
Haven't read yet. (17), not out yet (3), THIS WAS A GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE WHOLE STORY AND PLOT WAS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! (1), THIS WAS ALSO SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! THE ENDING WAS AWSOME THE WAY HE TIED IT UP. (1), I haven't read all of this yet. (1), I have read it now and it was o.k. (1), GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved this book!! It was sad at the end! (1), it was a good book. I liked this book!! It was sad at the end! (1), haven't read yet! my mom read it and she said it was a good book. (1), This is without a doubt the best short story that I have ever read in my entire life!!!!!! (1), This was a good story but a sad ending. (1), THIS WAS AN AWSOME SPIN-OFF SERIES OF THE CICLE TRILOGY!!!!!!!! (1), THIS WAS A GREAT BOOK AND JUST FIT SO WELL!!! (1), THIS WAS A GOOD HISTORCAL FICTION BOOK!! AND I DON'T LIKE HISTORICAL FICTION BOOKS!!!! (1), This is good. It is also gory. (1), This book was so good that I was astonished at Ted's writting. It's of my favorite books!!! (1), Great book. It will keep you intrested. (1), mystery book I've ever read in my lifetime!!!!!!!!!!! It will keep you guessing to the very end!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), This was a pretty good book. It will teach you some outdoor skills and survival skills!!! (1), Good book!!!!!!!!! Confusing too. (1), This is a good and funny book. I read it in the 2nd grade and I still remember part of it. (1), THIS WAS GOOD TOO!!!! AGAIN THE SYMBOLISM WAS VERY GOOD!!!!! (1), Haven't read yet. Need to read. (1), THIS WAS EXELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SYMBOLISM IS INCEDABLE! (1), THIS WAS SOOOOO GOOD!!! It was a different tyoe of write for him (1), I loved this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a great book. Tolkein is a great author!!!!!!! (1), but thet're so funny!!!!!! I haven't read the 7th book yet. (1), HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Haven't read yet. (1), Haven't read yet. But I now have the book so it won't be long before I read it!!!!!!!!! (1), The best book out of this series I think was "The Last Battle" (1), DO NOT READ!!!!!!!!! This book has more curse words than you hear on tv (1), I haven't read yet. (1), This book changed my life! (1), This was a good book too (1), like "Eragon" (1), maybe times 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), This was good (1), but it was long! (1), I haven't read all of this yet (1), This book was reallygood (1), but it was so depressing!!!!! (1), but it needs more action! (1), l like this book (1), I haven't read this yet (1), It may be a little childish (1), I love this book! I read it three years ago. This is the best (1), haven't read yet. (1), it was good. (1), but he did it and did it well! (1), I'm reading it now. (1), I have it now and it souds good. (1), This is my favorite book out of the three. (1), I LOVED this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), GREAT BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), This is my one of my favorite books!!!!! (1), This is the best book between Fury and Storm. (1), This is'nt as bad as you think! It's really a good play! (1), This is one of the best books I've read!!!!!!! It is nothing like the movie at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read the book and now I watch the movie and pick out what's wrong with the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1), It was a preety deep book. It was hard to understand without thinking haed about what wsa going on. (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
Lid sinds
Apr 27, 2007
Echte naam
Over mijn bibliotheek
I love the Dragonkeeper Chronicles by Donita K Paul. I love any Ted Dekker books. Christopher Paolini is a pretty good author too (Eragon and Eldest). Bill Bright is a good historical fiction author, as well as Jack Cavanugh.
Over mij
I love Steven Curtis Chapman! I hated to read until Mrs. King made us read Dragonspell in January I can't stop reading! I love to read so much that I can read 2 boks at a time! I also like video games (mainly Zelda), and the tycoon computer games. I love to play football! I am on my school's team. I'm number 40 and center. I love to build things. I would like to write a book one day. My favortie TV show is "Saved by the Bell!" and "Prisonbreak". I love to play the board game "Monopoly". I have a dog named Lucy, and 2 cats named Eragon and Teddy.
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