Afbeelding van de auteur.

Swami Kriyananda (1926–2013)

Auteur van Art of Leadership

194+ Werken 1,059 Leden 14 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Swami Kriyananda (1926-2013) was one of the chief direct disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. After living with the great master during the last years of his life, Kriyananda traveled and taught in India. He was the founder of Ananda Sangha, a worldwide organization toon meer that disseminates Yogananda's teachings and practices. Ananda supports yogis and meditators around the globe via its website (, traveling teachers, meditation groups in many countries, and spiritual communities in the United States, Europe, and India. toon minder

(eng) Note: this is not the same person as Goswami Kriyananda (Melvin Higgins) of the Temple of Kriya Yoga

Fotografie: Swami Kriyananda in India, 2004. Photo by Jyotish Novak.

Werken van Swami Kriyananda

Art of Leadership (1987) 79 exemplaren
Conversations with Yogananda (2004) 31 exemplaren
Awaken To Superconsciousness (2000) 25 exemplaren
Meditation for Starters (1996) 22 exemplaren
God is for Everyone (2003) 21 exemplaren
Education for Life (1986) 19 exemplaren
Secrets of Life (1994) 19 exemplaren
Affirmations for Self-Healing (1992) 18 exemplaren
Yoga Postures for Self Awareness (1971) 11 exemplaren
Intuition for Starters (2003) 6 exemplaren
Affirmations and Prayers (1988) 6 exemplaren
Expansive Marriage (1995) 6 exemplaren
How to be a channel (1987) 5 exemplaren
The Artist as a Channel (1988) 5 exemplaren
The Singer and the Nightingale (2004) — Auteur — 4 exemplaren
The Peace Treaty (2004) 4 exemplaren
Letters to Truth Seekers (1972) 4 exemplaren
Secrets of Meditation (1989) 4 exemplaren
Kriya-yoga werk- en oefenboek (1994) 3 exemplaren
Rescuing Yogananda (2010) 3 exemplaren
The Road Ahead (1974) 3 exemplaren
L'essenza della Bhagavad Gita (2007) 3 exemplaren
Visits to Saints of India (2007) 3 exemplaren
I segreti dell'amore 3 exemplaren
Stories of Yogananda's Youth (2017) 3 exemplaren
The Land of Golden Sunshine (1987) 3 exemplaren
Finding Happiness: Day by Day (2014) 2 exemplaren
The New Path (2009) 2 exemplaren
Diálogos Com Yogananda (2007) 2 exemplaren
The Story Behind the Story (2005) 2 exemplaren
The Story of Crystal Hermitage (1986) 2 exemplaren
Meditatie verrijkt (2001) 2 exemplaren
I segreti del successo (2001) 2 exemplaren
Grundlagen des Channeling (1992) 2 exemplaren
A visit to saints of India (1975) 2 exemplaren
Tales for the Journey 2 exemplaren
Le rivelazioni di Cristo (2008) 2 exemplaren
Religion In The New Age (2011) 1 exemplaar
Art as a hidden message (2004) 1 exemplaar
Deus e Para Todos (2006) 1 exemplaar
Hyvän elämän aikakirja (1996) 1 exemplaar
Secrets of Attracting & Keeping Friends (1989) — Auteur — 1 exemplaar
Yours the universe 1 exemplaar
Astrologia: vita e saggezza (1998) 1 exemplaar
I segreti della felicità (2001) 1 exemplaar
Keys to the Bhagavad Gita (1967) 1 exemplaar
secrets of life 1 exemplaar
Geld magnetisme 1 exemplaar
The Book of Bhrigu 1 exemplaar
Segreti del matrimonio (2001) 1 exemplaar
I segreti dell'amicizia (2001) 1 exemplaar

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The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (1900) — Redacteur, sommige edities206 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Gangbare naam
Kriyananda, Swami
Officiële naam
Walters, James Donald
Pseudoniemen en naamsvarianten
Walters, J. Donald
Ananda Village, Nevada City, California, USA
Teleajen, Romania
Plaats van overlijden
Assissi, Italy
Yogananda, Paramahansa (guru)
Self Realization Fellowship
Korte biografie
Swami Kriyananda, born J. Donald Walters (born May 19, 1926), is a direct disciple of the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 – 1952), who made him a minister for Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), authorized him to teach Kriya Yoga, and made him the SRF head monk. Swami Kriyananda was elected as Vice President of SRF in 1960 and member of the Board of Directors.
He is the founder of Ananda, a worldwide movement of spiritual intentional communities based on Yogananda's World Brotherhood Colonies ideal.
Kriyananda is the author of over 100 books and the composer of over 400 pieces of music. His books and music have sold over three million copies, and are published in 25 languages in 90 countries. He has lectured worldwide. In addition to English, he speaks Italian, Romanian, Greek, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Indonesian.
Note: this is not the same person as Goswami Kriyananda (Melvin Higgins) of the Temple of Kriya Yoga



