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Bevat de namen: Pe Del, Master Del Pe

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Meditation and yoga can hurt you more than help you...if you don't have important secrets from this book.

Greakthrough information you can't find in any other book.

Learn more than 25 things that can go wrong while meditating and how to avoid them.
Know how to avoid dengerous meditation and yoga instructors.
Learn why wrong types of meditation can cause you to go bankrupt and lose touch with reality.
Understand why meditating near your children can meke them hyperactive and sleepless.
Study the 8 types of yoga and 12 meditation methods and how to choose the right one.
What are the 5 steps of meditation every meditator should know.

In this goundbreaking book, Del Pe, world meditation expert, master of achievable enlightenment methodologies and teacher of the Eastern wisdom philosophies, shares simple to advanced safe and effective meditations synthesized from his training with 4 enlightened masters from Asia and the Himalayas to help you live healthier, be happier, work smarter and grow faster.

Most of the millions of people practicing meditation or yoga put themselves at risk everyday by not knowing the dangers of meditation.

In this unique book, Del Pe reveals secrets about the dangers of meditation not available in any other book, audio or video programs about meditation or yoga. Full of safe and practical meditations, this book will teach you how to meditate safely and effectively and 'play with your sacred fires' without getting burned by applying the science and art of meditation.

Learn how to awaken the 3 anchor points of your soul in your body safely during meditation.
Discover that you have 12 chakras, not 7, and what it means for your meditation.
Know what types of meditation are harmful for pregnant women, young children and those with hypertension, heart disease, glaucoma, AIDS and cancer.
How and why you can be fried by combining meditation and yoga techniques incorrectly.
Know when your child is too young to do meditation or yoga.
Understand how smokers, alcholics and drug users can be helped or harmed by meditation and yoga.
How to craete the right meditatin space for your best meditation experience.
Why you can't achieve spiritual growth or enlightenment without activating your kundalini and sacred fires, and how to do it safely.
3 simple methods anyone can use to achieve samadhi, the ultimate meditation experience.

Del Pe, a meditation, yoga and healing science expert with mastery of not only the art but also the science of meditation, has deep understanding and experience healing meditators, yogis and even meditation teachers of the dangers and side efects of meditation. Trained by 4 Masters from Asia and the Himalayas, he has designed more than 50 meditation protocols for different age groups, health conditions and levels of spiritual development. Combining his expertise in martial arts, healing and eastern wisdom philosopohies, he has been able to train more than 40,000 clients and students and heal over 5,500 people in 50 countries. Many executives from top corporations like Sony, IBM, Coca-Cola, the World Bank and numerous pharmaceutical companies are using Del Pe's meditations to maximize performance and balance their lives. He is author of Inner Powers to Maximize Your Performance and From Success to Fulfillment. He is also the founder of the World Institute for Safe and Effective Meditation (WISEmeditation), a USA-based organization serving meditators globally.


Part I Meditation on modern life: Its forms and benefits
Chapter 1 Meditation: Is it a science or an art?
What is meditation?
Meditation as a science
Meditation as an art
The science and art of meditation compared
Chapter 2 How can meditation help you?
the benefits of meditation
Chapter 3 Compariative study of meditation and yoga
Yoga and its 8 types
8 core values of a modern yogi's lifestyle
Part II Understanding your energy anatomy: A key to safe and effective meditation
Chapter 4 The invisible energy anatomy every meditatior should know
Complete human inner anatomy
Enlightenment is a science
Chapter 5 You've got 12 chakras, not 7
Human energy centers or chakras
Current forms and features of the humand chakras
The 12 energy centers and their general functions
Other aspects of the auras and chakras meditators need to know
Chakra! and auric filters
Chapter 6 Where do your soul and spirit reside?
Old souls versus young souls
Where the soiul and spirit reside
The earth as a macrocosm
Chapter 7 Kundalini: How to play with your sacred fires safely
The kundalini or sacred fire
Energy form and myth of the kundalini
Kundalini changes as your level of development evolves
How to play with your sacred fires without getting burned
Part III Steps for safe and effective meditation
Chapter 8 How to meditate safely: 5 steps for safe and effective meditation
Step 1: Prepare yourself and your space for your best medtitation experience
Step 2: Concentration techniques: Learning to concentrate is easy
Step 3: Awareness meditation and wisdom development: Larn to let go and sustain inner attentiveness
Step 4: Higher inner experience through contemplation or samadhi
Step 5: Post-meditation rituals even many yogis don't know: A must for safe and effective meditations
Chapter 9 Your body postures matter
Commonly-used asanas or meditation postures
Your tools for more energy power: Body locks and seals
Chapter 10 Power switches for meditation: Magical secrets revealed
Index finger-thumb mudras
Anjali mudra
Dhayani mudra or meditation gesture
Chapter 11 Exercises for safe meditations
Body therapy exrcise and Inner Powers Meditation
8-step Internal Stamina Exercise for meditators
Chapter 12 Breath: The heart of meditation
How your body uses oxygen
Breathing and body postures
Know yourself: What do your posture and breathing style say about you?
Other factors to know
Part IV Applying safe and effective meditation
Chapter 13 Masterng concentration: A key to sharpening your mind
Reasons for the 'Monkey Mind,' 'Foggy Brain' and 'Butterfly concsioiuisness'
What can you do to improve your concentration?
Chapter 14 Awareness meditation: Learning wisdom the easy way
Awareness meditation techniques
Abstract mental awareness meditation can lead to ilumination
Chapter 15 Samadhi: Not just for advanced yogis
Factors affecting the intensity of samadhi experience
A journey to samadhi or higher inner experience
Mantric science for samadhi
Illumination method to achieve samadhi
Chapter 16 6 post-meditation techniques to avoid being-spirituall burned
6 steps to maximize your meditation experience
Chapter 17 Quick meditations to start and end your day
Meditation of goodwill
End-of-day technique
Chapter 18 Beat your fatigue and stress fast with meditations and exercises
8-step Internal Stamina Exercise
Synchronized Breathing Method
combination Breathing Method
Centering meditation: Navvel breathing method
Chapter 19 Self-healing meditation to live healthier, be happier and grow faster
Inner Renewal Meditation
Chapter 20 Advnaced meditation to experience your soul
Namascar Meditation
Chapter 21 Advnaced meditation: A balanced ilfe with one foot in heaven and one foot on earth
Procedure and protocal for Divine Alchemy Meditation
Balancing your material and spiritual chakral triangles
Chapter 22 Hidden dangers of meditation every meditator should know
Psycho-spiritual issues
Physical and viality side effects
Wrong combination or sequence of meditation or yoga techniques
Pre-disposed dangers for orineal and occidental meditators
More esoteric dangers
Chapter 23 World meditations for global transformation, healing and alignment
Monthly group and global meditations that can change the world
Chapter 24 Weekly schedules for safe and effective meditation to live your greatest life
Beginner level
Advanced level
Part V Directory of safe and effective meditation and yoga instructors, centers and schools
Chapter 25 How to choose the right meditation of yoga instructor for you
Selecting the right style and instructor for you
Directory of meditation groups, schools, centers and instructors
Quick references-Meditation solutions; End notes; Index; MDP organizations
… (meer)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |

