
Atlanta (148), Philanthropy (112), Enhancing Quality of Life (94), National Football League (72), Biography (70), Leadership (70), Business (60), Art of Change (57), Fostering Opportunity (52), Inspiring Spaces (49), Pathways to Success (49), General (36), American West (27), Jewish Studies (25), Politics Economics & Society (18), signed copy (13), not in circ (12), Better Beginnings (9), youth (6), Atlanta Falcons (6), united states (5), entrepreneurship (5), business (4), Periodical (4), interviews (3), biography (3), education (3), Education (2), Children (2), charities (2), philantropy (2), economics (2), philanthropy (2), social action (2), History (2), case studies (2), Football (2), health (2), High School (1), asia (1), jewish (1), philanthropists (1), oral communication (1), decison making (1), Inspiring Spacesart (1), puerto rica (1), Africa (1), Politics Economics (1), evironmental aspects (1), regional disparities (1), economic developmet (1), soviet union biograpy (1), adopyed children (1), Politics (1), endownments (1), Society (1), eleanor roosevelt (1), social reforms (1), global energy economics (1), Hospital (1), conversaion (1), civiliation (1), Philantrophy (1), water (1), Family business (1), Rehibilitation (1), Photography (1), Shepherd Center (1), context effects (1), industrial policy (1), teamwork (1), training (1), contagion (1), self-help (1), Resource (1), instructional (1), motivational (1), performing arts (1), food (1), statistics (1), oil (1), environment (1), literacy (1), diaspora (1), institutions (1), nature (1), community (1), wives (1), social psychology (1), management (1), social change (1), society (1), United States (1), strategy (1), earth (1), urban (1), brain (1), Native Americans (1), mind and body (1), social service (1), psychological aspects (1), humanitarianism (1), chess players (1), community organization (1), associations (1), citizen participation (1), chess (1), industrialists (1), presidents (1), Art and Culture (1), NFL (1), economic conditions (1), Brazil (1), excercise (1), foster home care (1), untied states (1), rural south (1), South Africa (1), foster children (1), organizations (1), economic aspects (1), diversity (1), environmental policy (1), natural resources (1), Fostering Opprotunities (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Aug 18, 2007
Over mijn bibliotheek
When using the LibraryThing catalog to locate materials, note that all books are shelved according to the first tag (or subject) listed in the Tags category. Secondary and tertiary tags are for locating materials on the on-line catalog but do not correspond to the specific shelf-location (ie. if the tags read "National Football League, Leadership," the book will be on the located on the NFL shelf, not the leadership shelf). Materials listed under the tag's "signed-copy" and "Jewish Studies" are interspersed throughout the library and have no specific corresponding shelf location. When using U-Check to check out materials: 1.) Scan your AMBFO Library patron barcode. 2.) Scan the material barcode typically located inside the back cover of each book. Return books by placing them on the return shelf to the right of the library's entrance. Books may be checked-out for 30 days at a time.

Over mij
The Arthur M. Blank Family Office Library was established in the summer of 2005 through the collaborative efforts of the AMB Group staff and graduating members from Clark-Atlanta University's School of Library and Information Services. Located on the ground floor of the family office building, the library consists of roughly 700 print materials arranged by subject matter. These general subjects include: Business, Leadership, Philanthropy, Atlanta, Biography, the National Football League and the Atlanta Falcons, the American West, Politics Economics & Society, and general reading. Contact LaTonya Kendrick if you need a new or relpacement library card. Kindly check out all materials using the U-Check self-checkout feature on the library's work-station.