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Werken van Petter Stitt


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2. The Gettysburg Review : Volume 10, Number 2 : Summer 1997 (168 pages, read Dec 4 - Jan 19)
Main editor: Peter Stitt

One of the many old lit journals I have lying around in stacks, and the first issue of The Gettysburg Review that I’ve read. Based on this issue, it seems to be a high quality journal with a lot of good poetry, essays and terrific stories. The short stories here stayed with me the longest. A few people have actually read through my previous posts like this, but please don’t feel compelled to read all this. The comments below are mainly for me. * means I liked and ** means I liked it a lot.

Essays and Essay-Reviews

Peter Stitt: Edgar Allan Poe’s Secret Sharer, Part 1 (Editor’s Pages) - On the undermining of Poe’s reputation by his main early posthumous collector and editor, Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Among other things, Griswold doctored Poe’s letters.

David Baker : Critical Disobedience: Nine Ways of Looking at a Poem - opens this way

This really happened. The poet just completed the evening’s reading and eased shut his notebook with tangible relief, glancing first at the reception area.
But the host had swiveled to face the audience of about fifty. With eagerness, a solicitous smile, she said, “Does anyone have a question for our guest?”
A young student shot his hand into the air. It was still straight in the air when he asked, “Can you explain what your last poem was about? Why did you write it? I know what it says, but what is it supposed to mean?
The jug wine and crackers and boxed cookies beckoned.
But the poet opened his book, and took a long breath, and read the poem once more, a little slower.

Jeffrey Harrison : Meditation on an Aphorism by Wallace Stevens: “A Poem is a Pheasant”

**Sven Birkerts : States of Reading - This essay was my favorite item in the book. See post #47 above for comments

Josephine Jacbosen : four two-page essays
- Editors Note - this is about Josephine Jacbosen…either a joke, or I’m easily confused, or both.
*- The Handless Clock - includes this , which Thomas Mann would love:

It could tell me accurately that time was passing; but it could not tell me where I was in relation to time. With a poet’s devious instinct, I understood that this was a metaphor for what I knew: that in a very real sense there is no true measurement for time in relation to the human being.
*- Time Out of Mind
*- Artifacts of Memory

Lawrence Douglas and Alexander George : Philip Roths Secret Sharer - A dry humor here, arguing for a real, ”second ‘Philip Roth’ who travels the world pretending to be the bard of Newark”, and then trying to figure out which one wrote which novels. Cute.

Floyd Collins : Enactment of Desire - reviewing three books
---- [Crossing to Sunlight: Selected Poems] by Paul Zimmer
---- [Trespasser] by R. T. Smith
---- [The Spirit Level] by Seamus Heaney – which or may not help me understand Heaney better


*Joan Connor : The Poet’s Lobster - A lobster, on his way into the pot, reflects on his brief life of self-awareness when he was author’s pet. ”I was not a deep thinker then. I had no need of thought, nor language for it.”

*Stephen Dixon : Wishman - A street man collecting money for wishes approaches a man having lunch outside with his going-senile mother.

Franklin Fisher : Blameless - The hiding of a hypochondriac-ish medical fear begins to look like adultery…

**Mark Wisniewski : Descending - A terrific story of a failed author, now working as Dr. Manuscript, an editor-for-hire, who stumbles across a job with a down-and-out author he happens to know and adore.

**Peter Ho Davies : On the Terraces - Another terrific story. The narrator recounts his last days in the hospital with his brother who is dying of AIDS, while trying to understand why he couldn’t understand him.


Robert Bly :
- People Like Us
- Sea Water
- The Parcel
- A Farm in Western Minnesota
Betty Adcock :
- Locomotion - “Her life/ is put together like a train…She moves/ possession after possession, into the next/ oblong of darkness"
- January
David Baker
- Still-Hildreth Sanatorium, 1936
Kristin Fogdall
- The Reading Room
- Oregon, 1859
- Coda
Delisa Mulkey
*- Eulogy for a Snake Handler Killed by a Canebrake - slang first-person poem about a preacher who preached holding poisonous snakes.
- Waiting for the Aliens
Vern Rutsala
- What’s Out There Now
Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
- The Vase That is Marriage
- Trouvaille
- Old Survey Road
- The Storm
Stefanie Marlis
- Butter
- Hollywood
- Proteus and Sunflowers
Caroline Finkelstein
*- New Address
- Purely Drinking My Coffee
Mary Jo Bang
- The Ana of Bliss - "The risk of proximity is always/ that the body will not contain itself."
- Renunciation of Dreams and Such
Quinton Duval
*- Storm
- When Budberg Died
Walter McDonald
**- Praying for Rain on the Plains - I posted this in our Poetry thread, here
Jane Hirschfield
*- Respite - opens ”Day after quiet day passes./I speak to no one besides the dog.”
Lawrence Raab
*- Meaningful Things - plays on writers' fear of their work becoming outdated.
Billy Collins
*- Housefly - cute
Michael Heffernan
- A Stand of Trees
Christopher Howell
*- Apacatastasis - about a curious raving street man who comes home to his wife at the end of the day, greeting her with these words

”What a day!
so long and swift with the air’s design
I’ve come back almost before I left
and then
came back again, which goes to prove
that God is not a bus.”

Daniel Hoffman
- A Witness
Ronald Wallace
- The Bad Snorkler
- The Student Theme
- L*A*N*G*U*A*G*E
Allan Peterson
- Hitting the Hot Spots
Brendan Galvin
**- Midsummer Nocturne - A fantastic poem.
Edward Nobles
- American Home
Daniel Halpern
**- Beauty & Restraint - another terrific poem, which opens with a quote by Paul Valery: ”The definition of beauty is easy; it is what leads to desperation”


Kathy Ruttenberg: Paintings

… (meer)
dchaikin | Jan 29, 2013 |

