Afbeelding van de auteur.

Geza Tatrallyay

Auteur van Cello's Tears: Symphonic Poems

17 Werken 73 Leden 13 Besprekingen


Werken van Geza Tatrallyay

Cello's Tears: Symphonic Poems (2015) 7 exemplaren
Arctic Meltdown (2011) 6 exemplaren
Twisted Fates (2018) 6 exemplaren
Twisted Reasons (2014) 6 exemplaren
Twisted Traffick (2017) 5 exemplaren
Sighs and Murmurs (2018) 5 exemplaren
Extinction (2019) 4 exemplaren
The Waffle and the Pancake (2018) 4 exemplaren
The Fencers (2019) 4 exemplaren
Rainbow Vintner (2019) 3 exemplaren
Extinction Rebellion (2020) 3 exemplaren
The Abyss: Poems for our World (2022) 2 exemplaren
Arctic Inferno 2 exemplaren
The Rainbow Vintner 1 exemplaar


Algemene kennis

Gangbare naam
Tatrallyay, Geza
Officiële naam
Tatrallyay, Geza Paul Zoltan
Canada, Hungary
Barnard, Vermont / San Francisco, California
Harvard College (BA), Oxford University (BA/MA), London School of Economics (MSc)
Marcia Nousanen (wife)
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Rhodes Scholar (Ontario, 1972), UTS Hall of Fame
Lucinda Clark
Korte biografie
Born in Budapest, Geza escaped from Hungary with his family in 1956, immigrating to Canada. He grew up in Toronto, obtained a BA from Harvard University in 1972, then as a Rhodes Scholar, attended Oxford University, completing his studies with a MSc from London School of Economics in 1975. Geza was on the Canadian Olympic fencing team in 1976.

Geza worked in government, international organizations, finance and as an environmental entrepreneur. He is the author of three published poetry collections, six novels, three memoirs, a short story collection and a children's book.



Geza Tatrallyay has made another fantastic and thrilling novel!

The Rainbow Vintner follows Morgan and Alex on one wild ride in Bordeaux, France. The story of this novel is influenced heavily by recent terror events and puts a brand new lens on these incidences. When Morgan and Alex get caught up in a giant plot against France, will they be able to alive and together?

There's also a lot of politics in this book. It's a political thriller, so it was a given (in my opinion). I like how Geza approach politics and political commentary in his book. I feel like I learn a different view of the world every time I grab one of his novels.

This book felt like Geza wrote it for me - I seriously loved it that much. Combine the fact that Geza always puts something knowledgeable and new in the books (and that lets me learn!), he also has amazing references. The reference to his own book, Twisted Reasons, had me giggling. The world views about terrorism had me intrigued. And, of course, throw in a Beatles reference and I'm an instant fan.

If I had to pick one thing I liked about this book it would be the paranoia. Somehow, Geza makes the paranoia real in this book. Who can be trusted? Should everyone be trusted? Going with my own gut, I ended up having a pretty good guess for what was going to happen (I wasn't entirely accurate though). Watching Morgan question if she should answer any phone calls and if she should change her look made it painstakingly obvious that this book was high stakes. The entire book grew progressively more exciting and built it's way up to the ultimate thrill ride.

If I had to pick one thing I didn't like it would be that it took a while for the book to really get into the action. The initial explanations were needed for this book to move and flow as good as it did, but that was a little con for me.

Side note: There seemed to be a lot of reference to read wine in this book. Like, a clear obsession...

I believe this book would be a solid read for the New Adult or older audience. We followed teenagers in this book, but it felt a little darker than purely YA. A teenager could read it no problem, but it felt like a book written for adults. There are some really rough and unsettling scenes in the book, so reader beware - if you have a light heart or stomach, maybe do a little research into the book first. That being said, it's not as R rated as Twisted Reasons. It felt like a couple steps lower on the rating steps, if you know what I mean.

Overall, I think this book was marvelous! There's lots of thrills, twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, a splash of romance, and lots of paranoia. It was a really fun ride and I can't wait for Geza to throw more books my way!

