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The first time I read this book but I only made it up till chapter 7 and stopped because I got sick at the end of February and I didn't want to read anything but when I was feeling better I felt like reading again so I restarted this one again at the end of March and it was the booktroop's book club pick for last year. I didn't really care for was Sarah or Lizzy whoever she went buy in the book and also her lazy husband Joe I thought he was not caring if Sarah went to him with some trouble but it seemed like he didn't want to help her out. But he was out cheating on her which didn't like at all but the both of them are good liars in their past. The only person that I liked and I felt bad when Sarah killed her was Emily and she was trying to help her and be a friend to her but she had to go and kill Emily for no reason and had a nerve to call herself Emily and now the poor kids and her husband are without a mother and a wife and I had to read with myself because I thought the narrator's voice was little annoying and I am giving this 3 stars.
kellykelly6 | 17 andere besprekingen | Apr 6, 2024 |
High action, murder mysteries, thriller, are all among my favorite genres but “The Stranger Upstairs” was just too much and yet I returned to finish it. The characters were unlikeable one and all, some more odious than others. The setting is suitably creepy, Black Wood House built in 1889 and best know for an horrific murder and about to be occupied by its new owners. The house is a disaster that needs to be completed renovated so it can be flipped for a large profit but things are not going according to plan.

There is a house that refuses to be renovated, a couple that is living a lie and not so subtle hints as what is coming are dropped on every page. It is hard to become invested when there is so much evil, gross deception, lies, gruesome wickedness and those are the positives. The Author’s Note explains much but doesn’t ease the level of discomfort and revulsion I felt throughout my reading of the book. Better to leave it as a miss for me.

Thanks to Bantam Books and NetGalley for a copy.
kimkimkim | 17 andere besprekingen | Jan 9, 2024 |
Sarah Slade and her husband Joe have just bought Black Wood House aka "The Murder House", because a man killed his wife, attacked his daughter, and then killed himself there years earlier. Sarah is looking to renovate the house and post the progress on social media, hoping to profit from it.
However, both she and Joe are hiding secrets, and the house and the neighbors don't seem to want him there. Sarah is supposed to be a therapist helping others, but her marriage and her health are both crumbling. Sarah, it seems has a dark past, and it is all revealed during the telling of the story.
She is an unreliable narrator, and her descent into madness is frightening, but is it since she moved to the house, or has she always had mental health issues?
The book is made all the more memorable by the author's note at the end.
rmarcin | 17 andere besprekingen | Jan 8, 2024 |
The Stranger Upstairs by Lisa M. Matlin is a 2023 Bantam publication.

This book was categorized as a horror/mystery/ Gothic/ Suspense novel. Naturally, the ‘Gothic’ part caught my eye. The reviews were a bit mixed, but I thought it might be a good “Halloween” read. (I’m running a bit behind on that holiday- LOL)

As it turns out, the book really isn’t ‘Gothic’ at all, in my opinion, which is something I encounter on a regular basis. There’s a big old mansion- but that’s the only thing that falls into the Gothic category. Because this happens to me every time, I think I might get a Gothic Suspense/Horror novel, I’m no longer all that disappointed.

Well so much for that...

The premise is a modern one- a social media influencer buys a rundown ‘murder house’ hoping to capitalize on its reputation. The plan is to renovate the house, then sell it for a tidy profit. Unfortunately for the buyers- a married couple with a dark past- things start to go awry right from the start. There’s trouble with neighbors, problems in the marriage, but most of all, the house itself is rebelling against the new occupants…

This one was a slow burn for me. I was instantly put off by the language- not one sentence without a colorful metaphor- but before long I found myself becoming more involved in the story and put my reservations to the side- though I still think the story would have been just as effective- if not more so- without the gratuitous language.

But, enough of my sermonizing-

The story does eventually pick up speed and there were times when I was fully invested in it. It has some great twists, and it does have a heavy atmosphere that puts one’s nerves on edge. Unfortunately, it’s a kind of a sloppy- all over the place-that made it a bit too chaotic for my taste, which watered down its full impact.

All that said, this is a quick, nerve wracking read- and would indeed make a great ‘Halloween’ read- or good book to spend a dark winter night with.

Overall, a bit unbalanced- in pacing and execution- but still effective. I’d probably label this book differently- I thought it was more of a thriller with strong psychological elements- but you can be the judge of that.

