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I finished this very quickly....the action started straight away and I was absorbed. A great thriller! I highly recommend this for anyone who loves this genre
Jfranklin592262 | 4 andere besprekingen | Feb 9, 2024 |
Damon Kennedy is the CEO of Crisis IT. At home, Damon is Marla's husband, and Sean and Bianca's father. It may sound like the perfect life, but behind closed doors, Damon's life with Marla and his family is not the same reflection that Sonya hears as his therapist nor the same as shared with his mistress, Athena. After being the victim of a hit-and-run accident, Damon is in an induced coma. It will be curious to know which truth Damon will tell the police about the minutes leading up to the accident when or if he wakes up. Damon may not be the only one with secrets.

In alternating chapters, the reader learns about Damon through the POVs of Marla, Sonya, and Athena. Each POV reveals how Damon conducts himself in different settings and relationships. At first, there are more questions than answers of a life with interlocking threads that may unravel faster than Damon can address locked in the silence of a coma. There is also a 4th and anonymous POV, and when the name was revealed, I was taken entirely by surprise. What a plot moment of Gotcha!

It was hard to put the book down, and I look forward to reading more of the author's writing.
FerneMysteryReader | Jan 4, 2024 |
I enjoyed this book! There weren't really any mind-blowing twists, but it did deal with a lot of heavy topics which really makes you think a lot more than the regular "child is missing" books.

In the first half of the book, I felt like a lot of Leslie's chapters were really repetitive and unnecessary, or could have been way, way shorter. The second half of the book was fast-paced and less repetitive.
filemanager | 2 andere besprekingen | Nov 29, 2023 |
Leah and Katelyn have been best friends since they were 6. Katelyn had a difficult childhood when she was taken care of by Leah’s parent and they basically became sisters. They went thru life together; marriage, divorce, infertility, depression … one always being there for the other. Cleaning up after Her 36th birthday party (not sure why the number is significant but it’s mentioned a few times throughout the book), Katelyn starts acting strangely. She is rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with TGA, Transient Global Amnesia, that can be brought on by stress. As she tries to unravel the mystery of what happened, secrets lies and betrayal come to light. Can anyone be trusted?

The premise was so intriguing to me, the cover inviting. Unfortunately I was disappointed in the execution. Told in 3rd person, with alternating Leah and Katelyn’s current, young and mid story. It was easy to keep track of and usually I would have enjoyed it, somehow this just didn’t work. It was slow moving and disjointed. I really couldn’t connect with any of the characters.

Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.
LoriKBoyd | Oct 24, 2023 |
An incredible book by a incredible writer!
This book had me hooked from the very first page and kept me reading right through the night. I am a relatively slow reader but I devoured this book in one sitting as I just couldn't put it down.
Fans of Lucinda Riley and Rachel Hore will love this book.
It well deserves every five star review it receives.
DebTat2 | Oct 13, 2023 |
I recently finished The Day After the Party by Nicole Trope, and I have to say, it left me feeling underwhelmed. While the premise of the book seemed promising, the execution fell flat.

The characters lacked depth and development, making it difficult to truly connect with them. The plot, although initially intriguing, quickly became predictable and lacked any real surprises or twists. The pacing felt off, with certain parts dragging on while others seemed rushed.

Furthermore, the writing style did not captivate me. It lacked the descriptive prose and emotional depth that I look for in a thriller. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural at times, hindering the overall reading experience.

Overall, it failed to leave a lasting impression on me. While it may appeal to readers, I personally found it to be mediocre.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to read and review this book.
JKJ94 | Oct 1, 2023 |
The Boy Under the Table by Australian author Nicole Trope is about Tina, a homeless young girl living on the streets of Sydney's red light district, King's Cross. Tina's struggle to survive the Cross is contrasted with the grief and worry in outback New South Wales, as farmers Doug and Sarah desperately seek the return of their young son Lachlan, who disappeared at Sydney's Royal Easter Show.

Tina's day-to-day life on the streets as a sex worker and living a sober yet meagre existence in a squat were shocking and compelling, thankfully with a ray of hope Tina will work through her grief and reclaim her life.

