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Toon 7 van 7
This might be called 'The tale of the psychiatrist, his wife, her lover and the other psychiatrist'; there aren't many laughs apart from the occasional witticism. Hugh Bonneville plays a smug and unimaginative shrink newly appointed to a secure hospital for the criminally insane which he hopes to take over one day. Another psychiatrist (Ian McKellen, all bustle and unctuous concern) notes that Natasha Richardson's bored wife has started an affair with a rough but artistic inmate, and decides to have them both for himself, while using the opportunity to destablise the opposition. He encourages the affair but obstructs the prisoner's rehabilitation, until, driven wild, the prisoner escapes and the wife then follows him to London. In the ensuing embroglio, the marriage of shrink No 1 is all but destroyed, and the scandal gets shrink no 2 accelerated into the top job, where he promptly dismisses shrink no 1. There follow shenanigans in north Wales, where shrink no.1 is now working with wife and son unhappily in tow. When the madman locates them, events descend into black tragedy and a certain suspension of disbelief is required. The wife then becomes a patient at her former residence and shrink no.2 makes his play, perhaps a little too precipitately; the outcome is unhappy for everyone.
Query: after the lovers' first tryst on the very messy potting shed floor, her white dress remains like the driven snow as she leaves. Symbolic, or just careless direction?
The book is better, but the film is worth watching.
ponsonby | Sep 26, 2023 |
I had seen this before, streaming. It was worth watching again for the Sheridanmodern Western virtuous noire story (robbing banks to pay off the bank) set in West Texas.
BraveKelso | 3 andere besprekingen | Jan 21, 2022 |
Toby (Chris Pine), un joven padre divorciado, y su impulsivo hermano Tanner (Ben Foster), un ex presidiario recién salido de la cárcel, se dirigen al Oeste de Texas para realizar una serie de robos en unas pocas sucursales bancarias. El objetivo de Toby es intentar poder conseguir el dinero suficiente como para poder salvar la granja familiar, que está en peligro. Nada más cometer el primer robo, un veterano Ranger de Texas (Jeff Bridges) y su compañero irán tras la pista de los hermanos. (FILMAFFINITY)
BIBLIOTECAZIZUR | 3 andere besprekingen | Nov 2, 2017 |
El chef Michael (Ewan McGregor) y la investigadora Susan (Eva Green) se conocen y se enamoran mientras se extiende por toda Europa una grave epidemia que priva a la gente de sus percepciones sensoriales. (FILMAFFINITY)
bibliotecayamaguchi | Sep 19, 2017 |
Toby (Chris Pine), un joven padre divorciado, y su impulsivo hermano Tanner (Ben Foster), un ex presidiario recién salido de la cárcel, se dirigen al Oeste de Texas para realizar una serie de robos en unas pocas sucursales bancarias. El objetivo de Toby es intentar poder conseguir el dinero suficiente como para poder salvar la granja familiar, que está en peligro. Nada más cometer el primer robo, un veterano Ranger de Texas (Jeff Bridges) y su compañero irán tras la pista de los hermanos.
bibliotecayamaguchi | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 8, 2017 |
Two brothers rob banks to pay a mortgage.

Concept: B
Story: B
Characters: B
Dialog: B
Pacing: C
Cinematography: B
Special effects/design: B
Acting: B
Music: B

Enjoyment: B

GPA: 2.9/4½
comfypants | 3 andere besprekingen | Dec 8, 2016 |
Никки молод, неотразим и пользуется безотказным вниманием представительниц противоположного пола. Его роман с Самантой основан исключительно на взаимном интересе. Никки интересует ее кредитная карточка и шикарный особняк, а успешную, но одинокую Саманту - безудержный дикий секс. Но когда Никки встречает Хизер, у циничного жиголо что-то переключается в голове и в сердце...

Информация о фильме:
Название: Бабник
Оригинальное название: Spread
Год выхода: 2009
Жанр: комедия, драма
Режиссер: Дэвид МакКензи
В ролях: Эштон Катчер, Энн Хеч, Маргарита Левиева, Себастиан Стэн, Соня Роквэлл, Мария Кончита Алонсо, Томас Кийас
Fong | Oct 18, 2009 |
Toon 7 van 7