Vroege RecensentenDavid A. Robertson

LibraryThing auteur pagina

oktober 2023 Partij

Weggever beëindigd: October 25 om 06:00 pm EDT

Reeksen: The Misewa Saga (4)

Eli and Morgan experience life-changing revelations in this new adventure in the award-winning, Narnia-inspired Indigenous middle-grade fantasy series.

While exploring World's End, an area in Aski they've just discovered, Morgan and Emily delight in their developing relationship, while Eli struggles to understand his new-found power- the ability to locate a portal. A shocking turn of events leads them to a new village, Ministik, where the animal beings who live there are going missing. Horrified to discover who is responsible, the children vow to help and turn to friends, old and new. But it's getting harder and harder to keep the two worlds separate, especially when details of a traditional legend change everything. Forever.

Teen, Tween
Aangeboden door
Tundra Books (Uitgever)
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
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augustus 2023 Partij

Weggever beëindigd: 25 augustus om 06:00 pm EDT

Reeksen: The Misewa Saga (3)

It’s a race against time to save Eli, in this third book in the award-winning, Narnia-inspired Indigenous middle-grade fantasy series.

After discovering a near-lifeless Eli at the base of the Great Tree, Morgan knows she doesn't have much time to save him. And it will mean asking for help - from friends old and new. Racing against the clock, and with Arik and Emily at her side, Morgan sets off to follow the trail away from the Great Tree to find Eli's soul before it's too late. As they journey deep into the northern woods, a place they've been warned never to enter, they face new challenges and life-threatening attacks from strange and horrifying creatures. But a surprise ally comes to their aid, and Morgan finds the strength to focus on what's most important: saving her brother's life.

Fantasy, Teen, Tween, Kids
Aangeboden door
Tundra Books (Uitgever)
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
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april 2023 Partij

Weggever beëindigd: 25 april om 06:00 pm EDT

From the award-winning author of On the Trapline comes a cinematic fantasy-adventure story inspired by Indigenous legends.

One summer day, Lauren and her little brother, James, go on a trip to the land with their Moshom (grandfather). After they've arrived, the children decide to fish for dinner while Moshom naps. They are in their canoe in the middle of the lake when the water around them begins to swirl and crash. They are thrown overboard and when Lauren surfaces she sees her brother being pulled away by the Memekwesewak — creatures who live in and around water and like to interfere with humans. Lauren must follow the Memekwesewak through a portal and along a watery path to find and bring back James. But when she finally comes upon her brother, she too feels the lure of the Memekwesewak’s song. Something even stronger must pull them back home.

Children's Books, Picture Books, Kids
Aangeboden door
Tundra Books (Uitgever)
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
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augustus 2022 Partij: 2 Boeken Aangeboden

Weggever beëindigd: 25 augustus om 06:00 pm EDT

Reeksen: The Misewa Saga (3)
After discovering a near-lifeless Eli at the base of the Great Tree, Morgan knows she doesn't have much time to save him. And it will mean asking for help - from friends old and new. Racing against the clock, and with Arik and Emily at her side, Morgan sets off to follow the trail away from the Great Tree to find Eli's soul before it's too late. As they journey deep into the northern woods, a place they've been warned never to enter, they face new challenges and life-threatening attacks from strange and horrifying creatures.
Teen, Tween, Kids
Aangeboden door
Tundra Books (Uitgever)
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
Partij gesloten
Reeksen: The Misewa Saga (2)

In this second book in the Narnia-inspired Indigenous middle-grade fantasy series, Eli and Morgan journey once more to Misewa, travelling back in time.

Back at home after their first adventure in the Barren Grounds, Eli and Morgan each struggle with personal issues: Eli is being bullied at school, and tries to hide it from Morgan, while Morgan has to make an important decision about her birth mother. They turn to the place where they know they can learn the most, and make the journey to Misewa to visit their animal friends. This time they travel back in time and meet a young fisher that might just be their lost friend. But they discover that the village is once again in peril, and they must dig deep within themselves to find the strength to protect their beloved friends. Can they carry this strength back home to face their own challenges?

Teen, Tween, Kids
Aangeboden door
Tundra Books (Uitgever)
Boek informatieLibraryThing Werkpagina
Partij gesloten