There were countless times the author could have taken a misstep in this narrative, resulting in some serious eye-rolling from this reader, but she didn't! In fact, I was actually waiting for a disappointing turn in the narrative, fully expecting Tina to do something unbelievable or for Lachlan to act contrary to his age or character, but again, it never happened.

Instead, I found myself worrying about the two characters during the day, and wondering what their futures held in the remaining pages. We're given multiple character perspectives, and the plot kept me engaged the entire time. I was relieved to find a satisfying ending filled with hope without once glossing over any of the trauma that had passed beforehand and the healing still ahead.

Ultimately The Boy Under the Table by Nicole Trope is a story of hope and courage and I couldn't help but be moved by it. Highly recommended for fans of Australian crime writing, or those seeking a refreshing take on the missing/kidnapped child trope in fiction.
Carpe_Librum | 3 andere besprekingen | Sep 15, 2023 |
Rachel and her mother fled an abusive husband and father when Rachel had just turned seven, sadly they could not wait and left her thirteen year old brother behind. The pact between the mother and child was that it was a secret and they would never tell.
Twenty eight years later troll dolls from Rachel’s childhood keep turning up not just in her new home but in her husband’s car and where her daughter can find them too, she is undoubtedly scared thinking her father had finally found her and worried at what he will do now. She cannot confide in her mother as she is in a hospice now with not much time and drifting in and out of consciousness due to the pain killers, she doesn’t want her last thoughts to be of worry either. She will have to deal with it herself.

This was an emotional read and is very real for some people. Told in a few different points of view past and present we see how it affected not only Rachel’s life as a small child watching and hearing her father abusing her mother and her life now but more importantly the damage done to the brother they left behind, his mental state and how it was for him after they left him.

Nicole Trope wrote a fantastic book and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.
StressedRach | 2 andere besprekingen | Jun 14, 2023 |
3.5 Stars

This was pretty good. It did get a little slow for me in the middle, but it kept moving just enough to keep my interest. I figured out the plot twist a little too early on which made it move slower for that reason. I did want more at the ending. However; I liked how it all wrapped up.

Overall, a decent read.½
SimplyKelina | 8 andere besprekingen | May 2, 2023 |
4 estrellas y media.

Me ha encantado. Me ha atrapado durante toda la lectura. Quería saber más y más de lo que realmente estaba pasado.

Uno de los libros que más me ha enganchado últimamente.

Tiene un giro inesperado prácticamente al final.

Quizás esperaba un final más espectacular tras un argumento con tanto enganche…

Aún así, lo recomiendo.

Primer libro que leo de esta escritora y ya estoy mirando algún otro suyo!!!
Sandra315 | 4 andere besprekingen | Apr 30, 2023 |
Megan waits at the school gates for her six-year-old son, Daniel. As the playground empties, panic bubbles inside her. Daniel is nowhere to be found.
Six years later: Daniel is found. But Daniel is not the same loving child she knew before his father took him from her.
The ending is somewhat predictable. Lots of rose-colored endings here….½
creighley | 8 andere besprekingen | Feb 26, 2023 |
The Stay-at-Home Mother by Nicole Trope is a highly recommended psychological thriller set in Sydney, Australia.

Terry, Andrea and three-year-old Jack move into a run down house in an expensive neighborhood. Andrea is very pregnant and not pleased with this turn of events. They lost their home due to Terry's gambling problems, so moving into this house, a fixer-upper, is thanks to Andrea's father who knew the person buying it was willing to rent it for awhile to them. Andrea is less than thrilled, but she feels she is stuck in her current situation and that Terry is going to try.

At the beginning Andrea is a bit distrustful when the neighbor across the street, Gabby, reaches out to her in friendship, but soon she is becoming a part of Andrea's life. Gabby is busy with her teenage son, Flynn, but is always available for tea and snacks with Andrea and Jack. She even pulled out some old dinosaurs Flynn used to play with for Jack. Gabby has offered to babysit anytime Andrea needs help. What young, exhausted, pregnant mother doesn't need this kind of support, especially when Andrea is suspicious that Terry is gambling again.

