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I j received this book as an unexpected gift. It brought a bit of England into Beijing. I have always loved Annie Tempest's work - she is a genius who has managed to encapsulate the English upper-class country folk so accurately and so humourously. Daffy Tottering (Lady Tottering to you!) is simply wonderful. We have so much in common. Her views on gardening, child-rearing, dogs, husbands, enjoying a glass (or three) of wine or a stiff G&T, chime so exactly with my own that I am sure we would get on like a house-on-fire if we ever met.
Last night when the package arrived, I read the whole book in one greedy sitting, and laughed so much that my DH came in to see what had made me semi-hysterical.
Thanks Jude, I love it, love it ,love it.
herschelian | Jan 24, 2011 |