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> Babelio :

> Bernie Siegel est un écrivain américain et chirurgien pédiatre à la retraite, qui écrit sur la relation entre le patient et le processus de guérison. Il est connu pour son livre à succès Love, Medicine and Miracles.
--Wikipédia (anglais)
Joop-le-philosophe | Jun 1, 2022 |
Miracles are happening to exceptional patients every day-patients who have the courage to wok with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery. A wonderful book that every patient and skeptic physician should read If we follow Bernie Siegel's advice, we may all stay younger and healthier for many more years. In these pages is found a precious secret, that of health and well-being. I thank God for bernie and his book and know that it is and will be a blessing to all humanity. Love, Medicine and Miracles deserves to be on the same shelf with Norman Cousin's Anatomy of an Illness. Bernie Siegel, M.D., practices surgery in New Haven and teaches at Yale University. In 1978, Siegal started ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients), a specialized form of individual and group therapy based on "carefrontation," a loving, safe, therapeutic confrontation that facilitates personal change and healing. This experience led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her own healing potential. In 1988, he bacame president of the American Holistic Medical Association.
Gabriyella | 12 andere besprekingen | Jan 25, 2022 |
Drawing on his clinical experience, Siegel shows how we can alleviate stress and release the body's healing mechanisms. He demonstrates that when terminally ill patients take control of their illness, they change their lives beyond medical hope.
StFrancisofAssisi | 12 andere besprekingen | Nov 14, 2020 |
Crinyesto | Apr 21, 2020 |
Doctor Siegel cites the famous hospital study which reduced type A behavior in patients, and "halved the reinfarction rate of postcoronary patients". [v] Our society continues--witness the "election" results of November 2016--to regard noisy bullies who rage with hostility as our leaders. They are not. They are suicides. Doctor Siegel spelled out the facts in this 1986 book which arrives at the evidence-based conviction that our best and healthiest guide for behavior is "love for others".

Doctor Siegel writes about the documented connection between mind and body, in our "state of consciousness". I was delighted to see that Doctor Siegel echoes the great Chaplain, Henri Nouwen, for the curative principle of compassion. "Curing" a patient without care, is more harmful than helpful. [vi] The fear of "letting go of childhood pain" and bad messaging, is a much larger failure than dying. Death will visit all of us, because there is really no cure. However, the meaning of life is in loving, which happily happens to cure most of our afflictions.

"The fundamental problem most patients face is an inability to love themselves, having been unloved by others during some crucial part of their lives." [4] By loving oneself, and life itself, the quality of life is improved, and in many cases prolonged.

The epilgraph is from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's, "Cancer Ward". The "self-induced" healing, without drugs or treatments, has long been observed. "Suddenly for some unexplained reason the tumor starts off in the opposite direction! It gets smaller, resolves and finally disappears! See!"

Siegel relies upon science, with research, clinical experience, and facts. The book has two prescient sections: (I) Minding the Body, and (II) Embodying the Mind.
keylawk | 12 andere besprekingen | Jun 30, 2019 |
Este un libro sobre personas cuya historia demuestra lo que puede considerarse una curación milagrosa de una enfermedad mortal. A través de muchas historias reales de enfermos que tomaron la iniciativa de curarse, el doctor Siegel nos muestra como, a través del amor, la mejoría comienza el día que el paciente analiza el papel que juega la enfermedad en la propia vida y en las actitudes hacia uno mismo.
manueldejesus | Mar 5, 2019 |
> Babelio :
> Critiques Libres : "

> L'amour, la médecine et les miracles, est la version française du best-seller américain Love. Médecine and Miracles du Dr Bernie Siegel.
Avec une humilité édifiante, cet éminent chirurgien confie « ce qu'il a appris de ses patients exceptionnels au long de sa carrière », notamment que le respect et l'amour manifestés aux malades font plus de miracles quotidiens que la belle science froide.
Un livre que tous les médecins devraient apprendre par coeur ! Chez Robert Laffont.
--La presse, 30 juin 1989

