Afbeelding van de auteur.

Louisa MastersBesprekingen

Auteur van Demons Do It Better

51+ Werken 549 Leden 43 Besprekingen


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This is unsettling because I've definitely read this book. And I could have sworn I'd left some comments about it at the time I read it a few months ago.

But here goes. This was a charming unforgettable little story - humorous and romantic - Oh, I'm describing a romantic comedy to a tee.

Charlie is an all round nice guy - and good looking and rich! and this combo gets him into strife - several people think they are dating him. He turns to Liam, a nerd who has a side gig as Mr Romance. Charlie begs him to help him get out of the fix he's in. At the same time, Charlie sees that he can also help the nerdy Liam do better for himself with regards to being socially adept.

This is a very harmless, innocent, sweet romp of a novel. And to top it off it's read by one of my favourite narrators, Greg Boudreaux.
Okies | 3 andere besprekingen | Mar 31, 2024 |
This was enjoyable, if a bit on the tame side. I liked the cosiness and the ghosts were a nice background story. Everybody liked each other, and they were all working together, which I liked. It just missed a bit of depth in the relationship.
zjakkelien | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 2, 2024 |
I've loved all the characters but I have to say Dom and Oliver's story is perfect. It has clueless men, cute kids, great friends and a grumpy old lady who sticks her nose in to ruin things!

This is a great read in the JU world and Im sad this is the end of this wonderful series of books.
SharingTheBookLove | Nov 2, 2023 |
I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of this anthology for charity.

I've read all the stories in here, some I loved, some I liked and some just didn't quite resonate with me.

Lucy's at the start/end is a wonderful intro to this seasons Never Have I Ever ...

AM Arthur's contribution made my heart melt with the best friends to lovers

Spencer's novella about Never Been kissed was cool but way too short LOL

I'd mini review all but not enough time
Overall this is 4
SharingTheBookLove | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 2, 2023 |
Liam and Charlie

I am loving the Easter eggs from all the other books, characters popping up

Charlie is so clueless you have to love him.

And Liam is perfect for him.

