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Lolly WinstonBesprekingen

Auteur van Good Grief

5+ Werken 2,903 Leden 87 Besprekingen Favoriet van 7 leden


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Thank you, Lolly Winston, for writing a book with an authentic take on a real issue with a realistic ending. Happiness Sold Separately should be read by anyone who has ever been in a relationship where they find themselves not quite as enamored with their significant other as they once did.

Elinor and Ted have only been married for five years but have spent two of those years fighting infertility. As El struggles with the hormonal changes of invitro, failed conception, and lost pregnancies, she retreats within to spare her husband because he doesn't see or feel the events the way she does. Ted, on the other hand, feeling helpless and left out, begins to feel alone and takes to the gym. With the help of exercise and nutrition guru Gina, Ted loses that 15 pounds his contented married life has packed on and falls for the trainer.

The twists and turns are subtle and slight in Happiness Sold Separately, but they are poignant. Through a separation when El learns about Ted and Gina, a trial reconciliation, and an unexpected pregnancy, the couple learns that happy ever after does not always mean with the person they thought.

The beauty of this book is that there is no overt fighting, no mean-spirited hate spewed when faults are discovered. While emotions run high and unkind thoughts do prevail at times, the maturity of the plot and the writing leave the reader with positive introspection and positive lessons - people do fall in and out of love, and just because it doesn't work out doesn't mean someone is awful, and it is okay to move on when a relationship is done.

In a world where everything feels so contentious and yet authors write about fairytale relationships that leave readers resenting their actual real-life relationships (because of their inherent fissures and fractures and wondering why their life doesn't look like the movies), Happiness Sold Separately is a refreshing, honest look at what real relationships can go through.

This book should be required reading for married couples who are struggling. It won't save your marriage, but you may find a better way to disagree and let go if that time comes. So well done.
LyndaWolters1 | 34 andere besprekingen | Apr 3, 2024 |
i am honestly not entirely sure why i liked this as much as i did. maybe just how true and real it felt and how she captured life and the everyday tragedies so well. there are some turns of phrase and some lines and their placements that are just gorgeous and perfect. i thought this was great. until the knifing scene at the end? like what was that? as well as she'd done the rest of this book, i'm sure she could have figured a way to get them to the soft ending they deserved without this weird nonsensical turn.
overlycriticalelisa | 34 andere besprekingen | Dec 7, 2023 |
I was shocked at so many average reviews for this story. I believe in the merit alone that it portrayed mental illness and grief so accurately, and what to do about both, garners at least 4 stars for this story.

Most of the characters are very likable. Even the one who had the drinking problem, you can feel some empathy toward what it must be like to lose a child. Now, the sullen co-worker was not very likable. The story centers around two main characters, Sasha and Rudolph. Both have their own baggage. Rudolph has lost the wife of his dreams. Sasha is undergoing a divorce in a bad situation and has lost her only child in a swimming accident.

I felt like the casserole story was a wild goose chase. I understand that grief can make you do crazy things, like steal a casserole and eat it. However, the detail that went into that story as an aside, and how she buried her evidence, I was anticipating all the way until the very end of the story that Rudolph and Sasha were going to find it outdoors. We are to accept that the crazy coworker who falsely confessed did not do it. I never once thought he did. But somehow, a pharmacist who had a husband who handled the house loved her job, had so much to live for, was "stressed" and had an unexpected heart attack. To me, THAT was the stretch in the story. Now, I will admit that it pulled my heartstrings (no pun intended) when Bethany (Rudolph's first wife) asked about the fluttering heart feeling. My own mom had said something to me like that 1 1/2 years before her massive heart attack. She asked me if I had ever felt like that. I just looked at her and did not know what to say. I was a young married woman then, but I WISH I had gone with her to the heart specialist. She did end up seeing one, was on medication, but unexpectedly died of a massive heart attack.

There are so many teaching tools in this book. For instance, there are the false beliefs and stigma of entering a mental hospital. It is not anything like it used to be, assuming a person is admitted way before the behaviors are out of control. You don't automatically go in and get put in restraints and get electric shock treatment. You will find many people come from many walks of life and many talents. I would love to see high school students read this book and discuss it. They need to know real life as well as academics. They need to be able to recognize when a marriage is in trouble or failing. They need to realize when they need to get help when they can't function in life.

Read this book for the joy of love. I smiled when I read all the details about Rudolph. I am sure guys are going to say he makes them look bad. Well, Rudolph should be the standard for all husbands. Lovingly love your significant other and do whatever you can to make her happy.
doehlberg63 | 6 andere besprekingen | Dec 2, 2023 |
First third was depressing, characters became deeper in second third and then I was hooked by the end. Almost put it down in the beginning though - just realistically depressing
Asauer72 | 44 andere besprekingen | Jul 3, 2023 |
Thank you to #NetGalley and the publisher.

I enjoyed her other books, especially Good Grief which I gave 5 stars to on Goodreads. This one was only 3 stars for me though.