The Art and Science of Raja Yoga contains fourteen lessons in which the original yoga science emerges in all of its glory-a proven system for realizing one's spiritual destiny. This is the most comprehensive course on yoga and meditation available today, giving you a profound and intimate understanding of how to apply these age-old teachings, on a practical, as well as spirtual, day-to-day level in this modern age.

Over 450 pages of text and photos give you a complete and detailed presentation of hatha yoga (yoga postures), yoga philosophy, affirmations, meditation instruction, and breathing technique. Also included are suggestions for daily yoga routines, helpful information on diet, and alternative healing techniques. Apply these teachings and techniques in our daily life and you will attain your highest and potential: true happiness, inner peace, and the dynamic joy of your soul.

I've studed many books in hopes of finding one that would change my life, showing me how to be a happy, contented perosn. This book has been the one. It has taught me how to access peace from within my Self. It is a manual I will study again and again for its depthless teachings.-P.B., Dallas, TX

The lessons themselves are so rich that I learn something new every time I read them.-K.M., Ojai, CA

I must say the results are more than I expected. My friends say I'm glowing. I seem to have almost limitless energy.-P.O., Dundee, FL

The depth of knowledge I've gained is exaclty what I was seeking. Since I started the teachings, I have noticed a significant difference in the quality of my life. I feel more relaxed, more at peace, and somtimes find myself smiling with a joy that bubbles from inside.-P.R., Jersey City, NJ


Suggestions for study
Author's prefatory note
Step 1-The history of yoga
I Philosophy: The history of yoga
II Yoga postures: Special guidelines Sasamgasana, Bhujangasana, Utkatasana
III Breathing Savasana
IV Routine
V Healing: Insomnia, Part One
VI Diet: Insomnia, Part Two
VII Meditation
Step 2-The paths of yoga
I Philosophy: The paths of yoga
II Yoga postures: Basic princoples and practices, Vrikasana, Chandrasana, Trikonasana, Paschimotanasana, Halasana
III Breathign
IV Routine
V Healing: Integration vs. disintegration
VI Diet
VII Meditation
Step 3-Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga
I Philosophy: Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga: The eightfold path
II Yoga posture: Savasana, Paschimotanasana
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing: Hypertension and nervousness
VI Diet
VII Meditation
Step 4 Yama
I Philosophy Yama
II Yoga postures: Vrikasana, Padahastasana, the backward bend, Janushirasana, Dhanurasana
III Breathing Sitkari
IV Routine
V Healing Chronic fatigue
VI Diet
VII Meditation
Step 5-Niyama
I Philosophy Niyama
II Yoga postues: Ardha-Dhanurasana, the 'V' Pose, Karnapirasana, Chakrasana, Simhasana
III Breathing The alternative breath
IV Routine
V Healing: Respiration throubles
IV Diet: Fasting
VII Meditation Superconsciousness
Step 6-Life is a battlefield
I Philosophy Life is a battlefield
II Yoga postues: Pavanamuktasana, Uddiyana Bandha, Ardha-Mayurasana, Vajrasana
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing Stomach disorders
VI Diet
VII Meditation Raising the inner energy
Step 7-Affirmations, Part 1
I Philosophy Affirmations, Part 1
II Yoga postures: Sasamgasana, Supta-Vajrasana, Viparita Karani
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing Weight problems
VI Diet
VII Meditation: Meditation on the elements
Step 8 Affirmations, Part 2
I Philosophy: Affirmations, Part 2
II Yoga postures: Sitting poses-Siddhasana, Padmasana, Ardha-Padmasana, Sukhasana
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing
VI Diet
VII Meditation: Prayer, chanting, Japa, and mantra
Step 9-Energy and energization
I Philosophy: Energy and energization
II Yoga postures: Supta-Vajrasana, Ardha-Salabhasana, Ardha-Matsyendrasana, Akarshana Dhanurasana, Garudasana
III Breathing: Kapalabhati Pranayama
IV Routine
V Healing Circulatin and the blood
VI Diet Simplicity in all things
VII Meditation Concentration
Step 10-Magnetism
I Philosophy Magnetism
II Yoga postures: Parvatasana, Salabhasana, Matsyasana, Yoga mudra, dhanurasana
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing Sex problems
VI Diet
VII Meditation: A. Hong-Sau outline; B. Magnetism
Step 11 Guru
I Philosophy Guru
II Yoga postures: the inverted poses: Sarvangasana, Sethu bandhasana, Sirshasana
III Breathing: Sitali pranayama
IV Routine
V Healing Headaches
VI Diet
VII Meditation
Step 12-The anatomy of yoga, Part 1
I Philosophy The anatomy of yoga, Part 1
II Yoga postures: Advanced poses-Nauli, Mayurasana
III Breathing: Surya Badha Pranayama
IV Routine
V Healing The eyes, ears, and teeth
VI Diet
VII Meditation: Attitude
Step 13-The anatomy of youga, Part 2
I Philosophy: The anatomy of yoga, Part 2
II Yoga postures: Kechari Mudra, Aswini Mudra, Jalandhara Bandha, Jivha Bandha
III Breathing Jalandhara bandha, Ujjayi Pranayama
IV Routine
V Healing The legs and feet
VI Diet
VII Meditation: Attitude (continued)
Step 14-The yogic scheme of life
I Philosophy: The yogic scheme of life
II Yoga postures
III Breathing
IV Routine
V Healing
VI Diet: Diet for meditation
VII Meditation: Signs of spiriual progress
A farewell to the student
About the author
Index of Bible quotations
Index of recipes
Geneal index
An overview by subject matter
… (meer)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
It's not a bad little book. I bought it when it was (so very long ago) new, and actually knew people who knew the author. The explanations are good, the photographs are very helpful, and it's one of the few books I've kept, over time, from those days. I'm pretty impressed that there's an author's page with a recent photo for him.

