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Werken van Philip Shepherd


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Be present, step through the door to an anxiety free lifestyle.

Anxiety runs like an undercurrent through our daily lives. We often feel distracted and out of touch with our deeper purpose. These common feelings are the by-products of an exceedingly cerebral Western culture. In New Self, New World, Renaissance man Philip Shepherd explores the root causes of these feelings and presents practical solutions in terms so fresh that they open your eyes and your heart to a compelling reality.

In our culture we find it normal to live in our heads, in a fragmented world, absorbed in our own anxieties-the only imaginable state for people who mistakenly believe the body is a machine. But at our core, we know better. New Self, New World challenges this primary story of what it means-and feels like-to be human.

Shepherd demonstrates how we come into our true humanity only when we unite with our core-the deep, innate intelligence of the body. Our consciousness is not centered in the head any more than the universe is centered around the earth. To shift our paradigm, though, we need a revolution in our understanding of ourselves as decisive as the one begun by Copernicus. At once a spiritual handbook, a philosophical primer and a roaming inquiry into human history, New Self, New World cracks open the possibilities of human experience and, with clarity, inspiration and compassion, lays the groundwork for personal renewal.

It took Shepherd over 9 years to write this book and I can see why. This is not a subject one can take lightly if you do believe our culture is on the wrong path due to our obsessions with material things. We have become a society that cannot just sit still for any amount of time. We feel the need to be doing something every second of every waking moment. Stop and think about it. Can you turn yourself off right now if you wanted? Or does your brain continue to think and worry about what you need to, or want to do next. Shepherd explains in detail how, when and why this poisonous chatter started within our heads. Why we need to go back to thinking with our gut and gives us some exercises in the book to help guide you to at least begin to feel being in the present again. We have lost this sense of being in the present which is so scary when you truly think about it. I have felt this anxiety of constant motion for years now and hate how it makes me feel. Everyone thinks they need the newest, fastest or latest item in their life to make them a better person. How sad that we cannot turn off the lights for just a moment and become one with nature again. Their are many people who want this for themselves and work on finding themselves in the present everyday. Something that is not easy since we have been basically taught from the time we are born to turn away from our feelings of the present.

One thing I have learned from New Self, New World is that meditation is a start to being focused on the present. I used to look at meditation as something evil. Raised a Catholic you get drilled about not worshiping other Gods besides our God. But meditation is not about worship. It is about finding a balance and calm within yourself that you can feel and sustain on a daily basis. I would like to use an example; imagine you are in a large group of people outside. You are walking through an area, past many people, some are on their phones other are texting others thinking about what is next in their lives. You pass them by like they are zombies. They make no eye contact, with you, they are wrapped in their own world of the future or maybe they are thinking about the past. Then suddenly you hear gunshots nearby. This immediately causes the group of people to scatter and panic, some sceaming and maybe even getting themselves killed due to not thinking clearly because they have now been shot into the present, like coming out of a cannon. However, you instead, do take cover but do not feel any of this panic, instead you are able to keep a clear head and think about what you should do next to save your life. You are in the present and have been.

However I just want to make a point here that at this moment these other people are now also in the present due to this trauma. Because in our current society it is only during a moment of danger that most people come out of this sleep. But they come out of it in a panic instead of calm nature. However because you have been practicing on being in the present you can be calm. This is what being in the present is like everyday not just during an extremely bad situation. I know I have been in this state when I was younger many times throughout my life. I have felt it many times the last time the full sensation was being in a park that I love to take walks in. The trees swaying in the breeze the chirping of the birds and chipmunks loud and clear, your mind is blank and their is nothing but feeling and sensation. If you long for this feeling you need to educate yourself on how you can. Not an easy task in this world of noise and distraction, however, it can be done. Shepherd gives many examples in his book. But these only touch the surface since most of his book is reference. If you want some insight on this subject take a look at his book. However, I must warn you it is over 400 pages and not a book you can read quickly. This is a book which as you read you stop to reflect on what he is talking about. Some of it can be confusing at times. To this I say keep an open mind.

I have not been compensated in any way or form for this review. I have only been provided a complimentary copy of New Self, New World for review. Any opinions expressed above are solely my own.

… (meer)
autumnblues | Mar 14, 2011 |


½ 4.3

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