I wanted to read a book about a male character for a change.

For some reason, Rudy seems older than 54 He's a part-time pianist at Nordstrom since he was downsized from his job. His late wife Bethany, who was a pharmacist in a hospital, had the good paying job it seemed before she died. He works with Sasha, who he considers a friend, who's from Hungary and wants a divorce from her husband but is having problems getting one since he seemed to disappear.

This book is sad in a way the way he is grieving for his wife and what happens a year later. After that, his life got better thanks to Sasha.
sweetbabyjane58 | 6 andere besprekingen | May 16, 2023 |
Mom said she did not think I’d like this book
MammaP | 44 andere besprekingen | Feb 12, 2023 |
Thank you to Touchstone and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. I loved the premise of this book but this just didn't work for me. I thought that Rudy's grief over the loss of his wife was relatable and accurate and I enjoyed reading about the initial slow build of Rudy's relationship with Sasha. Unfortunately, a lot of new elements were introduced a little later on into the story and it all turned from a charming story about a widow to a lot of absurd ideas that I just couldn't connect with or felt very realistic.
genthebookworm | 6 andere besprekingen | Dec 19, 2020 |
Though not a light read, there are some light moments to make you smile. Glad the story used a mature (54) as protagonist. Rudy is dealing with the sudden death of his beloved wife, Bethany. He is trying to navigate as a widower, and finding it difficult as the Bethany’s first anniversary is coming. Your heart will break for Rudy, but will clearly see how realistic his situation can be. Navigating his mental health, his daughter and dating.

It is a story to tug at your heartstrings. Myheart broke for Rudy, Sasha and his daughter. Mental health and care is a big part of the book. Definitely a more melancholy read.

Thanks to Gallery Press and NetGalley for this ARC. Opinion is mine alone.
LoriKBoyd | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 24, 2020 |
Before I read the "conversation with the author" at the end of the book, I just knew that Winston had to have been awfully close to some kind of grief in order to write so eloquently about losing someone. The book presents what turns out to be a delightful but heart wrenching picture of the losses the main characters, Rudy, and Sasha, are experiencing, but also Rudy's daughter, CeCe. As the author explains how she writes, she does exactly those things in this novel---voices for her characters as well as very descriptive pictures of where they are and what they are doing. Just a very, very sweet book.
nyiper | 6 andere besprekingen | Jan 1, 2020 |
Title: Me For You
Author: Lolly Winston
Publisher: Gallery Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"Me For You" by Lolly Winston

My Rationalization.....

I found "Me For You" a pleasant read giving the reader some 'pleasure moments, funny, sad and by the end very relatable.' The two main characters gave this story some substance that will carry one through till the end where we find Rudy a fifty-four-year-old man who was struggling to move on after the death of his wife Bethany. Having had such a wonderful marriage just how will Rudy be able to move forward? After finding out from a detective Jensen who was looking into his wife's death as a murder...what will come of that? What will happen as Rudy was starting a relationship with Sasha where he worked as a pianist at Nordstrom? However, after a while, Rudy seemed lost and his daughter CeCe gets him into the hospital for some help which turns out he was suffering from a major depressive disorder. After being there for a while it looks like Ruby is improving. What will happen as Sasha shares her dark pass with Rudy? Will this be two people with 'broken hearts trying to figure out how to let go of their past and be truly happy together?' To get all of these questions answered and much more you will have to pick up this good read to see how this author brings it all out for the reader. In the end, this author "delivers a heartfelt and realistic portrait of loss and grief, hope, forgiveness, and two imperfect people coming together to create a perfect love story."

Thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC for an interesting read.
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arlenadean | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 12, 2019 |
“Me for You” tells the story of a middle-aged man attempting to come to terms with the death of his wife. In his work as a pianist at a major department store, Rudy meets and befriends a Hungarian woman, also a store employee. Thus begins the next chapter in his life, which is full of twists and turns before finally moving in a positive direction.

I fell in love with this book, and could not put it down. The author is spot on in her accurate descriptions of the emotional roller-coaster upon which one embarks when a spouse dies. This book spoke right to my heart, since I have experienced all the emotions of Rudy in the grief process, having been widowed myself and then finding a new love. She skillfully interweaves heartbreak, humor, and pathos to draw the reader into the story. (Rudy’s foray into internet dating is hysterically funny. As they say, I have “been there, done that.”)

The characters were well-drawn, realistic, and multifaceted individuals. These were people I would like to get to know. I liked the way the author alternated chapters between the different characters, allowing the reader to see and experience life through their eyes.