The writing is very good and the plot is fast moving, entertaining, twisty, and surprising. Some of the twists are easily guessed and others are truly surprising. There are several strange, odd occurrences going on and so suspicions and tension will rise while reading. You will be on alert for something to happen, and things do happen, which only results in raising the tension some more. The opening of the narrative will definitely grab your attention and keep you glued to the pages for answers.

The narrative alternates between the point-of-view of Andrea and Gabby. Both women are complex, interesting characters, and both of them are hiding secrets from each other. Andrea is keeping her husband's addiction and how it has ravaged their family's security, financially and physically a secret. Gabby's addiction to social media where she posts about her son was an interesting character trait, but the more engaging trait is that it becomes clear quite that she is a very unreliable and unbalanced narrator.

You may have to suspend disbelief a time or two, but The Stay-at-Home Mother is a great psychological thriller that most readers will enjoy start to finish.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Bookouture via NetGalley.
SheTreadsSoftly | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 24, 2022 |
Another great psychological thriller by Nicole Trope! The book is narrated through two POVs—Andrea, who is a young pregnant mother who moves to a new neighborhood with a young toddler, and Gabby, the woman across the street who is very into posting on social media, especially about her teenaged son, Flynn. Both women are hiding secrets about troubled aspects of their personal lives, which slowly are revealed over the course of the novel. Andrea is in a bit of a bind because of how close she is to her due date and because of troubles in her marriage and so she is forced to rely on Gabby for babysitting even though she doesn’t really know her. Then something terrible happens involving Flynn, and things quickly spiral out of control. I love books with unreliable narrators so this was a really fun one to read with lots of twists as we reached the second part of the novel. It was a short, fast-paced read that kept me guessing. I really liked the twists in the epilogues. 5/5 stars.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy of this book from Bookouture and NetGalley for review purposes.
KatKinney | 1 andere bespreking | Dec 15, 2022 |
The Foster Family by Nicole Trope is a very highly recommended domestic psychological thriller.

Elizabeth and Howard are foster parents for five-year-old Joe when he disappears from their front yard. The police are called in and the search begins. It becomes clear almost immediately to readers that Howard is not who he is trying to portray and Elizabeth as well as Joe are totally scared of him and under his control. Joe is a sweet little boy who just wants to watch the birds across the street from their summer rental at Gordon's house. Howard, however, governs them with and iron fist. He controls both Elizabeth and Joe. He doesn't accept anyone questioning his authority.

Gordon is a good hearted elderly man living across the street. He knows there is something wrong and Joe could be in trouble, but his memory isn't as good as it used to be. In an alternate story line we follow a man who found a brutally beaten young woman sitting on a bench when a man finds her and wants to call for help. She begs him not to, but agrees to allow him to take her home to recover.

The characters are all well-developed. They have and have depth and are portrayed as realistic individuals. This is what will pull you in and completely engulf you in the plot and the characters.

The writing is excellent and, admittedly, Trope will control your emotions like a virtuoso throughout. This is one of those novels that completely dominates you. You'll switch between being upset, emotional, angry, and crying quite quickly between chapters. I was also thoroughly aware that Trope was playing with my emotions and controlling them. Yeah, I accepted it and went with the flow. Chapters switch between different points-of-view. Most of the story is from Elizabeth's and Gordon's point-of-view.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Bookouture via NetGalley.
SheTreadsSoftly | 1 andere bespreking | Sep 22, 2022 |
The Foster Family-Nicole Trope-netgalley-
Another great psychological thriller by Nicole Trope

