Vroege RecensentenDavid G. Fitz-Enz

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September 2012 Partij

Weggever beëindigd: October 1 om 06:00 pm EDT

While President James Madison was a brilliant scholar, author of much of the country’s early documents, organizer of the executive branch of government, and astute politician, he was no commander-in-chief. He relied totally upon appointed commodores and generals to conduct a war for the conquest of Canada on one hand and survival on the other. Often confused by advisors of little military talent, in the end he put his trust and that of the people in the grasp of hacks, sycophants, adventurers, and a few good men. This is the story of the good, the bad, and the outrageous that held the future of the young nation in their hands. About the Author: Colonel David Fitz-Enz, USA ret., served as a regular army officer for thirty years. He served two tours in Vietnam, one as a combat photographer and another as a signal officer. He is the author of Old Ironsides: Eagle of the Sea, Redcoats Revenge, and Why a Soldier? He lives in Onchiota, New York.
Biography & Memoir, History, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction
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Taylor Trade Publishing (Uitgever)
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