Vroege RecensentenMarc Davis

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March 2013 Partij

Weggever beëindigd: 25 maart om 06:00 pm EDT

As the U.S. and global economies headed toward a major recession in the second year of the 21st Century, companies worldwide struggled to survive. Two strong businessmen who run a colossal international management consulting-accounting firm battle against one another to save the firm for which they both work, each with a different, conflicting method to rescue the company. One is the CEO and founder, the other is the senior-most executive who expects to succeed as head od the company. The CEO is an amoral, ruthless, megalomaniaz; the other partner is a prinicpled, but flawed idealist. Once they were as close as father and son, the older man mentor to the younger. Now their relationship collapses along with the economy as their on-going conflict escalates as the firm loses, one after another, its once-blue-chip corporate clients. A series of financial crimes ensue, instigated by the CEO - fradulent accounting to help clients seemingly make their estimated profits; insider trading by the avaricious CEO, to help him reap millions in personal profits. With his company near collapse, the CEO absconds with millions of dollars held in trust in a partners' bonus pool. the protagonist of the novel then begins hunting him down, using the methods of private eye.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Aangeboden door
The Permanent Press (Uitgever)
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