Five out of five stars!

I received this book for free from the author, Geza Tetrallyay, in exchange for an honest review.
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Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
The Fencers by Geza Tatrallyay is a beautifully woven, true tale of perseverance and fencing!

Autobiographies and biographies are one of those 'genres' that I really fall in love with when I start diving into them. Reading about someone's life and peeking into their mind is a truly marvelous experience for me! Having the opportunity to read Geza's story, in Canada of all places, was absolutely breathtaking!

This book isn't long, but it sure packs a punch. This story follows Geza's journey studying in Canada and joining the Olympic fencing team. I really enjoyed the fencing side of the story! I have always found fencing to be a memorizing sport to watch. Reading Geza's explanations of how the game is played and how various matches went was excellent! The ups and downs of a match, the crazy stories Olympians can tell and the descriptions of the matches were just so darn cool.

Fencing isn't the only aspect of this story that makes it so intriguing to me. Geza helping his friend Paul really stood out in this story. The Hungarian is trying to seek refuge in Canada, and Geza is up for the challenge. There were just so many aspects of this story that tied together to make it attention grabbing. The Olympic story line, Geza's undergraduate and graduate tales and Paul's story all wrapped up into one perfect gift.

The story may pull at your heart strings a bit near the end, but otherwise it's an empowering tale!

If I had a con, it'd be that I wanted a little more. Some of the stories presented were written beautifully, but I would have love to pick Geza's brain more! They sounded so interesting and I'm sure there's more to some of these stories than what made it into the book.

Overall, this book was a real gem! I'm glad I had the opportunity to pick this book up! I needed more biographies on my shelf, so this book will be the perfect fit!

Five out of five stars!

I received this book for free from the author, Geza Tatrallyay, in exchange for an honest review.
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Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
The Mind Spins by Geza Tatrallyay is a fun and intriguing selection of short stories, all crafted from Geza's creative mind or from his even more wacky dreams.

It's nice every once in a while to dip into some short stories or anthologies. Short pieces of fiction can really make you think or wonder what would happen after the story ends. Geza's collection of stories is a masterpiece of thought provoking fiction. I definitely had my favourites in this collection, but all of them are unique and engaging.

I personally enjoyed the conscious writing more than the dream writing, but every reader will have a different opinion. My two favourite stories was The Purple School Bus and The Abandoned Bra. There was also many other stories of nostalgia, memories, family, human trafficking, and tumbling into the unconscious.

What I found so fun and cool about these stories was the distinct nature of explaining that half of them were conscious writing and half of them dreams. It not only gives you some very different plot and ideas, but it can give you a peek into the writer's mind. Back in my school days, our English teachers always suggested we reach into our dreams instead of our conscious minds for stories. They always claimed because our dreams were more interesting than our everyday minds (which at the time I don't think was a very accurate, as I was far more creative as a child than I am now... but that's a whole different education system issue). The peek inside of Geza's brain is just an added bonus to the sophisticated collection presented to us in these stories.

Overall, I think this is a fabulous, little read. It's short, it's engaging, and it's super interesting. Short stories are a fun way to take small breaks from the big reads, and get small pieces of engaging reading. I highly recommend picking up this little collection. Geza's writing is (as always) fantastic and a break away from reality.

Four out of five stars!

I received this book for free from the author, Geza Tatrallyay, in exchange of an honest review.
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Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
Geza Tatrallyay is at it again with another fantastic read! Arctic Meltdown is an excellent book to pick up if you love history and mystery.

Let me be clear, I'm not a big fan of reading history in fiction. History is cool and I love learning the non-fiction side of it, but history in fiction normally turns me off. I'd rather watch a television show that shows history than read it. That's how I've always been. And then, Geza Tatrallyay stumbles into my reading sphere. Geza is one of the few authors that can write history and get me into it. He is able to grab my attention and keep it, all due to his writing style and prose. I always like to think it's that old saying, "You won't know unless you try it." Geza is that flavour of historical fiction that makes me go, "Yeah, this is good."