> Bernie Siegel est un écrivain américain et chirurgien pédiatre à la retraite, qui écrit sur la relation entre le patient et le processus de guérison. Il est connu pour son livre à succès Love, Medicine and Miracles.
--Wikipédia (anglais)
Joop-le-philosophe | 12 andere besprekingen | Nov 28, 2018 |
Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals. Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day--patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to work with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery.
CenterPointMN | 12 andere besprekingen | Sep 17, 2018 |
Lessons learned about self healing from a surgeon's experience with exceptional patients.In 1978, Siegel started ECaP (Exceptional Cancer Patients), a specialized form of indivual and group therapy to facilitate personal change and healing. This experience led to the desire to make everyone aware of his or her own healing potential.In this powerful and inspiring book, surgeon Bernie Siegel confronts time-honored perceptions, eloquently explores the link between mind and body and shows how you can become an exceptional patient, a survivor.
CenterPointMN | 12 andere besprekingen | Jun 13, 2018 |
I read "A Book of Miracles; Inspiring True Stories of Healing, Gratitude, and Love" by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel and even though the title seems lofty, I found this book to have too much self-promotion and testimonials about the author himself. There were some stories that I really liked, but the rest of the stories seems overly optimistic. I understood that the power of prayer and positive thinking can change your world, heal your body, and make life better. However, there are such things as too much sappiness and mushiness. Unfortunately, this book seems to be one of them. Guideposts and Reader's Digest have similar stories about miracles and I've always enjoyed reading about them. They do not try to make a metaphysical point. They are emotion-filled, raw, pity-invoking kinds of stories. You take away what you will from these stories. Dr. Siegel's book did not invoke these kinds of feelings in me. Instead, I felt cynical because of the constant references to how wonderful the author and his teachings were. Really? The book would be much better without these. On the other hand, my feelings could have been because the author was preaching to the choir. I only learned a little bit of metaphysical information from this book. I would give this book three stars with a cautious recommendation to read it with a grain of salt.
RebaOrton | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 20, 2017 |
Everybody loves this book. I'm the grump who doesn't.
dcmr | 3 andere besprekingen | Jul 4, 2017 |
Lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon's experience with exceptional patients.
PendleHillLibrary | 12 andere besprekingen | Jan 29, 2015 |
I am a great fan of Bernie Siegel, so initially I was disappointed that the book turned out not to have been written entirely by Bernie, but mostly consists of a number of accounts composed by various of his former patients and others. Janet Colli recounts that Bernie tells us that "disease is a divine message of redirection" - very useful to keep in mind if one is ill.

Every now and then a chapter appears penned by Bernie, in which he comments on these accounts and otherwise provides us with inspiring tales of his pets and makes insightful comments.

I was considering just giving the book 4 stars, but then the stories got better and better, and what with the Bernie chapters and all, I had of course to give it top marks, 5 stars.

Bernie loves animals and has himself many pets, and many of the stories comprise pet miracles/synchronicities/ accounts of amazing pets. Others deal with miraculous recoveries from serious illnesses, helped of course by the persons in question having been inspired/helped/loved by Bernie.

Bernie grew up Jewish, and there are also some stories by those with Jewish backgrounds.

He tells us that each of his animals taught him something about his own behaviour and what he needed to incorporate into his life to be a better person.

He says if we raised our children the way we train and raise our beloved pets - "with love, trust, respect, consistency, exercise, affection and discipline" - it would be a healthier and more peaceful world.

Bernie can communicate with animals - talk to them and hear what they say, even if they've passed to the other side. This was inspiring to hear about.

He states: "Love is the only thing of permanence and the bridge between the world of the living and the world of the dead."

Susan Duffy tells us about Bernie that he would sit in a room with a dying patient for hours so that person would know that someone cared. "He was never afraid of the dying patient. He gave them the courage to live."

I've recently been in and out of hospital for 7 months. I wish there had been a doctor like Bernie there, but of course there wasn't. He is unique. I asked the doctors if they knew of Bernie, but no, they'd never heard of him.

The book also contained a chapter by a male doctor, one of Bernie's students, who was inspired by him and found out what being a doctor was all about - or should be about (my comment).

Another quote from Bernie: "Keep your eyes and ears open to the greater consciousness and let your awake mind and dreaming mind guide you and help you to heal."

We are told a little about Bernie's use of patients' drawings -how he interprets them, and are referred to a couple of books where we can learn how to interpret our own drawings.

This is a wonderful, positive, loving and inspiring book. It is easily, easily read and reading it will raise your vibration. I highly recommend that you read it, and all of Bernie's books.
IonaS | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 6, 2013 |
This book changed my life...forever, when I read it in 1992, when diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).

I heard words like "no cure for MS", "nothing you can do", and so on. I was only 29 years old and I decided not to believe any of the words, no matter what research showed, what well-meaning friends said, etc., etc. (lots of etc.'s) after reading this book. The book did not tell me not to face the reality of the illness but to face it in a different way.

And I have.

