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This funny, smart and sassy chick lit novel, March, is Sunni Overend's impressive self published debut. The owner of her own designer boutique, Sunni writes what she knows, setting March in Melbourne against the backdrop of the fashion industry.

Once, Apple March was the star pupil at the famed Emmaline Gray Academy but scandal ruined her promising fashion design career before it had already begun, and now the twenty nine year old Melbourne hipster is stuck in a dead end fashion retail job, trading quips with the elegant Jackson about their conspicuously wealthy clientele and their insufferable boss, Veronica. It isn't until her sister announces her engagement and begs Apple to make her wedding dress that her dreams are reawakened and Apple begins to stitch together a new future.

I have to be honest, fashion does not interest me in least (nor shoes) but that didn't stop me from enjoying this entertaining, light-hearted novel. The third person narrative is enlivened with witty dialogue and good description. I loved the humour and the distinct 'Aussie' flavour of the story.

In terms of plot, Apple is hiding a secret from family and friends and Overend takes her time in revealing it. Romance is a fairly strong element of the story with Apple and Charlie's undefined relationship simmering away, despite the presence of Charlie's (horrible) fiance, Heidi and Apple's casual liaisons with Henri and Noah. Plus Mena is getting married and Apple's flatmate, Chloe, is contemplating the same. Perhaps the only flaw for me in the story stemmed from the subplot involving Apple and Mena's father. I think it should have been developed more, or perhaps left out all together, as I didn't find it particularly relevant in terms of story or character development.

The characters are wonderful. I really liked Apple, who is lovely and down to earth. Jackson made me laugh, and so did Veronica (well I mostly laughed at her). I found I could easily envision all three of these women, though I thought Mena and Chloe were fairly interchangeable. Charlie, the croquet playing heir apparent is just gorgeous and his younger sister, Jill, a delight.

I am impressed with this appealing debut novel. March is an enjoyable, funny and stylish read which I would happily recommend, particularly to fans of the chick lit genre.
shelleyraec | Jul 16, 2013 |