Afbeelding auteur
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A magical tour behind the scenes in the 1939 production of Wizard Of Oz
pennsylady | Jan 24, 2016 |
I originally bought this book a few years ago when my now 7 year old daughter was being assessed at the central valley regional center for autism. I was flustered, devastated, and heart broken. I knew that I needed to get something that would really guide me into the world of autism and answer as many questions of mine that it could. This book was one of the many resources that I turned to, to save my sanity as my child was being assessed at the center. My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and in the end my now 7 year old was diagnosed with severe ADHD, learning disabilities, and expressive language disorder. Even though my children did not end up with the traditional sense of autism, this book was still incredibly useful. Today I still refer to this book, since many symptoms of ADHD are similar to high functioning autism. I feel as a parent of a two special needs children that I am obligated to recommend this book to other parents. It is worth your time and money and it will set your mind at ease as you struggle through the diagnostic process.
Jennifer35k | Jul 1, 2013 |
The Autism Prophecies
How an Evolution of Healers and Intuitives
Is Influencing Our Spiritual Future
by William Stillman

I loved reviewing this 207 page book because it was fascinating. I had grown up believing that autism ws an awful disease that people cam be born with, that could cause a lot of problems for them and their loved ones throughout their life. So imagine my amazement and joy when I found out that some people who are diagnosed with autism are blessedly gifted and are here for us to grow and learn from, and even more than that are here to change our world. I found the author's style very compassionate and reassuring.

This enlightened teacher through personal accounts and lots of wisdom., helped me to further and further understand how all the puzzle pieces fit. There was an excellent section in the back that had a series of questions that had been asked to those who had Autism and the responses completely helped me to see that there are some majorly intuitive and wise beings in that bunch. SO, first and foremost I want to apologize for the hate filled way I was taught to believe about Autism, I was so wrong. I would recommend this exciting read to anyone at all because there is just so much in here that we all need to learn. Thanks William, you are nothing short of an Angel.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 15, 2012 |
The Soul of Autism
Looking Beyond Labels to Unveil
Spiritual Secrets of the Heart Savants
by William Stillman

I found this 223 page book completely fascinating. I never learned much about Autism, so when I was given this book to review I was excited not only to learn about the many experiences of those who had it, but also the gentle and blessed approach the author uses to teach us about it, and how we can communicate with those exceptionally gifted people. The personal stories just blew me away, they were so honest and varied and well presented. I would recommend this precious teacher to anyone interested in such a deep subject from a spiritual point of view. Thanks, William for helping me to understand a lot better.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
biunicorn | Mar 14, 2012 |
Hooray! Hooray! Finally a book that offers real hope and resources for parents of Autistic children to understand what their child is experiencing, and to make life for themselves and their child easier to manage. Mr. Stillman speaks from experience as a person living with Asperger's Syndrome and as an advocate for those on the spectrum who can't speak for themselves.

An expert and passionate advocate for those with autism, William Stillman has written a commonsense guide for parenting children with autism. He believes that by giving those around the autistic child the information that they need to recognize their child's unique personality, will help liberate them from the culture of fear and the stigma so prevalent in our society.

He demonstrates why the current methods that are used don't tend to work, and offers a ten-step guide for a better, more fulfilling relationship with children with autism. By believing that they are essentially competent to handle tasks, their lives are enriched and so are the lives of those around them.

Many times parents, teachers and well meaning friends and family have many misconceptions about what autism is, as well as what life for and with an autistic child will be. Instead, people with autism are intelligent, insightful and can participate in life to the fullest. This book helps to dispel the myths and offer parents real-world insight.

This book will help you understand where your child is on the spectrum and how you can best help him to be the best he or she can be. He debunks the myths of high priced medications and therapies and offers real-life ideas on how best to help your child.

He also offers a section in the back of the book with tools for helping to manage your child's illness: A prescription medication questionaire, pain and discomfort inventory and a Sensory Sensitivity Inventory. He's also listed websites, books and DVD's that might be useful.

This is an awesome resource for parents, teachers, grandparents and anyone who has someone with autism in their life. This book will encourage and uplift and help you to advocate for them. As the tagline of the book says - "Celebrating (and Defending Your Child's Place in the World"
tbbycatt | Sep 6, 2009 |
I recently purchased this book (March, 2009)in order to have an example of a really bad book for parents or family with those diagnosed with autism-related disorders. I can't say anything good about this book's content, so I will just list a few assertions. The book cites facilitated communication as a technique that seems to have some merit, indicates that people with autism have either spiritual or telepathic gifts, and that they may have direct contact with celestial entities, and on and on. The author claims to have Asperger Syndrome, like so many other self-styled spokesmen of the "autism is just another way of perceiving" and not a disorder at all school-of-hucksters, shows a rather incompatible sensitivity and empathy to others in his writing, topics of interest, and examples. The book will come in handy in terms of drawing examples of opportunistic commercial pandering in a disability field.½
jmulick | Mar 31, 2009 |
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