Afbeelding auteur

Candace Wondrak

Auteur van Shadowed Heart

61 Werken 242 Leden 7 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Bevat de naam: CM Wondrak


Werken van Candace Wondrak

Shadowed Heart (2021) 34 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Cruel Black Hearts: The Complete Series (2019) 21 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Cold Dark Souls (2019) 11 exemplaren
Loser (2019) 10 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Violent Heart (2021) 9 exemplaren
Crooked Heart (2021) 9 exemplaren
Voyeur (2021) 9 exemplaren
Sins: A Dark High School Bully Romance (2019) 8 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
A Villainous Introduction (2020) 7 exemplaren
Cruel Control (2021) 6 exemplaren
A Mark Unwilling (2018) 6 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Sick Twisted Minds (2019) 6 exemplaren
Feisty (Midpark High #1) (2020) 5 exemplaren
Vile Wicked Eyes (2020) 5 exemplaren
Spite: A Bully Reverse Harem 4 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Spells and Necromancy (2018) 4 exemplaren
Defiant Rebellion (2020) 4 exemplaren
Skank 3 exemplaren
Psycho 3 exemplaren
The Harbinger 3 exemplaren
Opal (2019) 3 exemplaren
Liar 3 exemplaren
Killer 3 exemplaren
Freak 3 exemplaren
Twisted Love (2021) 2 exemplaren
Mates Unwanted 2 exemplaren
Violent Delights 2 exemplaren, 1 bespreking
Submission 2 exemplaren
The Reckoning (2021) 2 exemplaren
A Betrayal so Cruel 1 exemplaar
Rot 1 exemplaar
Dark Desires (2021) 1 exemplaar
Blood and Sorcery (2019) 1 exemplaar
Her Dino Destiny 1 exemplaar
Gods and Tricker (2019) 1 exemplaar
Mistakes 1 exemplaar
Sick Love (2022) 1 exemplaar
A Witch in Westcliff (2022) 1 exemplaar
Exhibition (Voyeur Book 2) (2022) 1 exemplaar


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I truly enjoyed this book even though it made me wonder about my mental health a few times. Definitely a book for only those who enjoy truly dark books I’m not sure if it had trigger warnings as I never look for them but if you have triggers please read warning or read with caution.
kianas_smuttylibrary | May 17, 2024 |
Deliciously dark take on Beauty and the Beast. This book takes you for a ride on the darker side of things when you met Maximus aka the Beast he is the epitome of twisted when from page one we see take his prized possession his claw and starts to torture Bethany’s father. This story pretty much follows the storyline in the fairytale except with darker themes. I really enjoyed this and the depravity of the beast he was so twisted yet for Bethany he showed just a tiny flicker of a softer side. I really did enjoy this the only thing is with most RH’s the love is spread equally and I felt as if Maximus was too much of an alpha dominating to share his little bird and he even said he didn’t want to but she still asked for it anyways and anytime they were together Maximus was always a voyeur and still hated the fact he had to share her and even though she said she loved them all I felt her love pulled more for Maximus than anyone. Overall a great take on this classic and I can’t wait to read more about Fang.… (meer)
readonreader | Jan 5, 2024 |
I gave this book a shot. I got about 50 maybe 60% done and had to give it up.

I didn't see the plot at all. It was kind of boring. It's called a reverse harem. But how? At the very most it's a threesome.

Having several different guys interested in you does not make it a reverse harem. And the fact that she's only had a sexual encounter with two people, makes it a threesome not a reverse harem.

I honestly think that the author should have done research before categorizing this book as a reverse harem.

I kept waiting for more to happen. The description of the book made me think that it would be a lot more interesting than it actually was.

I really wish that I could see what the other readers have seen to make this book interesting. Because it really wasn't.

There were a couple scenes I got my attention but then she had to go and draw on and on about her blog. Sharing the blog posts. Just on and on it was annoying. And then you have Lincoln in his forever monologue about how much he hates this girl but does nothing about it. It's boring. And I'm done with this book. I will not be finishing this series. And no I would not recommend it to my friends.

And for anyone who's going to argue with me that reverse harem could be just an interest in the girl, I'll put it to you this way, she has no personal experience with two of the people. She hasn't even met one of them yet and the other one is her boss. And she has absolutely no interest in her boss whatsoever. So again I put it to you this was not a reverse.
… (meer)
Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Uhh. This was horrifyingly bad. Unbelievable story with wretched character development. Missing words in sentence after sentence. Ridiculous plot line.
TheAubergineQueen | Feb 11, 2022 |




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