The I Love You moment is mwah!!
SharingTheBookLove | 3 andere besprekingen | Nov 2, 2023 |
Joel Leslie's narration bumped it up from 3.5 Stars to 4 Stars!
Bookbee1 | Oct 30, 2023 |
A nice snack - low-angst, sweet with a simple plot.
DragonJude | Oct 17, 2023 |
It was so great to get to know Percy better. As the Lucifer in the Hidden Species series, he always seemed just a little out of reach which fit the character's position. Great narration by Joel Leslie. I really love the dragons and their world!
NeoSoulNoona | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 3, 2023 |
This was a great start to the series. I'm looking forward to the next. Great narration as usual by Joel Leslie.
NeoSoulNoona | 7 andere besprekingen | Oct 3, 2023 |
I enjoyed this read. The characters, plot, and world were developed enough to be interesting. Overall it was a fairly straightforward story with a few twists and no angst. Master's writing style is smooth with deliberate word choices. Nothing over the top and no surprises. Perhaps more tension and detail would have enhanced it, but it is what it is - a nice evening read.
DragonJude | Jul 5, 2023 |
Conduit Crisis - what to say - The characters are better developed and the plot is becoming a bit more complicated. I just now realized that it is a completely different level of skill to twine a 'romance' trope with a 'defeat the enemy' only action trope and keep that delicate balance of not dwelling too heavily on one so that the story becomes unbalanced. Unfortunately, that is what happened here with the romance taking over and the only action that occurred on the 'enemy' thread was conversation - more conversation - and a bit of a lame possession that lasted half a page. In addition, I am not a fan of major cliff hangers and this one has a doozy!! All in all, it was slightly irritating and if there were half stars I would be rating it 3.5
DragonJude | Jun 17, 2023 |
Overall a fun book. The pacing issue from the first book seems to have been solved and some holes filled in for the created world. I still think that the idea is awesome and the cast of characters is interesting, but they have been left undeveloped and the plot is pretty straightforward. Still a decent story. Am I going to read the next one? Yep, because it will add more detail.
DragonJude | Jun 16, 2023 |
This was excellent in some ways and a bit -- off in others. Okay - the premise is great. The initial one-night stand? Not so sure about that, as if I were in a small town for a job interview that I desperately wanted, I would not hook up with an unknown. Just saying. Some have complained that the middle really drags and there are jumps, and I agree that the pacing is off somehow. The middle did drag so I ended up jumping ship and reading a few books before I came back to it.
However, I did enjoy the overall story and really liked the cast of characters - ghosts and all. I am looking forward to the next one and hope that Masters solves the pacing problem.
DragonJude | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 14, 2023 |
Asher, book 1 of the new Demons-in-Law series, by Louisa Masters, is a fun romance with a predictable Happy Ever After ending set in the Hidden Species universe. A very nice read for a dreary day, but no hidden twists or turns. The big puzzle at the end is awesome but relates to the overarching universe plot of the Hidden Species. Characters are developed but the character of Garret seems to devolve into a species stereotype toward the end. If you are looking for soft hugs and good feelings - this is a book for you.
DragonJude | Apr 20, 2023 |
Divertente e simpatico, un fantasy allegro e decisamente spassoso.
Sam è un umano e si annoia molto nel suo ruolo di assistente amministrativo e, quindi, deciso a cambiare posto di lavoro, si troverà prima a coordinare un indisciplinato eterogeneo gruppo di mutaforma, demoni e vampiri per essere, poi, chiamato a far parte della squadra alle dirette dipendenze di Lucifero. Ma le sorprese non finiscono lì …
Una commedia fantasy decisamente brillante, personaggi simpatici che strappano risate a tutto spiano a cominciare dallo stesso Sam, ironico, sarcastico e sfrontato, per continuare poi con Gideon, un demone enigmatico e tenebroso, che per ponderare e riflettere deve mettersi ad ordinare e sistemare le cose altrui, e tutti gli altri personaggi a seguire che penso saranno, via via, i protagonisti dei prossimi libri della serie.
Una lettura leggera, brillante e di pieno relax.
Raffaella10 | 7 andere besprekingen | Jan 28, 2023 |
Never Have I Ever… Fallen in Love by Lucy Lennox - 4 stars

Never Have I Ever…Cold-Called A Stranger’s Phone Number by A.M. Arthur - 2 stars

Never Have I Ever…Ridden A Bike by Alice Winters - 2 star

Never Have I Ever…Dyed My Hair Flaming Red by Daryl Banner - 3 stars

Never Have I Ever…Worn That For Halloween by E.M. Lindsey - 2 stars

Never Have I Ever…Sung in Public by Jodi Payne - 3.5 stars

Never Have I Ever…Gotten Lost by K. Webster - 3.5 stars

Never Have I Ever…Taken a Vacation by Kate Hawthorne - 2.5 stars

Never Have I Ever…Spent The Night With Blanche by Louisa Masters - 5 stars

Never Have I Ever…Had a Makeover by Mia Monroe - 3 stars

Never Have I Ever…Flown In An Airplane by Neve Wilder - 2 stars

Never Have I Ever…Gone Skinny Dipping by Riley Hart - 3 stars

Never Have I Ever…Watched The Godfather by S.E. Harmon - 4.5 stars

Never Have I Ever…Kissed Someone on the Lips by Spencer Spears - 3 stars

Never Have I Ever…Been On A Date by Tal Bauer - 3 stars
I was afraid of finding another well-written story but sinking into the ridiculousness and cheesiness that I found in [b:Enemies of the State|34664699|Enemies of the State (The Executive Office #1)|Tal Bauer||49030205], but this one was a pleasant surprise; maybe I'll try one of his standalone mysteries.
Marlobo | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 24, 2022 |
This was very good, even great up until the last chapter. But, because we skipped over SO much happening between the climax and epilogue it fell flat for me. The romance storyline was missing a lot to me, lots of conversations went unsaid and lots of explanations didn't happen and that made the rushed final chapter severely lacking for me. We also just didn't get that much time with the 2 of them as a couple, there was no building of a relationship that we got to all happened off screen and was barely mentioned, much of it not mentioned at all.