3 stars

*I always read the author notes at the end of a book- but if you are one that normally skips over those comments- I would urge you to make an exception in this case. It’s an important statement and I appreciate the author’s courage in sharing her personal struggles while writing this book.
gpangel | 17 andere besprekingen | Nov 13, 2023 |
Sarah has just purchased a fixer upper. It is a beautiful Victorian home in a well sought after neighborhood. It is also the famous Black Wood House. An illustrious murder/suicide took place in this house. And the more Sarah delves into the renovations, the more she believes something is just plain wrong with this house!

Sarah is a character that I thought was a bit of a conundrum. I found her a bit selfish and pushy one minute and caring the next. But, sit tight…the story will reveal its secrets as it moves along.

Now y’all, this is just my opinion, but this book was a bit of a mess. It felt like it started as a creepy tale then the author changed her mind and wanted to write a psychological thriller. I guess both can be a possibility, but it just was not very smooth in the twists and turns. Now, don’t take my word for it. It is worth the read. I did stay interested in the story. I just had questions that went unanswered.

Need a creepy tale…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today!

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.
fredreeca | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 15, 2023 |
Who would buy a house where a murder had taken place? Well, Sarah Slade would and did. She and her husband are going to remodel the house and flip it for a good profit. The house has other plans! Not a perfect book, but not bad for a first novel, that's for sure.½
Dianekeenoy | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 12, 2023 |
“Want a great deal on a house? Buy one where someone was murdered!” From this first sentence you want to yell "NO! STOP! ARE YOU NUTS?", at the stupid determined to buy, buyer. Hasn't she ever read a paranormal or a mystery & suspense novel? Is Stephen King or Shirley Jackson a mystery to her? Evidently so...because she buys it lock, stock and barrel. From there on the story is an ever-accelerating rollercoaster ride. Lisa M. Matlin is a debut author that has created an excellent first novel. She has managed so well to drop one dizzying twist after another until all reality threatens to disintegrate...and what is left is an interesting and intriguing haunted-house tale. When we first meet therapist and social media diva, Sarah Slade, she has just taken on a whopper of a house-flipping challenge: Melbourne’s infamous Black Wood House. Sarah doesn’t seem to mind that the prior occupants perished in a grisly murder-suicide, or that her new neighbors would rather see the place burned to the ground and the ashes buried rather than ever see it sold and renovated, or any occupant to ever enter it. Sarah is NOT just the house’s next innocent victim. Behind her polished persona, you will find that Sarah carries some very disturbing secrets of her own. Just sit back, keep turning pages and keep your fingers crossed for poor disillusioned Sarah... and by no means place any of your hard-earned money betting on the outcome of this horrific matchup from hell. We, the reader, realize long before Sarah that she is losing the game against this house that is straight out of every classic gothic horror story ever written. The only question we can hope to find the answer for is who will prevail...and I think before the last page is read that we already know the answer. If you like psychological thrillers with a spooky atmosphere that even manages to deliver some dark humor, although it is with a mean streak.... you will like this book...a lot.½
Carol420 | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 8, 2023 |
This book felt like it was more horror than suspense which I wasn't expecting. All the characters were so unlikeable or completely undeveloped like Sarah's husband, Joe. I also found it strange that much of the end of the book was from the perspective of a relatively minor character. The writing was decent for a debut author but I just didn't enjoy this book. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC.
susan.h.schofield | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 4, 2023 |
Sarah and Joe purchase a house at a good deal. A murder was committed in the house over 40 years ago and they were told it’s been vacant. Sarah and Joe have a lot of secrets, so this is a fresh start. But can a house hold onto its secrets? Is it haunted? This house seems to take on a life of its own. As the book progresses, secrets are slowly revealed and the book becomes much more ominous as Sarah spirals out of control.

If you like creepy, twisted, and a little odd, you will enjoy this psychological read! A perfect read for Halloween season! Sarah is a therapist/author/influencer. Joe is a bartender/gamer. Sarah is a unreliable narrator, very unlikeable, but in my opinion, most of the characters are. I love my endings tied up neatly, but this one still has me thinking about it. Please make sure you read the Author’s Note. This is a debut novel and I look forward to reading Ms. Marlin’s next novel.