Anywho, this book needs an actual review, doesn't it?

This thriller sets us up in the melting polar icecaps. Hanne Kristensen, our lead, is a Danish geologist who wants to save the world (that's not a tall order or anything). This is pretty typical for Geza's books - a smart, intriguing lead who's going to set themselves up for one heck of a journey. They always welcome you into the story, fill you with curiosity, and then let you sat the world on fire with them. Well, not literally. Basically, they pull you in and take you down for one heck of a fun (reading) ride.

This book has a lot of political points throughout - Russian, Chinese, the works. The environmental concerns are also right up front and written all over. I honestly enjoyed seeing the different takes this book has! The initial introduction chapter didn't grab my attention at all, but once I got into the meat of the book I quite enjoyed it! Hanne was also far more interesting than what the initial meeting with her suggests.

But, what about the plot? I can hear you guys just screaming at me. Okay, okay.... With everything melting in the North Pole who has rights to what's underneath? There's so much down there - natural resources, potential creatures that could ruin humanity, extinct animals... You know, all the good stuff. Many countries are fighting to get what's underneath, but the conflict might bring up more bad than good...

This book might be fiction, but BOY does it make you think a lot. It felt like I was going down a dystopian rabbit hole. We're already kind of in it during my writing of this review in 2021... It's not too far off to see this happening tomorrow. Geza's imagination and creativity really wins you over with this book. Add in the true facts and historical moments that Geza throws in, and it's a wonder this book isn't more popular.

I did really like the reference to Canada laying claim to the Northwest Passage. Not that it adds much to the book other than I recently finished an English course that talked about Canada's history in fiction. The Northwest Passage was one of our talking points, so it made me smile to see a pinch of this in Arctic Meltdown.

Then there's my negative...A love triangle. If you know me, you know I am a SUCKER for romance. Unfortunately, this book didn't really need it. I didn't see the point in the romance and I thought the love triangle was kind of... bleh. That's what you get coming from a primarily romance reviewer. I definitely picked my side in it, but you can pick yours. There was definitely a clear winner and loser in my head. I'll leave it up to you to figure that out...

More key points about this book:
1. 100% an adult book. It has some R rated scenes, so I would highly recommend mature audiences pick it up.

2. This book is super smart and you can tell Geza did his research to make it. The intellectual nature of this book reminds me of Dan Brown's research when he writes his novels.

3. Top notch thrill ride. Yeah, that's all I'm adding for this line.

4. This book is long, but it moves fairly fast. There's constant plot movement and dialogue to keep you engaged.

5. There are endnotes for the historical events and true facts in this book. I absolutely ADORE a well researched book, so footnotes and endnotes get a bonus mark from me.

6. You'll learn a fair bit about Denmark (if you don't already know a lot). I never imagined I would learn so much, and I do appreciate it. I like learning a few new facts to throw out there.

7. It's about time we have an Oceanography led book. While this is sarcastic, I do like books that focus on your "not so typically read about" jobs. I definitely get tired of reading barista and authors getting the lime light since it's an "easy" job to throw on a character.

My biggest negatives:

1. The sex scenes are.... goofy. I come from the world of romance, so I tend to like my sex scenes to be written... well. Raunchy, romantic, however you want it there is a good way to write it. I just felt like these sex scenes didn't need to be there and felt very... forced. They felt awkward and unneeded, which isn't something you want out of a sex scene. Sex scenes can set the tone, so if this book was supposed to feel awkward... well, it did.

2. You need to pay attention to this book! It's not exactly a negative, but if you want a book to jump in and out of without much thought, this might not be it. Make sure you are prepared to pay attention and know what's going on. I sometimes read books just for fun and not to "pay much attention", and his book does not fit that mold. So, buyer beware!

Overall, if you like politics and environmental studies, with a pinch of mysteries and thrills... Pick up this book! It'a fantastic read!

Four out of five stars.

I received a free copy of this book fro the author, Geza Tatrallyay, in exchange of an honest review.
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Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |



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