There were also lots of 'clean up' details from the climax/discoveries that we never got to see which was very disappointing. And since the vast majority of the book was so detailed and well thought out and well executed, it was even more upsetting that the author couldn't be bothered to finish the book well.

As good as this was I'm not sure I'll read the rest, or anything else from this author because now I don't trust her to do the characters and their stories justice.
selia | 7 andere besprekingen | Dec 17, 2022 |
I look forward to this anthology every year! As always, a mix of stories from authors new and familiar to me, and many very entertaining ones.

selia | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 17, 2022 |
Ugh I hate this cover because this book is the cutest and the cover is absolutely cringe
Tratiezone | 3 andere besprekingen | Nov 8, 2022 |
How to Date a Dragon is a short prelude to the ‘Here Be Dragons’ series. It stars Hagen, a dragon shifter, and Jay, a vampire who’s a real estate agent. This is told in first person through both Hagen and Jay’s povs.

This book is a quick, funny read. It’s a spin-off series from one of the author’s other books and it might be a good idea to read the book that mentions how the dragons ended up on Earth first, before this one. The reason I say that is, I didn’t read the series that leads into this one and I was lost at the beginning of this story. We’re introduced to a bunch of other characters at the office where Hagan works. Hagan is trying to hide from his boss and we’re given a lot of explanation as to why, what happened in the past, and then the other characters end up talking over each other. I didn’t know who the characters were, how they related to each other, and the info about them being new to Earth or what kind of magical beings they were. The author threw a lot of information at the reader all at once and I found it confusing and unpleasant to read. It didn’t help that Hagan was hyper and dramatic which added intensity to the story because of his personality. I don’t know if that’s typical for the dragon species in this world as the author wrote him, but it was difficult keeping up with his train of thought. Readers are given a bit of a breather when we see the story through Jay’s pov, who is calmer.

The blurb doesn’t give much info about the plot so here’s a bit more. Jay and Hagan hook up at a bar one night. The next day Jay is shocked because Hagan is the representative to the dragon clan on buying a piece of property Jay intends to sell them. Jay realizes he may have blown his opportunity by having sex with Hagan the night before. He wants to start over, professionally. Hagen doesn’t care, he just wants to have sex with Jay again and teases and pokes at him at every opportunity. That’s his idea of fun. So, the story is about Hagen trying to entice Jay into having sex again while they check out properties, and Jay trying to be professional and resist, because he really wants to sell a property to the dragons. Selling one would make a name for himself. The author did a great job with the banter, although Hagen would get on my nerves if he was a real person who was around all the time. The two characters seem well suited to each other and even though this was a short novella, I could believe in them as a couple by the end.

This is a cute, fast read. Intriguing world and characters, although Hagan was too dramatic, impulsive, and immature for me. The author has a talent at making the dialogue and character interactions funny. I might consider reading more in this series because it sounds interesting. I’m just wary that the other books might end up like the beginning of this one did. Too much over the top banter, with too much info thrown at the readers so that I’m confused. That’s what brought the star rating down for me on this story. I give How to Date a Dragon, 3 Stars.

Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
3 Stars bumped up to 4 because of Joel Leslie's narration!

First of all, I started this without realizing there is a whole series preceding this book so, while I wasn't really lost, I also did miss quite a bit of knowledge about some of the characters. I think I would have enjoyed it more if I'd read it in the correct sequence.

Joel Leslie's voices are terrific and really make the humour spark to life! And, to my Canadian ears, Brandt and the rest of the Dragon clan sound Welsh. I love the Welsh accent—so melodic and lilting!
Bookbee1 | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 28, 2022 |
I'm still learning to like the dragons. I guess I'm a bit of a Percy who cringles when they do something without even think about it. Don't get me wrong, I love the books and I really think they deserve their matches. But honestly, I'm more in love with Rhys than Fabian.
Senhina | Jun 9, 2022 |
I don't normally go for first person present tense, but Joel Leslie not only made the FPPT palatable, he made this book a joy to listen to, even if I thought Noah, the MC, was a bit silly at times. I liked all of the characters and Andrew is a whoot, especially when it comes to having cake.
fuzzipueo | 2 andere besprekingen | Apr 24, 2022 |
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