Afbeelding auteur

Sasha Scott

Auteur van Who Wants To Be A Bimbo?

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Werken van Sasha Scott


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My sixth story by this author, but the first that isn't part of that 'Who wants to be' series. Apparently it's another transformation story, though, so that's similar to the others.

On with the show! So to speak. Bah, if this starts exactly like the others did . . . I might hit something.

Eeks. This starts off horribly.
“This place is filthy? Oh god I think I can feel a cobweb in my hair,” Rose whined out as she ran her fingers through her locks trying to shake free any nasty white. (Kindle Locations 10-11). - Well, jerked out of the story immediately. But bah. Let's just continue . . . this is some really awkward dialogue here.

“Ah so you two are the new contestants are we?” (Kindle Location 34) - Yoda? Is that you? What are you doing in an erotic story? Well . . no, Yoda would probably be more like: "Two contestants, are you?" Bah, I don't want to have to use my brain. I'll just use a yoda translator: 'ah so you two are the new contestants are, hmm?' Well, I was right. It is Yoda. here to turn two women into bimbos. Naughty Yoda! Naugthy! Hmms, I'm having a little too much fun running other parts of this story through the Yoda translator. Must stop. Must get back to story.

The creature floating in the air who appeared after the 'magical cards' were disturbed has a physical description nothing like Yoda. Darn. heh.

So, this story is similar to the 'Who wants to be a' series. In that people are a part of a contest, and that contest includes transformations. This time the game host is a demonic like floating person, there's more than one contestant (who are 'dueling' against each other) and there's no audience.

'The typically feisty Rose, not fitting of her name . . .' (one, that's awkwardly constructed, two . . . not fitting of her name? Rose? Thorns and all? Rose? Being feisty is not fitting of the name Rose? WTF?)

The two of them had both seen just how the game was played. It was a game of transformations and perversions. Each player would take it in turn to play a card which would trigger a transformation to their opponent. Each player would take it in turns until one of them achieved orgasm; the one who orgasms first loses. It was understandable why someone wouldn’t want to take part in such a game. (Kindle Locations 54-56).

In the end, the story was interesting enough to pass the time. A little too short and a little too abrupt an ending.
… (meer)
Lexxi | Nov 13, 2015 |
My fifth story by this author, all in the same series.

Let's see - same opening as always, host saying yo, I'm here, let's do this shit. Then woman walks up and onto the stage. This time it's an event planner. Who is on to pay for a wedding. Um . . . you know, you could just go to City Hall and stuff, right? I mean, if it's between 1) be transformed into a moronic bimbo who can't keep her clothing on and doesn't get to do what she came on the show to pay for or 2) go to city hall . . . I'd probably go to City Hall. *nods*

First answer that was answered incorreclty brings us to 'ask audience'. Top Popping Pillows, Biggest Rear in the West, Sweet Schoolgirl surprise, or Dickgirl. Eeks, I didn't even know dickgirl could be an option. Sweet schoolgirl, I know from prior reads, turns you into always and forever more looking like you are jailbait, or even 12. I forget now. The other's are self explanatory.

Luckily, for my own sanity, the audience didn't chose 'dickgirl'. No, they choose top popping pillows. So, she started the show with B Cup breasts. Now she has . . . um . . doesn't say. Just says "even if she got a DD cup . . .". Well, she has huge breasts now that have pulled her dress into a mini-dress.

This one seems to be getting more questions correct than normal, but not because she knows the answers. Just guesswork. But she got a second wrong now and getting a new wardrop. As in, if she gets exhibitionist experience picked by the audience her brain is rewired so she can't dress any way except exhibitionisticly. I'm not sure that's a word. The other choices are saucy schoolgirls, barbie girl, and raunchy rancher. hmms. Exhibitionist got picked for the first time. hmms. Interesting. Let's see it in action now, I've been waiting five stories for that one to be picked . . ..

And by rewired - the young woman practically had a panic attack right after that choice got chosen and her brain got rewired. Because she was wearing a lot more clothing than she felt comfortable in. Now. That kind of rewiring.

The only piece of clothing she was actually able to wear where heels, Katie still wearing the same blue high heels she’d been wearing to begin with. Apart from that the only thing she had on where bright, yellow, star shaped pasties over her nipples and a hot, pink, heart shaped pastie over her crotch. Not much of her modesty was saved; she was as good as naked. (Kindle Locations 186-188). - and that's the most she'll be able to wear. For ever and ever. Like, she'll be 80 wearing only pasties. Because of this brain rewiring.

Hmms. She's going to be renamed now. huh. I know one got renamed in a prior book, but I think that was just because she was happy to accept the hosts suggestion. Maybe. Well, her new name will be 'Barbie, bubbles, candy, or kitty'. Considering I already and have kitty in my name shows where I'd want things to fall.

hmms. She kept getting them wrong after that. Poor her. Now she's on the kinks round. 'the more the merrier' (sex), 'orgasmic oral', 'lesbian loving', or 'exhibitionist experience'. Knowing the title of the book, I'm going to guess they went with D.

Then a surpise round (I mean she lost again and the round is now on surprise). Orgasmic experience, fountain of youth, race remodeling, or filthy flirt.


And then she forfeited a round. Because of the orgasms. So, audience gets to choose a job for her now. Knowing the title, the reader already knows. And by this point she's not answering questions. So, final transformation - personality.
… (meer)
Lexxi | Nov 2, 2015 |
My fourth story by this author.

I see that "end with their mind in tact" error is still there. But this is a copy and pasted thingie from last story - the hosts opening for the show. Only difference is contestants name. (what, author keeps repeating the opening, I repeat the opening of my review *nods*)

Might as well describe, or copy and lift how the contestant for this story is described:
'Bianca was a dark haired young woman with well done makeup, dressed in a plain green t-shirt and a black pencil skirt which hung just above her knees. A pair of small heels slightly elevated her height as she strutted over to take her seat in the center of the stage.' (Kindle Locations 28-30).

I might or might not be generous with giving a rating of 3 stars. Reading four of these stories in a row, these type of stories I mean, can kind of get repetitive.
… (meer)
Lexxi | Oct 21, 2015 |
My third story by this author.

I see that "end with their mind in tact" error is still there. But this is a copy and pasted thingie from last story - the hosts opening for the show. Only difference is contestants name.

I mentioned in my last review how strange how the contestants dress. This time it's more about how glamorous the contentest dresses. I also mentioned how 'stupid' a contestant would have to be to go on the show, since, even when they win - the show cheats them out of the money (see first story). Well, now we have someone who comes on the show with massive attitude and full on - 'I'm going to win because I'm a genius'. Hmms. Okay.

She's also a little too . . . bitchy/overconfident/something or other when you consider that her fate is in the hands of the audience. At least if she gets a question wrong. And the prior stories have already shown that the questions do not always have the correct answers in them. Really really bitchy, she is.
… (meer)
Lexxi | Oct 21, 2015 |


½ 3.5