In THE FOSTER FAMILY, a man named Gordon who is suffering from dementia waits for his son Malcolm to come for a visit. He observes a family coming to stay for holiday in the house across the street, Howard, Elizabeth and their foster son Joe. But he soon realizes that Howard is abusive and Elizabeth is too beaten down to stand up for herself or Joe. There were lots of interesting characters in this one. There are two unnamed characters we meet early on who only become clear later in the novel—a young girl who has run away from a bad situation and a man who helps her. Most of the novel revolves around Howard’s horrific abuse of Elizabeth and Joe. When Joe goes missing, who will be believed, Elizabeth or Howard and where is Joe? The writing was outstanding. Howard is twisted and a truly detestable character. I enjoyed the twists in this one.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy of this book from Bookouture and NetGalley for review purposes.
KatKinney | 1 andere bespreking | Aug 18, 2022 |
It's a psychological thriller...and what a thriller it is. After about 20 pages the reader is caught up in the story hook, line and sinker. The story is told from the perspective of several characters, so be patient. We hear from former bad boy Logan, nosy neighbor, Gladys, and Katherine and her captor. We learn from the prologue that a dangerous situation is taking place in Katherine’s house and then we go back in time over the past few hours to see how events came to unfolded. I was drawn to the characters of Logan and Gladys. Their lives have been full of difficulties which made them intensely vulnerable. Logan’s life has been ruled by his bad choices and a terrible childhood. He is often judged for his criminal background and has feelings of guilt for his previous behavior. Gladys cares for her husband Lou who has Parkinsons. They have no children, and her world revolves around trying to make human connections to combat the loneliness. From Katherine and her captor’s viewpoint show the crisis within their family, with 5-year-old twins in danger which heightens the tension. It's a shocking story of a family being held in acute fear by someone that should love them. Be aware that there are some extremely intense and violent scenes that may greatly impact some readers.
Carol420 | 4 andere besprekingen | Aug 6, 2022 |
This is a true page turner full of suspense and danger. Katherine and John live with their twin 5 year olds in the house across the street from Gladys, the neighborhood busy-body. Both Gladys and a Logan, a man trying to deliver a package to Katherine, think that there is trouble at katherine's house, but neither do anything about it. It bothers both of them all day. Gladys doesn't want to call the police because she does so often and she is afraid they will not listen. Logan had deliveries to make and wants to keep his job. Besides, he has problems of his own. So, the issue at Katherine's goes on all day.
The events of the day are told from the perspective of all the characters and keeps the reader guessing how it will end.
Definitely a must read
henrog | 4 andere besprekingen | Jul 8, 2022 |
Spine tingling psychological thriller

I loved HIS OTHER WIFE, Nicole Trope’s latest psychological thriller. Sarah and Gideon have gotten a divorce and Gideon now has full custody of their young daughter Emily. Because of her hallucinations and mental breakdown that she suffered after the miscarriage of their second child, Sarah has been committed to a stay in a mental institution. For the past year, Gideon has been seeing Charlotte, and their relationship is very serious, yet Gideon has set ground rules. He doesn’t want any more children. And Sarah will always be a part of their lives because she is Emily’s mother.

The way this story slowly unfolds was very well done. You don’t quite know who to trust, and the use of unreliable narrators was great. I am a big fan of Nicole Trope’s books for the way she always writes really twisted situations and characters that are very interesting and this book did not disappoint!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy of this book from Bookouture and NetGalley for review purposes.
KatKinney | May 23, 2022 |
The Stepchild by Nicole Trope is a very highly recommended novel of domestic psychological suspense.

Leslie has Shelby, her 12-year-old stepdaughter, babysitting Millie, her three-year-old daughter, while Leslie runs errands. As she's leaving the grocery store, Shelby calls her and tells her that Millie is gone, missing; she ran away while Shelby was upstairs using the bathroom. Leslie rushes home and calls her husband Randall. They are all frantically searching for Millie. The police are called. Bianca, Shelby's mother and Randall's ex shows up, and then her new husband Trevor. It's every parents nightmare - a young child is missing and can't be found.

The Stepchild is told through the point-of view of Leslie, Shelby, and Ruth. Ruth suffers from agoraphobia, OCD, and a traumatic experience in the past. Her connection to the search for Millie is not discovered immediately but when it is slowly disclosed it will send your mind scrambling to find the clues and follow them. However, you will also know that Shelby is not telling the whole truth of what happened, which also will have you looking for clues in what she says. Leslie is frantic but she also didn't disclose every errand she was doing that day. Everyone has some secret, but Trope is very careful to disclose information slowly while providing plenty of misdirection.