I highly recommend this book, not only for the casual reader, but for those who are themselves dealing with the loss of a beloved spouse. I only wish I had been able to read this book when I was newly widowed. This book would also help family members or friends to “see” grief through the eyes of the bereaved.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.
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LadyoftheLodge | 6 andere besprekingen | Mar 11, 2019 |
This was chosen by my book club. Most of us agreed it was not what we expected. Good for discussion but by no means a "happy" book.
godmotherx5 | 34 andere besprekingen | Apr 5, 2018 |
Great book about Sophie, a young widow and her mental collapses after her husband's death from cancer. Laugh out loud observations that are true to life, and I could feel the grief she had- I could taste it! She learns to deal with day to day life, complete with ups and downs and comes through very scathed, but alive.
camplakejewel | 44 andere besprekingen | Sep 24, 2017 |
This book has to have one of the most annoying child characters in the history of literature. As well as no likable characters.
janb37 | 34 andere besprekingen | Feb 13, 2017 |
Widows journey.
Listened on audio Campbell½
Indygirl | 44 andere besprekingen | Aug 4, 2016 |
After only 3 years of marriage, Sophie Stanton is suddenly a widow. Her computer programmer husband, Ethan, died of cancer leaving 36-year-old Sophie unsure of how to function in fast paced Silicon Valley. Most mornings she chooses to just remain in bed and eventually her high-pressure public relations job begins to suffer, most particularly when Sophie shows up at work in bathrobe and bunny slippers. As Sophie fumbles through the stages of grief she realizes that the best thing to do would be to move to a new city and try to start her life over. Sophie's best friend, Ruth, convinces her to come to Ashland, Oregon, a small artsy community. There, Sophie takes a job as waitress, with disastrous results, and is quickly downgraded to the salad prep station. After the head chef causes the pastry master to walk off the job, Sophie finds herself thrown into the world of cakes, pies and brioche. Summoning up a deep seated love of baking, Sophie revels in her new job and spends hours poring over cookbooks for new and enticing recipes. The dream of opening her own bakery becomes a concrete plan. Along with the stress of a new business, Sophie has taken on a surly teenaged girl, Crystal, in the Big Sister program, and has attracted the attention of a handsome actor, Drew, who unsettles Sophie's sense of loyalty to her husband.

I like Sophie's character very much and most of the supporting cast is good. Crystal is a neglected child with cutting and fire issues but is clearly crying out for someone to pay attention to her. Drew seems charming, although almost too good to be true, despite a dalliance with a beautiful actress. I didn't get a good sense of Ruth's character except that she seemed very bitter about men in general. At times the story was very funny while at other times the grief was nearly overwhelming.
Ellen_R | 44 andere besprekingen | Jan 15, 2016 |
a look a t a young woman's experience after the death of her husband. Endearing and often funny½
AstridG | 44 andere besprekingen | Jul 22, 2015 |
A friend recommended this to me when I was looking for something to read that was light and fun and fast. I wasn't sure at first, I sometimes shy away from books with death in them. I liked this. Lolly Winston has a way with descriptions that let you see what she is talking about (even though you wouldn't have thought to say it like that)...I finished the book about a week ago, so most details have leaked from my brain, but I do remember Sophie talking about her just out of bed unbrushed "hurricane hair". I know exactly what she means, I can even see it (in the mirror most mornings).
mlake | 44 andere besprekingen | Apr 28, 2015 |
My last book for 2007. I am discussing this book at my book club. If you're interested, read my thoughts, and the thoughts of the other members, there:
trishaj | 34 andere besprekingen | Oct 7, 2014 |
I rather liked the cover image – hung out to dry. A troubled marriage, first infertility, then infidelity. The story was a sensitive look into a marriage unraveling, though amicably enough, with the circumstances and choices played out.
countrylife | 34 andere besprekingen | Jan 27, 2014 |
A wry and loving story of a woman who, by muddle or mistake or humor or good luck, manages to survive the time after her husband''s death.

wareagle78 | 44 andere besprekingen | Jan 25, 2014 |
Sophie Stanton is 36, a competent public relations person for a successful company, and recently widowed. Cancer. She wants to be a classy, elegant widow like Jackie Kennedy, but her grief takes over her life until, having reached rock bottom in the coping department, she moves to Ashland, Oregon to restart her life. I've read several books along these lines, and it seems to be a theme of every other Hallmark movie that gets aired. But this is a well-written story, with some interesting and compelling characters, chief among them Sophie herself. She finds that she has strength she didn't know of, enough to spare to take care of one or two other people who come into her life. And I'm glad the author resisted the inclination to make her new man in her life a savior. The food fight was perhaps a little over the top, though.½
burnit99 | 44 andere besprekingen | Jan 9, 2014 |
The characters are solid but I thought the plot was unadventurous and predictable. Midlife crises make boring books when nobody goes entirely mad.
satyridae | 34 andere besprekingen | Apr 5, 2013 |
I absolutely loved "Good Grief" and was so excited to read another book by Lolly Winston. Unfortunately, this was just ... blah.
cait815 | 34 andere besprekingen | Apr 1, 2013 |
Finished reading. Loved the first half so much because she was insane, but I guess it had to get less ridiculous as she was healing....:(
angieshere | 44 andere besprekingen | Mar 31, 2013 |
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