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Jason Gabriel
Over mijn bibliotheek

My office is filled with books that I have been collecting for more years than I care to admit. Most of them are paperbacks, with a handful of hardbacks. It is comprised of Fantasy, SCI Fi, plus a few thrillers and horror books (by Stephen King) of course.

Some of these books are old! As an example, I'm re-reading the Foundation books by Asimov. Book 1 and 3 are from the fifties. I think I picked them up from a neighbor when I was a kid. I have no idea what happened to book 2, but the copy I have is from the 80's and is in pretty good shape. At any rate, books 1 and 2 tare so old, the ink is literally falling off the pages!

If you haven't guessed already, I love books! In fact, if you read my Bio, the first job I had with a real paycheck was when I worked at the local library. I plan on adding the books I love to my electronic libary here on LibraryThing.



Over mij

Jason Gabriel lives in the Midwest. He has been writing Fantasy and Sci-Fi stories for 40+ years. He collects books in both genres, and as his collection continues to grow, he has realized that he needs a bigger office. He loves to watch TV, as long as it is Sci-Fi or Fantasy. He has watched everything that exists on every service he has, even if the show was terrible. Jason has a wife who understands his obsession with the genres. He has two college age daughters who do not.

His first job with a real paycheck was working at a public library. One of his tasks was “shelf reading”. This required him to review the order of the books on the shelf, using the Dewey Decimal System. Then, he was supposed to put them in the proper order. Typically, he would do this for a few minutes, then find an interesting book. The librarians would frequently find Jason sitting on the floor reading. This was the origin of his obsession with the written word.

Jason has a dog who thinks he is a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog, and another cat that does not think at all. Jason likes red wine, beer and brandy. He enjoys them in that order but not on the same night. He rides his bike when he is not writing, watching TV or playing board games. He rides about forty miles a week when the weather cooperates. When it does not, he thinks wistfully about the beach.