Characters are depicted realistically and almost all of them will elicit sympathy. Some will evoke suspicion or doubt as new secrets are revealed and new clues exposed. You will not like all the characters, and your opinions will change several times as events unfold. Trope also handles the twists perfectly.

While I knew I would enjoy The Stepchild, I didn't realize how much I would enjoy it. The writing is clever and adroit. It is skillfully, tightly plotted and well-paced, which all serves to keep you reading just one more chapter as fast as possible. Almost every chapter ends with a cliffhanger or open question or foreshadowing which really works in this narrative to keep you guessing and frantically reading. The secret Shelby is holding and the cause of Ruth's pain is heartbreaking, but handled expertly and with great compassion. There was one element that was a bit unbelievable, but this is still an excellent novel.

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Bookouture via NetGalley.½
SheTreadsSoftly | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 3, 2022 |
Six years ago, Megan’s son Daniel was abducted during school pick up by his father after a contentious divorce. The book opens with Megan receiving the news that Daniel has been found. She hasn’t seen him since he was six years old. He’s now twelve. But many questions remain, including where he’s been all this time, what happened to his father, and Daniel is highly traumatized and very unwilling to talk. In the six years since he’s been gone, Megan has remarried to Michael, the detective who has been working on her son’s case. They now have a baby daughter.

At first, I was sure I had this mystery figured out. I was completely off the mark. This went in quite a few directions I did not expect and caught me by surprise several times in the final chapters with plot twists I didn’t see coming.
KatKinney | 8 andere besprekingen | Mar 3, 2022 |
Another great psychological thriller by Nicole Trope.

Three-year-old Millie disappears one morning while her mother is out shopping and her sister Shelby has been left home to babysit. Shelby, who is twelve, insists she only went upstairs for a second to use the bathroom. Her mother, Leslie, insists she was only supposed to be out for an hour. Both stories have inconsistencies.

I really loved the way this book examined the relationships in blended families, for good and bad. Leslie is married to Randall, Shelby’s dad. When Shelby’s parents were still married, they struggled financially. Now Randall’s software company is worth millions. Could this have been a factor to whomever took Millie? Shelby’s mother Bianca is remarried to Trevor, and there’s tension in that relationship, too. There’s also the matter of Ruth, a local woman who has a story to tell of her own.

I thought the book did a really good job of balancing really interesting character perspectives and keeping the pacing flowing. I liked how I felt like there were just the right number of characters and it didn’t get bogged down with too much to try to keep track of, but kept things nice and tight and told a clean story. This had some twists I wasn’t expecting!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC copy of this book from Bookouture and NetGalley for review purposes.
KatKinney | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 3, 2022 |
Really good book set in Australia- engaging, kept me guessing until the very end.
SallyElizabethMurphy | 8 andere besprekingen | Dec 7, 2021 |
The Mother's Fault by Nicole Trope is a highly recommended novel of psychological suspense.

Beverly is a single mother of eight-year-old Riley who works hard to keep to keep their lives running smoothly. What most people don't know is that Beverly has a secret, a secret that she is sure if anyone knows it will threaten their relationship. This is why she broke up with her boyfriend, Ethan, because he was asking questions she didn't want to answer. Now Riley is starting to get gifts dropped off at their mailbox. Beverly is sure they are from Ethan, but the card isn't signed. She tries to contact Ethan to thank him, but telling him to stop sending gifts, however, he is not responding to her messages and the gifts are coming. At the same time someone is watching Beverly and Riley, someone who has unknown plans for them. And then Riley disappears from the backyard one evening, and she contacts the police, which could change their lives forever.

The narrative is told through the point-of-view of Beverly, Riley, and an unnamed individual. Riley is the only truly trustworthy narrator, but he is limited by his age and knowledge. Beverly and the unnamed narrator both are less reliable because they admittedly have secrets. It is clear that Beverly loves Riley, and wants the best for him, but she is also terrified of having her secret exposed and the unnamed narrator is seemingly determined to do just that.