The first symptoms of MS started when I was 24 years old and now, in 2013, I have had the illness more than one half of my life (you can do the math). :-) I have been told by more than one doctor comments such as "you shouldn't be walking" (but I am )and "you should be in a nursing home" (but I am not). I live independently, have lots of goals for my life, and try to live my life one day at the time within the limits of the illness (yes, there are limits especially since I am getting older too). :-)

The illness affects every patient differently so just because they are not like me, doesn't mean that they have not done something right for themselves, or that I am doing everything right for myself. I have read many books in the field of psychoneuroimmunology (or mind-body connection to health) since then. Using Love, Medicine and Miracles I started my road in life owning my decisions, good or bad, negative or positive, and not letting outside circumstances alone own my life.
Ocean_Mist | 12 andere besprekingen | Apr 21, 2013 |
Buddy's Candle
For Anyone who has Ever Lost a Loved One
by Dr. Bernie S. Siegel
Illustrated by Mari Gayatri Stein

Slanted toward the young, but geared for everyone this precious 33 page book about life, love, loss and more love reminds us about how we are all one, and that love is never really lost, just shifted a little. I have always been mesmerized by the grace and heart of the author and I was completely delighted to find him again, especially in this format. He really is like the energizer bunny.

I was thoroughly impressed with the illustrator's ability to bring me right there, and hold my inner child captive as she energetically brought to life through amazing pictures the very touching story of Buddy and those who loved him. I would recommend this spiritual goodie to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Thank you both so much, for teaching us once again that love does conquer all.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 12, 2012 |
A small read with big messages throughout. It brings the reader to a place of understanding that miracles do indeed happen and exsist.
Denise101 | 2 andere besprekingen | Oct 3, 2011 |
This is a must read book for people who are dealing with a life-threatening illness.
rmyoung | 12 andere besprekingen | Nov 13, 2009 |
An inspiring and wonderful book for everyone, not just sceptic physicians and patients
Princesca | 12 andere besprekingen | Aug 9, 2009 |
é muito raro encontrarmos na actividade médica médicos que se disponham a aceitar, a propôr um modo alternativo de contacto com o doente, a abrirem o seu coração, a se entregarem de corpo e alma à tarefa maior da medicina: cuidar. muitos se preocupam em curar, curar, curar mesmo que essa cura se resuma a índices estatísticos de aproveitamento. não raro ouvimos: "esse caso é muito interessante", "vê lá bem este caso", etc. um doente não é um caso, tem nome próprio e respira como todos nós, tem uma família a quem ama, gosta de ver o sol nascer e pôr-se todos os dias. é um ser humano integral, com as suas fortalezas e limitações, com o seu modo de encarar o mundo. uma medicina que não integre isso tudo nunca poderá curar seja o que for, apenas adiar o inevitável.

os milagres acontecem quando amamos. e quando deixamos que o nosso coração actue. a prática de bernie siegel é mesmo isso: uma prática de deixarmos que criemos os nossos próprios milagres, amando, vivendo, rindo, chorando e expondo as nossas fragilidades. é engraçado como as coisas são: um dos meus "mestres", rolando toro, diz que o nosso corpo tem um inconsciente vital, que o impele para a vida e que é a mente, os nossos preconceitos, as nossas couraças que nos impedem de viver a verdadeira vida. essa impulsão é que transforma algumas pessoas em grandes lutadoras, em pessoas que vencem qualquer tipo de batalha, de doença, de amor, de trabalho. essa impulsão que nos faz viver até aos cem anos, como dizia bernie.

leiam esse livro: amor, medicina e milagres. é tudo o mais que tenho para dizer.

jorge vicente
np33di | 12 andere besprekingen | Apr 15, 2009 |
Great book for those interested in the power of the human mind over illness
dsnape01 | 12 andere besprekingen | Oct 30, 2008 |
phoenix4u2c | 3 andere besprekingen | Jun 5, 2007 |
Siegel's first book, Love , Medicine & Miracles , has headed the paperback best-seller lists since it came out in that format over a year ago. Yes, this latest book is rather haphazardly organized. Yes, it is somewhat repetitive and rambling. Yes, indeed, it needed far better editing. But the hope, spiritual guidance, and compassion it provides, both to people with life-threatening diseases and to their friends, relatives, and health-care providers, overwhelmingly transcend any stylistic imperfections. Highly recommended reading for just about everyone. Library Journal
LTW | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 2, 2006 |
I highly recommend this book to people and regularly give it to anyone I know who is having extreme health problems.

The best discussion I've read describing the distinction between curing and healing.
bilbette | 3 andere besprekingen | Aug 18, 2006 |
jmcdbooks | 12 andere besprekingen | Jan 29, 2013 |
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