The Wikipedia entry provides the best information. Interesting fellow.
Lyndatrue | 1 andere bespreking | Jan 8, 2014 |
This unique book teaches hatha yoga as it was originally intended: as a way to uplift your consciousness and aid your spiritual development. Swami Kriyananda's inspiring affirmations and clearly written instructions show you how to attune yourself to the consciousness of each pose, so that each yoga posture becomes a doorway to life-affirming attitudes, clarity of understanding and an increasingly centred and uplifted awareness. The book is illustrated with photographs of the postures.

About the Author:

Swami Kriyananda, born J. Donald Walters (May 19, 1926), is a direct disciple of the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 – 1952), who made him a minister for Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), authorized him to teach Kriya Yoga, and made him the SRF head monk. Swami Kriyananda was elected as Vice President of SRF in 1960 and member of the Board of Directors.

He is the founder of Ananda, a worldwide movement of spiritual intentional communities based on Yogananda's World Brotherhood Colonies ideal.

Kriyananda is the author of over 100 books and the composer of over 400 pieces of music. His books and music have sold over three million copies, and are published in 25 languages in 90 countries. He has lectured worldwide. In addition to English, he speaks Italian, Romanian, Greek, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Indonesian.
… (meer)
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
Art as a Guide to Self-Realization offers a blueprint for the future of art, and shows how art can be a powerful influence for meaningful existence and positive attitudes in society. The book presents a new approach to the arts, one that views both artistic expression and artistic appreciation as creative communication. It shows the importance of seeing oneself and all things as aspects of a greater reality, of seeking to enter into conscious attunement with that reality, and of seeing all things as channels for the expression of that reality.

About the Author:

Swami Kriyananda, born J. Donald Walters (May 19, 1926), is a direct disciple of the yogi Paramahansa Yogananda (1893 – 1952), who made him a minister for Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), authorized him to teach Kriya Yoga, and made him the SRF head monk. Swami Kriyananda was elected as Vice President of SRF in 1960 and member of the Board of Directors.

He is the founder of Ananda, a worldwide movement of spiritual intentional communities based on Yogananda's World Brotherhood Colonies ideal.

Kriyananda is the author of over 100 books and the composer of over 400 pieces of music. His books and music have sold over three million copies, and are published in 25 languages in 90 countries. He has lectured worldwide. In addition to English, he speaks Italian, Romanian, Greek, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Indonesian.
… (meer)
Saraswati_Library | May 12, 2010 |


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