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Jan Scott is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapists, and a trustee of the Mental Health Foundation. She is currently head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Glasgow

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What do I think about this work?

Oxford's Short Introduction series are treasure!

This is a semi introduction to an academic field.

High Praises for all of them.

I wish, this was introduced to Middle School and High School students to Tamil People.

Oh, and Tamil Nadu is in India.


Most Tamil Students have no idea about career, which ties into working world.

They say,
"Anna, I don't understand anything?",
"Anna, I hate school.",
"Anna, Marks, Marks."
"Anna, What should I study?"
"Anna, If I don't get marks, my life is over"

[Anna=Brother in Tamil]

Introducing them, to Short oxford series might help them, develop their own interests in life.

Most of them make career choices, based on their family, relatives or, what's honorable?

Okay, What else?

In Tamil Nadu, depending on socio-economic status, people’s health views or opinions are shaped.

Eg: Talk to an Older Tamil Religious Person on this topic.

He'd say, praying would cure everything.

Some might inject, supernatural explanation, "demons, generation curse."

This is one dimensional explanation, there are multiple dimensions to be looked.

While, there are benefits of prayer, community support.

There are other dimensions of life.

What are my favorite parts from this work? ?

Chapter 4, 5, 6 is the meat of this work.

Okay, what's inside of meat of these chapters?

Models of Depression: Biological, Psychological, Sociological, Family, Genetic, Environment

Evolution of Treatments: Physical, Psychotherapists

Current Controversies and Future Direction

Quote from the book,

‘The good clinician treats the disease; the great clinician treats the person.’


For example, men may be more likely to become withdrawn.

Rather than to seek support from or confide in other people.

They may become more outwardly hostile.

They have a greater tendency to use alcohol to try to cope with their symptoms.


Birth of a baby is often a reason for celebration and a post-natal depression.

The Author says,

"Perhaps the most noticeable change in recent years is the shift away from the ‘doctor knows best’ approach towards a recognition that individuals have the right to express their treatment preferences and be involved in a process of shared decision-making."

More, from the Author,

According to Goodwin and Jamison’s textbook on Manic- Depressive Illness, the most common overlapping factors found in creativity and mood disorders are temperament (or personality style), thinking style (cognitive factors), and cyclical changes in mood.

I would recommend this for everyone, as public knowledge.

Along with this work, I would recommend,

History of Madness, Roy Porter

Roy's work gives a brief social history.

Based on Roy's work, based on history. Religious tradition handled this part of society well. Reasons were, they offered, love, empathy due to their allegiance to higher-power.

Deus Vult,
… (meer)
gottfried_leibniz | Jun 25, 2021 |


½ 3.4

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