Thanks to NetGalley, Random House/Ballantine/Bantam Books for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.
LoriKBoyd | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 2, 2023 |
Well, I got to Chapter 4 and had to call it with this one. The protagonist is extremely annoying, whiney and not someone I’d like to spend any more time with. The plot is slow and repetitive, and I'm only on chapter 4. I’m sorry, this isn’t my cup of tea at all.
*I received an arc from the publisher through NetGalley for an honest review
KimMcReads | 17 andere besprekingen | Oct 2, 2023 |
Who would buy a house where there was a brutal murder?

Well… Sarah Slater did.

Sarah wanted to buy the house just because she wanted people to see that she can fix the house just like she fixes people in her therapy sessions.

Meanwhile, she can’t fix her own marriage, and she can’t let her past be known, but it seems as if someone does know.

Why didn’t anyone want the murder house?

No one wanted it mainly because of the murder, but sounds from upstairs, bizarre accidents, intimidating notes and more make Sarah wonder what’s going on.

Someone doesn’t want her to change anything, and a neighbor warns her about someone in the attic.

THE STRANGER UPSTAIRS is a book mystery fans and those readers who like creepy, haunted houses and characters with secrets won’t want to miss. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for an advanced reader copy. All opinions are my own.
SilversReviews | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 20, 2023 |
The Stranger Upstairs shows readers what happens when an unstable woman is thrust into a haunted house. Who comes out the winner? The woman or the house? Maybe neither, maybe both.

I was completely absorbed in the story until about midway there was a twist I was not anticipating. Right away we know that Sarah and Joe have something negative in their past, so when they move into the haunted house, their problems seem to become amplified.

The townspeople hate the house and they hate Sarah and Joe for moving into it. The couple wants to renovate it, but they cannot find contractors to agree to do the work. In addition to that, it seems when work is done, somehow the house “undoes” it.

The ending was good, but I was disappointed that one of the most decent characters was sacrificed to the story. All in all, this was a good read to begin the “spooky” fall season.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for allowing me to read an advance copy. I’m pleased to recommend this to readers and give my honest review.
tamidale | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 20, 2023 |
This book sets you up for a chilling horror story right from the start, and doesn't disappoint. I've been living in my house for a few years now, and I was still looking over my shoulder while reading this. I love the whole perfect life on paper, not so much in real life, that Sarah has going on for her. Creepy house, rocky marriage, and neighbors that would prefer you weren't there? What else could go wrong? (I won't tell you, you'll have to read to find out). Matlin does an amazing job of building tension and upping the creepy vibe which each new chapter. I was absolutely hooked, and didn't want to stop reading until I knew how it would all end. The perfect read to get you in the spooky season mood!
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 14, 2023 |
At the start Sarah Slade seems like someone to be admired and envied. Maybe a little high-strung but looks like she’s taken a not-so-great start in life and turned it into something positive: a successful career as a therapist, a best-selling book, a blog with many, many followers and a perfect marriage. But it soon becomes clear that is only the truth if you are reading, the blog Sarah herself writes. Scratch the thin surface just a little and you will find things much different, and not in a good way. Her marriage is well on its way to being over, her therapy credentials and career seem pretty shaky, and the murder house she and husband Joe bought intending to fix, flip and make a bundle on needs a lot more work than advertised, and comes with neighbors who want them out and the house bulldozed. Plus . . . what’s that noise coming from the attic?

The Stranger Upstairs gets off to a good start: you start to doubt anything and everything, suspect everyone and realize there is a great big ball of secrets to unwind. Events become erratic and the pace becomes frenzied. That’s the problem, though, because the writing also becomes erratic and frenzied. The premise is good, the characters intriguing but there is too much going on and not enough about the characters to guess at or understand their motives. It's a chilling story with some surprises near the end and will definitely keep you riveted.

Thanks to Penguin Random House for providing an advance copy of The Stranger Upstairs via NetGalley. I voluntarily leave this review and all opinions are my own.
GrandmaCootie | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 12, 2023 |
#FirstLine - Welcome to Black Wood House.

“The Stranger Upstairs" by Lisa M. Matlin is a gripping and suspenseful novel that explores the complexities of its protagonist, Sarah Slade, a therapist and self-help writer, who seems to have it all together on the surface. Set against the backdrop of a charming Victorian house with a dark history, the story delves into the entwined mysteries of Sarah's past and the eerie events unfolding in her newly acquired home.

