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Werken van Mark Lawrence Schrad


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Gangbare naam
Schrad, Mark Lawrence
Davenport, Iowa, USA
University of Wisconsin, Madison (PhD|Political Science)
University of Wisconsin, Madison (MA|Political Science)
Georgetown University (MA| Russian and East European Studies)
University of Northern Iowa (BA)
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Villanova University
Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Korte biografie
Mark Lawrence Schrad is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Villanova University. He is the author of The Political Power of Bad Ideas: Networks, Institutions, and the Global Prohibition Wave, which was published by Oxford University Press in 2010. His most recent book: Vodka Politics: Alcohol, Autocracy, and the Secret History of the Russian State (2014) has gone through two editions and has been translated into Polish, Slovak, Lithuanian, and Chinese.



Vodka v minulom storočí zabila v Rusku viac ľudí ako Hitler. A zabíja ich dodnes. Krajinu s imidžom superveľmoci už stáročia ničí závislosť na alkohole, ktorú podporujú autokratickí vládcovia. Po väčšinu času štátnu kasu až z tretiny plnili príjmy z predaja vodky a všetky pokusy zbaviť sa jej skončili katastroficky – na prohibíciu doplatil posledný cár aj posledný komunistický vodca. Reformy zmietli reformátorov, vodka zostala. Oceňovaná kniha popredného amerického rusistu prináša prekvapivý pohľad na ruské dejiny a jeden dôležitý faktor, ktorý zvyčajne podceňujeme, či rovno prehliadame.
Zničujúce dedičstvo vodky je vari tou najväčšou politickou výzvou nielen súčasnej generácie ruských politikov, ale aj tých budúcich. Autor si kladie množstvo provokatívnych otázok: Akým spôsobom využívali ruskí vládcovia alkohol na upevnenie svojej autokratickej moci? Akú úlohu hral alkohol v cárskych sprisahaniach? Bolo katastrofálne rozhodnutie cára Mikuláša II. o prohibícii skutočným katalyzátorom boľševickej revolúcie? Stal by sa Sovietsky zväz svetovou veľmocou bez alkoholu? Ako prispela vodka k pádu komunizmu a poškodeniu verejného zdravia v 90. rokoch minulého storočia? Dokáže dnešný Kremeľ prekonať ťažkú historickú záťaž, zredukovať enormnú konzumáciu alkoholu v krajine a tým prispieť k skvalitneniu životnej úrovne, prosperite a demokracii v Rusku?
Popredný svetový rusista dokladá, že deštrukčný alkoholizmus nie je súčasťou genetického kódu Rusov, ako skôr dôsledok politického systému, ktorý využíva a zneužíva vodku ako nástroj štátnosti. Kniha analyzuje úlohu vodky v rôznych historických obdobiach, od cára Ivana Hrozného až po aktuálnu putinovskú súčasnosť.
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Hanita73 | Mar 23, 2022 |
Vodka Politics by its name promises to be fun and delivers with stories of hard drinking Ruskies. But it's also a well written work of history with a thesis: vodka has been used for political purposes in Russia since at least the 16th century as a means of raising money by debauching the population with alcohol. In short, the state has been a drug pusher. Vodka is not merely a Russian folk tradition it's central to authoritarian control of the population, keeping the people poor and addicted.

The consequences have been severe creating an ongoing publoc health crisis. The average Russian man drinks half a liter of vodka a day, more than twice what the WHO considers dangerous. The population is in decline, the average height is shrinking, domestic abuse, crime, highway accidents, etc.. vodka is behind it all. Despite the evidence the Russian state takes no measures. Until recently, vodka bottles didn't come with screw on tops because the whole bottle would be drunk once opened. It's widely said by state officials that beer and wine is more dangerous than vodka, because most of those are imported and would infringe on vodka revenue. So beer is taxed 200% and vodka taxed very little. Previous attempts to reduce vodka consumption by raising prices have not gone well due to bootleg moonshine. But there are proven methods in other countries that would work to ween Russians off the bottle, but it seems unlikely Putin will do so because he needs the revenue and to keep the population comfortably sloshed.
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Stbalbach | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 12, 2017 |
It's an interesting premise but I think the author takes it too far. Vodka has obviously played a role in Russian politics because of the government monopoly ( and anyone who has studied the Yeltsin years knows that they have had their fair share of drunk leaders). However, alcohol is not the only reason why Russia had more problems economically after shock therapy than Poland ( for just one example). It was interesting and easy to read - just remember it is only one take on this capricious country's political history!… (meer)
cygnet81 | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 17, 2016 |



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