
indies (7), suspense (3), sci-fi (2), reincarnation (2), series (1), rock (1), snurds (1), rocking horse (1), tudors (1), henry viii (1), space (1), smugglers (1), anne boleyn (1), battle (1), afterlife (1), mystery (1), skeleton (1), romance (1), dark fantasy (1), literary fiction (1), action (1), humour (1), speculative fiction (1), hamgee (1)
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May 25, 2011
Over mijn bibliotheek
I read many varied genres according to mood, and write in a few! There is no more room for books in my house so I've had to migrate to ebooks on Kindle, and only buy hard copies of ones I want to keep and reread. My reading time has been significantly impinged upon by my writing, but still there's always the commute...
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I live with my wonderful partner and as yet, no dogs (this is two dogs less than the ideal).I like gardening but consistently end up with bountiful, verdant sweet-pea bushes with no flowers at all on them.

I am currently writing the "On Dark Shores" fantasy series, which starts with book 1 "The Lady" and continues with book 2 "The Mother" which is due to go live over the summer. There are likely to be quite a few more books than that though...

I loves meeting readers and hearing feedback, so do find me on Twitter or FB and introduce yourself!
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