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1 werk(en) 66 Leden 3 Besprekingen

Werken van Lisa Wilde

Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look At High School (2015) 66 exemplaren, 3 besprekingen


Algemene kennis



I think I was expecting more from this book, but I still liked it. There is a bit of a white saviour feel to it, which was not surprising considering it's a book about a "second chance" school written by a white lady. It's for sure going to have a white saviour feel to it. I didn't feel all that connected to most of the characters, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the art style, which wasn't my favourite. But in general, I liked it. It's definitely written more for adults who work with teens than for teens though!… (meer)
katebrarian | 2 andere besprekingen | Jul 28, 2020 |
Wilde's look at an English teacher's year in an alternative high school is "Up the Down Staircase" for the 2010s. While likely appeal to the hard-working English teacher (those essays! those required readings!) the book will be less popular with the students of which she writes. In addition, the book is very NYC-centric -- certainly understandable since this is the author's experience -- and may be a hard sell for teens from other areas of the country.
mjspear | 2 andere besprekingen | Dec 14, 2015 |
I got so much more out of Yo Miss by Lisa Wilde than I expected to. The drawings are rough and primary, but the story of these kids, this school, and this teacher, overrides that. Plus the drawing style took on some charm as I got further into the book, and she makes some clever layout choices.

These are second chance students who haven't responded to traditional teaching methods, typically because of a difficult home environment, or other life circumstances.

Lisa Wilde has taught English in this city school for 16 years, and she has the ease of experience to deal with the students' often unpredictable behavior. Real students are depicted in the story as composites, and periodically we're given something written by an actual student in her class. We end up rooting for the students to overcome the obstacles in their way - e.g., working to help their families, gang life, pregnancy, physical disability. If they make it, some will be the first in their family to graduate high school, or go to college.

The author cares for her students, but is realistic, and the message in the end is hopeful. Fans of Alison Bechdel, who calls this book "riveting", should enjoy it, as should, I imagine, anyone who has taught or been involved in the schools.
… (meer)
1 stem
jnwelch | 2 andere besprekingen | Aug 10, 2015 |




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