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We have become accustomed to speak of Crisis and it is to be conceited on all sides that is just as well. Recognition of our present crisis, and attempt to confront and understand its many aspects and serious effort to clarify and interpret our crisis experience is preparation for policy formation and action become immediate and pressing tasks. Despite their urgency, however these are tasks not likely to be understood, let alone adequately carried out, in the near future. Becoming accustomed to crisis too often has simply made the condition livable, and enabled us to postpone or avoid serious confrontation of the challenge. We must however learn to combine tolerance and patience with serious and intelligent effort to understand. In our foreign and domestic policies, a nation the crisis reveals itself as a crisis of Direction. What should we do with our enormous wealth and power? How should we use them to bring about the kind of world we desire? What kind of world Indy do we desire?
StFrancisofAssisi | Jul 10, 2019 |