The plot and fast pace of the story will be what holds your attention and keeps you reading. There is a great deal of suspension of disbelief required, especially in the second half of the novel where we learn who the unnamed narrator is and all of Beverly's secret. The big reveal of the secret and everything revolving around it was a bit over-the-top unbelievable as far as everyone's actions and I will admit to some eye-rolling over it. But, as mentioned, the novel did hold my attention throughout and I wanted to find out what really happened. 3.5 rounded up

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Bookouture via NetGalley.½
SheTreadsSoftly | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 10, 2021 |
Even though Beverly is rather young for a mother, she has done the best in raising her son Riley the past eight years. Partners have been in the picture but whenever they got too close, she withdrew in her cocoon. But now, Ethan does not seem to accept her decision and by sending expensive toys tries to win Riley’s favour. However, Beverly is mistaken, the anonymous presents are from somebody else, somebody who has been searching her and who is watching her now, waiting for the best moment to strike. Somebody who knows her past and above all, the secret she has successfully hidden for years. Finally, her luck seems to come to an end and she is not only threatened to be exposed but also to lose the most precious thing of her life: her son.

Nicole Trope has wonderfully plotted the action in her thriller so that the reader is immediately gripped. By alternating the chapters’ focus, we are presented with different points of view that fuel speculation about who is this unnamed observer, what is this person up to and, first and foremost, what is Beverly hiding? I totally adored hypothesising about these questions, running in the wrong directions while the conflict slowly unfolds and heads towards a climax.

Beverly is a character you are fond of instantly. She is a lot younger than the other mothers and feels inferior not only due to her age but also senses that she needs to do better than the fellow moms to avoid being looked down on. Being a single parent is hard enough, for her, the pressure put on her from the outside makes it even harder. She only wants the best for Riley and is willing to put her personal luck second which is quite a compassionate attitude. That she becomes the focus of a villain seems unfair even though you are aware from the beginning that she, too, has some secrets which might be rather nasty.

A brilliantly crafted psychological thriller with some unexpected turns that kept me riveted from the beginning to the end.
miss.mesmerized | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 2, 2021 |
The Family Across the Street by Nicole Trope is a highly recommended domestic thriller set in Sydney, Australia.

Margo is taking care of her baby when she hears what sounds like gun shots. As she looks outside she sees the police and her older neighbor Gladys outside. When Margo steps out to ask what is going on, Gladys tells her that shots have been fired and to go back inside. At this point the novel jumps back in time seven hours earlier in the morning when it appears that things started to go wrong at the Wests' home. Logan, a delivery driver has a package for Katherine West that must be signed for, but she says she can't open the door to sign for it. This strikes Logan as odd, especially when he said he'd wait if she needed to get dressed or anything. Gladys noticed right away that the twins, George and Sophie, were quiet in the morning, rather than the loud and rambunctious five-year-olds they normally are, and she didn't see them leave for school. When she tries to stop by and talk to Katherine, she is told it isn't a good time through the closed door. She later tries to call Katherine several times but the calls are not answered. Later when she sees a sign in the upstairs window saying "Halp Us" she is certain something is terribly wrong.

The narrative is told through the perspective of Gladys and Logan, outside the Wests' home, and from the point-of-view of the adults inside the Wests' home where Katherine and her children are being held hostage. As this is a character based drama, Trope allows her characters to push plot development forward and help create a sense of unease, tension, and fear. While the drama inside the home is disturbing and dangerous, Gladys is dealing with her own problems with her increasingly incapacitated husband. While out on his deliveries, Logan learns some bad personal news and must process that information until he is in a place to deal with it.

This compelling novel sets a quick pace as it switches between the various points-of-view in short chapters. This swift shuffling between the perspectives of the four characters helps keep the tension building while you try to guess exactly what is going to happen next in the life of each character. Trope is careful to develop her characters without revealing any of the secrets she wants to keep for later and will deliberately lead you toward the action packed final reveal and confrontation. (The title was originally Home Sweet Home and then changed to The Family Across the Street, so reviews of this novel can be found under both titles.)

Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Bookouture.
SheTreadsSoftly | 4 andere besprekingen | Aug 15, 2021 |
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