommend this book. It may or may not have more sex and lesbianism than a reader might be used to, but that shouldn't keep them away. Granted, it's one of those near-future, earth bound science fiction stories (though with the ultimate mission of going and colonizing Mars), so if you don't like those kind, well . . ..

In terms of romance - well, if you are only reading for the romance, you might be vaguely bored. The two women whose point of view the book follows meet almost immediately, but the romance part doesn't start until much further into the book. I'm not giving anything away by pointing out that Jancey is the reason Mila has devoted her life to positioning herself to get into space, that's part of her personality, nor that Jancey herself is much more focused on getting back to space than any romance. Again, part of her personality the reader learns almost immediately.

In terms of story/plot - Good solid story. It was interesting following the women in the competition, as various tests came up, and they meet them. A logical progression. And seeds were successfully planted throughout the story for the "conflict point" that ultimately sprang up.

I'd recommend the book if you like science fiction (ground based, but looking to the stars), lesbian fiction, lesbian romance (a romance occurs, but it's more of a science fiction book than a romance book), or . . hmm, some combination of science fiction and lesbians.½
Lexxi | Jul 28, 2015 |
Johnelle Morrissey appears to have the perfect life - a loving husband, a wonderful son, a supportive and fun best friend, and a great job that she enjoys. All of that literally comes crashing down when the plane she's on has engine failure. One of the three people to survive the crash, Johnelle suffers a traumatic brain injury that puts her memories and feelings at risk.

Alice Choate, Johnelle's best friend, has been in love with Johnelle for almost as long as she can remember, but she's stood by without revealing her feelings to Johnelle, wanting to do nothing that would jeopardize their friendship. As Alice attempts to help Johnelle put together the pieces of her former life, Johnelle finds that her love for her husband has seemingly disappeared, while her love for Alice has morphed into romantic feelings.

This is the first book that I've read by KG MacGregor, and it certainly won't be the last. The story felt very realistic to me, and the author really made Charleston come alive in the book, as well. The Circular Church, the street names, the neighborhoods, even the brief mention of the serial killer Lavinia Fisher - all of these things are real places and real history. First Calvary Baptist isn't a real place, but considering how it was portrayed in the book, that's a good thing. ;)

I also really liked the slow pacing of the story. It gives Johnelle a long time to recuperate from her injuries, both physical and mental, and to allow the relationship between Johnelle and Alice to develop well. A lot of romance books I read seem to suffer from the "instalove" phenomenon, but not this one; it takes Alice and Johnelle a long time to transition from friendship to relationship, and I really appreciated that. It definitely made the story feel much more realistic. Some might not appreciate the lack of "heat" in the book, but I think that it definitely fit the story and the characters (and there were a couple of sex scenes toward the end of the book).

I really liked the character of Ian, who was Johnelle's son. He seemed like a very realistic, very caring young man. Dwight (Johnelle's husband)...not so much. I could sort-of empathize with him at points, because his whole world was turned upside down with Johnelle's accident. But even at the beginning, he was hinting that he wanted Johnelle to give up her job, because he wanted her to be there when he was home (he traveled a lot for his own job). This only intensified once Johnelle was in the accident, to the point that he came across as quite stuffy and a shade misogynistic. He also didn't really support Johnelle's goals for her recovery, preferring to sell her short, which was super annoying. And the end, when he virtually has her held prisoner by her own parents, made me want to punch him in the face. Seriously. At least he finally figured it out at the end that no matter how hard he clung to Johnelle, he couldn't force her to love him again, and he let her go. But it took a long time for him to reach that point, and he came across as rather unsympathetic for much of the book.

The ending of the book wasn't tied up in a neat bow, and I actually quite liked that. There were a lot of loose ends that were still "loose" - the settlement, the impending divorce, whether Johnelle would ever be able to go back to her former job, etc. But real life often is a tangle of loose threads, and so I think that made the book feel even more realistic.

My only quibble with this book (and it's a small one) is that it really needed more commas, which would have made many sentences flow more smoothly.

I would definitely recommend this book to people who are looking for a good f/f romance that has a slow build with a lot of realistic characters.
schatzi | 4 andere besprekingen | Jan 30, 2015 |
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