Matlin weaves an intricate narrative, skillfully blending elements of psychological thriller and domestic drama. Sarah's journey, both as a character and a homeowner, takes unexpected twists and turns, drawing readers into her world of secrets, betrayal, and self-discovery. The author's vivid descriptions make the Black Wood House come alive, with its ominous atmosphere and chilling secrets that lurk behind the wallpaper.

As the story unfolds, readers are treated to a rollercoaster of emotions, from sympathy for Sarah's struggles to suspicion of her neighbors and the history of the house itself. Matlin masterfully builds tension, keeping readers on edge with each page-turn, as the line between reality and Sarah's increasingly unstable perception blurs.

"The Stranger Upstairs" is a thought-provoking exploration of the consequences of one's actions and the darkness that can hide behind the façade of a seemingly perfect life. Lisa M. Matlin's storytelling prowess shines through in this suspenseful tale that will keep readers guessing until the very end. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with a touch of the supernatural, this novel is a must-read.
Mrsmommybooknerd | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 12, 2023 |
I think I'm getting tired of obviously unreliable narrators. We got one or two chapters from the POV of a character with her head on straight and it was just so refreshing. It takes skill to weave a mystery from a trustworthy subject, rather than waving pieces of information around throughout the book like "look over here, you don't know the terrible thing they didn't tell you yet!"
I also didn't find the attempt at gothic atmosphere building successful, there are too many descriptions of things "like a dead body" and "like the skin of a corpse" and it just didn't create the gloom I think it was going for.
This is an interesting story all gripes aside, though the plot is lifted from a certain reddit post, so it might ring familiar to some. I think if you are unfamiliar with the genre this could be fun.
KallieGrace | 17 andere besprekingen | Sep 6, 2023 |
"I keep dreaming about the forest. I dream I’m running in the cold darkness as the trees reach down and try to snatch me up into their hungry mouths. I run and run. And all I can think is, I’ve got to find a way out. I’ve got to get home. I’ve got to get home.

Then the realization hits me like a fist to the jaw. And I finally stop running.

I don’t have a home. I’ve never had a home. There’s nowhere to run. And there’s nowhere to go.

I stand in the darkness, lost in the deepest part of the forest, and it doesn’t even matter, does it? I’ve always been lost."

Sarah Slade is a social media influencer, who has just moved with her husband into a murder house. This house was the site of a murder suicide between a husband and wife and has been vacant site. But because of the deaths, it's incredibly cheap. So she decides to blog while renovating the house.

But almost instantly after arriving at Black Wood house things start going wrong. Someone is leaving notes in their home, notes that are threatening Sarah with knowledge that she so desperately wants to hide.

This was a great horror thriller.

Thank you netgalley and Random House Ballantine for giving me an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
mlipman | 17 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2023 |
Review of Uncorrected eBook File

Question: When can a buyer purchase a long-vacant house for as much as fifty percent less than its listing price? Answer: When the house’s past includes a murder within its walls.

Sarah Slade, despite warnings to the contrary, sees Black Wood House as an opportunity. A social media goldmine if she posts all the ongoing renovation work on her site. A place to fix up and sell at a huge profit, or perhaps rent out. Either way, she insists that the house chose her.

But, maybe, working beside her husband, Joe, to renovate the house will help repair her marriage, too.

Only, none of the neighbors want Susan and Joe in the house. No one wants the house renovated and workmen are refusing to come anywhere near the notorious house. And, if anything, her marriage may actually be on even shakier ground than it was before.

Adding to Sarah’s difficulties, strange things are happening, as if the house wanted Sarah and Joe gone, too.


Cynical Sarah is a bit difficult to like, but she is a well-drawn and believable character. The best-selling author/therapist is quite duplicitous.

The creepier-than-creepy aura of Black Wood House fills the unfolding story with apprehension and tension, keeping the lights lit wherever readers happen to be turning those pages. But the house isn’t the only holder of secrets.

As unexpected revelations twist the story more and more, readers will find themselves caught up in Sarah’s nightmare. Lovers of good horror stories [and even of haunted house mysteries] will find much to appreciate in this atmospheric creep-fest.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this eBook from Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Bantam and NetGalley
#TheStrangerUpstairs #NetGalley
jfe16 | 17 andere besprekingen | Apr 19, 2023 |
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