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It's been a while since I have read Science Fiction and even longer since I've read Military SciFi. However, I was intrigued by the story line and certainly made the right choice in continuing the read.
Commander Sela Tyron refuses to surrender or to be sacrified. Abandoned by her executive officer on a resurgent planet, she protects her platoon with every ounce of her training. After delivering her team to the transport carrier, she confronts those responsible for this fiasco. It soon becomes clear that her survival was unauthorized, and except for her Commanding officer, Jonvenlish (Jon) Veradin's, actions in mounting a rescue, they would have been left behind.

Amy J. Murphy’s ALLIES AND ENEMIES revitalizes the compelling myth of the shield maiden,a female warrier, but this was no worn-out legend. It is a vibrant tale set on the futuristic backdrop of a high-tech military campaign. The world Amy envisions is both compelling and complete, and becomes instantly alive from the very first page.

Sela Tyron (Ty) is a fascinating character. She has an admirable physical toughness being a Breeder and all, but she also possesses endearing emotional frailties. It is a combination that makes the reader care for her ardently. As much as anything, it is Sela’s captivating personality that drives this novel. We're also introduced to other characters such as Ty's CO, Jonvenlish Veradin, who has feelings for Ty. We also meet his sister, Erelah, who is beset by her own demon, in the form of Defensor Tristic, who makes an excellend villian in the story.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading ALLIES AND ENEMIES. It kept me reading much to late and I'm looking forward to the next book, Allies and Enemies: Rougues.
Jack Murphy
urph818 | Jan 7, 2016 |