Afbeelding auteur

Gabi Snyder

Auteur van Listen

5 Werken 125 Leden 9 Besprekingen

Werken van Gabi Snyder

Listen (2021) 61 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen
Two Dogs on a Trike (2020) 22 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Look (2024) 20 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Today (2024) 15 exemplaren, 2 besprekingen
Count on Us! (2022) 7 exemplaren, 1 bespreking


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Being present in the moment.
melodyreads | 1 andere bespreking | May 27, 2024 |
Patterns pop out in a new way, creating a different view of the world around us.

Following the day of a child and mother, this book encourages readers to stop and take a look at the world around them. Starting with the simple shadow from the back of a chair, each page leads further into the realm of patterns. From gardens to animals to stores and more, patterns are discovered everywhere.

Readers are directly addressed and encouraged, step-by-step, to gaze at their surroundings and discover various patterns. The text holds a playful, lyrical atmosphere as it suggests various places where patterns can be found. It fits the intended audience nicely and does make a nice read-aloud, but for group readings, it is important to have the illustrations very visible, since it's these which make this read hit home.

With a 3-D feel of texture and patterns, each page offers quite a bit to gaze at. I was surprised at how well suited this art style is for the purpose. The scenes are familiar, enticing readers to search in their own lives for patterns after the book is set down, but the scenes offer tons of seeking possibilities, too. It's fun to search through each one and not only discover the pattern mentioned in the text but see if others are visible as well.

This does a nice job at demonstrating how patterns are found even in unexpected ways and places. It never grows dull or monotonous but keeps expanding the variety, inspiring to immediately go on a search when the book is done. The last pages do hold a bit of information about some pattern types and offer ideas on seeking and creating patterns as an extra activity.

If nothing else, it is enjoyable simply to flip through the illustrations again and again and enjoy each and every scene. I received a DRC and kept flipping back to enjoy the colorful, rich scenes.
… (meer)
tdrecker | Apr 9, 2024 |
This is a comforting picture book, which delves into the wonder surrounding the changing perception of how fast or slow time passes.

Written in beautiful, flowing prose, this book journeys through different experiences, all of which readers can identify with and find familiar in their own lives. From the boredom of seemingly never-ending car rides to fun moments, while playing with friends, or even to the worries of anticipation, various situations demonstrate how the perception of time changes. Sometimes it's fast. Sometimes it's slow. It draws readers/listeners into thought and helps them recognize this in their own lives.

The illustrations carry careful details and make every scene vibrant in its own way. It's enjoyable to simply flip through the pages and let each moment settle in. There are situations readers can recognize from their own lives (or similar situations) and will be able to connect with the experience of passing time without too much trouble. The text flows extremely well with only a bit on each page, making this a great read aloud for even impatient audiences. It's warming, comforting, and enjoyable for both the listener and older/adult readers as well.
I received a DRC and really enjoyed the illustrations.
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tdrecker | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 22, 2024 |
Young girl learns to listen to all the sounds around her and the quiet too.
BLTSbraille | 2 andere besprekingen | May 23, 2023 |





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